Sixth Race [6th Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1913-07-30

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SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Straight 2ycarolds Selling 74858 104 3 97 MORDECAI ch K 2 105 By Glorifier Meta Eussell K Parr 9115 Belmont 51 f st 100 fast 7 103 4 4s Butwell G Water Lady Gallop W Shoes 9360 Belmont 51 f st 106 fast 95 105 22 21 Butwell 9 The Spirit It Gordon Ath Girl 9296 Belmont 5L f st l05fast 31 103 10391S6 3 = 21 Butwell 0 Delft Superintendent Lancewd 91S6 Belmont 51 f st l06ifast 5 103 21 21 Butwell 9 Delft Flask Small 9153 Belmont 68 st lOOM fast 15 109 9j 9i Butwell 13 Early Rose Surprising Naiad 8760 Belmont 5J f stl06fast 4 105 2 33i Butwell 7 WaterLady Stonehenge EMska 8630 Belmont 58 st 102 fast 4 107 4 3i Butwell i Gallop Water Lily Stonehenge 8149 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 34 108 4 451 Troxlcr 7 Cutaway Mater Executor 7930 HdGrace 41 f 54fast 5 109 22 22 Butwell 5 Gordon PrestonLynn MllkyWay 7901 HdeGrace 5S 104 mud 135 107 107POLLY 1s I2 Butwell 8 Cannock Spearhead J Marshall MarshallBy POLLY H b f 2 99 By Heno Polly H S Kearney 9981 Belmont 5i f st l0fifast 10 101 10195S6 3h 585 McCahey 11 Gallop Notoriety Disparity 95S6 Belmont 51 f lOSgood 10 103 52 41 McCahey 7 Sintendent ROlivcr Lancew 1 9323 Belmont 51 f st l06fast 16 109 73 7 McCahey S Supertendent Shenge WLady 9148 Belmont 5 f st lOSgood 8 98 31 li McCahey 12 Supertendent Anytime BPere 8901 Belmont 51 f l06V5fast 10 99 5iJ o J McCahey 9 Gallop WaterLady RobtOlivor 8032 Pimlico 12 48fast fld 109 1097SSO i 631 McCahey 11 R Gordon Stellata Odd Cross 7SSO HdeGrace 41 f 65slow 100 103 7 6 Schutger 8 Galaxy Mater Vega 7849 HdeGrace 41 f 64 fast 100 103 62 7 Schutger 9 TJn Jimmle Holiday Stonehenge 7805 HdeGrace 12 49fast 30 107 107NOTORIETY 9s 9McCahey 10 Ray o Light Mater Gallon GallonBy NOTORIETY b f 2 98 9899S1 By McGee Renown Oneck Stable 99S1 Belmont 51 f st l06fast 6 100 1009S35 21 25 Karrick 11 Gallop Disparity Mary Warren 9S35 Belmont 5S st 101 fast 10 105 42 481 Karrick 14 May Dora Fireside El Biod 7948 Lexington 41 f 53fast 27 110 7 5 Karrick 9 L Nephew Old Rosebud Francis 7871 Lexington 12 49hvy 10 103 103KEDRON Sh S Karrick 10 BWilliams A Mamie Penniless PennilessBy KEDRON br g 2 90 By Elkhorn Witch of Endor Lansdown Stable 9618 Fort Erie 58 l02 fcgood 15 92 1 9 nSnyder 10 Colors Centaurl Miss Gayle 9594 Fort Erie 5S l03lgood 3J 100 23 3 W Ward 9 Rags Bolala Behest 9521 Fort Erie 58 Itflgood 15 109 2nk Behest2nk 4 i v Ward 9 Beau Pere RustBrass Peacock 8707 Electric Ab5S 102 good 19 103 Sl Jackson 7 Panama Thelma J SweetSplcea 8117 Electric 41 f 57fast 108 113 618 C Jackson S Bulgar Odd Cross Colonel O 7690 Jamestown 12 49fast 20 111 61 7 G Burns 7 The Idol Miss Waters OddCross 7647 Jamestown 12 49 fast 100 105 5 6 Wolfe 7 Vega Cbas Canuell Enver Bey 7627 Jamestown 12 49fast 50 109 109CAPTAIN 102 10lWolfe 11 Delft Trumps Cbas Cannell CannellBy CAPTAIN BURNS b c 2 108 By Rockton Ravenna J F Dorsey 153 Belmont 58 st lOOVffast 12 10S 13 If24 Walsh 13 Early Rose Surprising Naiad 8915 Belmont 5i f st l05 fast 15 10S 81 8 lMinder 12 Surpsing StromboliPAmprcan 863 Belmont 5S st 102 fast S 114 114TRAP 0 G ° Rollins G Gallop ya r Lady Morderai MorderaiBy TRAP ch g 2 9G By Aeronaut Bettie Bouncer E B Cassatt 9910 Belmont 5S f st l07slop 23 103 f 5 = 1T Davies 5 Any I line The Spirit Andes 9830 Belmont 51 f st 108 fast 20 103 S S T Davies 8 Robert Oliver Delft Gallop 9763 Belmont 51 fstl06V fstl06Vifast ifast 15 101 9s 920 T Davies 10 Flask Mary Warren Disparity 9637 Belmont 5i f st 107 fast 10 103 8 5 = T Davies 8 Roauicr Delft Gallop

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Local Identifier: drf1913073001_3_5
Library of Congress Record: