Work-Outs Of Canadian Horses., Daily Racing Form, 1913-07-30

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WORKOUTS OF CANADIAN HORSES Hamilton Out July 29 Tlie local track was fast this morning when the following workouts took place placeAbdon Abdon Mile in 1415 Acts good PMi Ix yal Half mile in 50 Training well Billy wellBilly well Trainingwell Vanderveer Half mile in 50 Training Birdie Williams Threequarters in 114 Is Isgood good goodBrynavia Brynavia Mile in 145 Acts good C billhas H Patten Seveneighths in 130 Is good bill has bad legs Uhrystiawoga Half mile in 50 Worked from fromthe the harrier harrierIliff Iliff Edge Threeeighths in 37 Acts good Commodore Fiveeighths in Acts good Coppcrtown Fiveeighths In 102 Training well Cousin Iuss Mile in 143 Acts good Delirious Mile in l4i Training well Diamond Cluster Half mile in BO Worked from fromthe the barrier Dr II L Swarenger Threeeighths in 37 la lagood good goodKnrl Knrl of Savoy Mile in 140 Acts good Kffcmli Mile in 140 Training well El wall Mile in 144 At her best Good Day Threequarters in ll i iK Acts good GrasimTc Threequarters in 110 Training Trainingwell well wellHearts Hearts of Oak Mile in 144 hard held Hodge Threeeighths in 5v At his best ioe Knight Threequarters in 115 Acts very verygood goodJolin good Jolin Bowman Half mile in 50 Has speed Just X Fiveeighths in 101 At her best Kamchatka Threequarters in 110 Acts good Uochares Threcreighths in 35 At his best Mediator Threeeighths in ST Training a trine trinesore sore soreMontcalm Montcalm Fiveeighths in 10 Is good Old Reliable Threeeighths in 37 Training well Ondramon Mile in l4o Is good and should shouldrace race better betterOssabar Ossabar Mile in 144 Training well 1ardner Mile in 140 Training well Righteasy Fiveeighths in 102 Is ready lloiimauia Fiveeighths in 101 Acts good Ruvoco Threequarters in 115 Is good Samuel It Meyer Mile in 140 Going slow T M Green Half mile in 50 Hounding to Towton Field Seveneighths In 132 Acts good Visible Threeeighths in 155 Acts good

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