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FIFTH RACE 34 Mile 2yearolds Handicap 84338 111 4 114 SOUTHERN MAID blk f 2 By Plaudit Sally K R Davies 10020 Hamilton 34 lllfast 25 118 4 1 I4 W Knapp r BlackToney Centauri Perpetual 9761 Windsor 58 l01hvy 18 115 1 1G 1 W Knapp 4 Czar Michael JPNixon Superl 9484 Fort Erie 58 l02good 95 115 1 1s I2 W Knapp 3 Little Nephew The Usher 9355 Hamilton 58 l00fast 910 120 2 24 22 W Knapp 4 Vandergrift The Usher S Pilot 9218 Hamilton 58 59 fast 85 113 4 2 2J P Moody 6 LNephew LyricMuse MGayle 8616 Toronto S l00fast 14 115 1 1s Il P Moody 5 MissGayle Rotoil WillieWaddell 8434 Toronto 41 f 58fast 45 102 4 12 110 p Moody S MGayle FWuzzy Scar Letter LetterBy CROSSBUN br f 2 108 By Peter Pan Lucy Cross A Belmont 10429 Saratoga 5 f l07fast 115 114 2 lJ I1 T McTagt S Edith W Xalad Chrlstoplfme 10263 Saratoga 51 f l07fast 15 109 1 I1 11 A Fergusn G Orotund Hiirakan Cutaway 9365 Beltnont 58 st 5Dfast 8 109 1 21 54J T McTagrt 7 Orotund Hypatla Galaxy 9247 Belmont 58 st 59ysfast 7 109 2 Spirit4b 8 8 iT McTagt 8 Mater Galaxy The Spirit 9153 Belmont 5S st l00ysfast 12 109 4 4b 6 1T McTagrU3 Early Rose Surprising Naiad 8190 Pimlico 41 f 56fast 710 109 4 1s I1 A Fergusnll Veilchen BeauPere Gallant Boy 7958 Pimlico 12 485ifast 22 107 1 1 2 A FegusnlS Mater Armament F o Fortune FortuneBy TRUMPS br f 2 103 By Sandringham Queen of Hearts H P Whitney 7827 HdeGrace 12 4S fast l 111 2 1 lh Troxler 4 Vega PotnetteBleu MCavanagh 7781 HdeGrace 12 50good 14 108 3 Il Il Troxler 4 Mater Galea Madges Sister 7674 Jamestown 12 49 fcfast 15 109 4 21 33J Troxler S Vega Holiday Clias Cannell 7627 Jamestown 12 49fast 65 109 3 3GRACILLA 11 2 ° t Troxler 11 Delft Chas Cannell Colors ColorsBy GRACILLA ch f 2 117 By Goldfinch Graciosity T C McDowell 10450 Saratoga ii f l06fast 20 106 1 11 I1 K Martin 11 Uncle Mun Flitgold P Bowl 9103 Latonia 34 l12fast 5 101 2 293J6 11 I1 E Martin G Ralph Bronzewing Maud B L 93J6 Latonia 58 l00fast G5 mr 2 291SU 11 1t E Martin J Red Star VioIetMay Marty Lou 91SU Latonia 58 l03hvy 165 110 4 4SURPRISING 45 435 jj Martin 11 Charmeuse G Love Bronzewing BronzewingBy SURPRISING b c 2 118 1181051S By Marta Santa Strathlou R F Carman 1051S Saratoga 5 f lOG4fast 4t 109 1 1IOS66 luk ink j McTagt r Strumboli Sosius Cliff Field IOS66 Saratoga 5J f l05fast 4 110 G G10ISI Z S1 T Davies a Pennant Strholi PAmerican 10ISI Saratoga 5 f l06fast 41 115 3 32 32i Nicklaus S L Nephew Roamer B Tonev 10150 Saratoga Hi f I085goodl310 115 2 21 23 NicUlaus 8 Bringhrst Spcarheiid DrSamuel 9318 Belmont 51 f st 106 slop 3 112 3 1 I5 Nrcklaus G Flittergold Spearhead Hurakan 9696 Belmont 51 f st 105 fast 75 118 6 31 23 Ilhtmire 10 Flittergold U Jlun Northerner 9213 Belmont 51 f st l03fast 2J 115 3 11 I5t J Glass 8 Executor Stake and Cap Salon 9153 Belmont 58 st l00fast 7 116 5 5tDisaualifled 21 2 J Glass la Early Rose Naiad Galaxy GalaxyBy tDisaualifled for foul foulSPEARHEAD SPEARHEAD br c 2 97 By Aeronaut DaVtee E B Cassatt 10503 Saratoga 34 113 fast 30 122 1 6l 6s T Davies lli Uoamcr Gainer Black Toney 10181 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 12 103 S 51 55 T Davies S litXiphew Iloainer Surprising 10150 Saratoga 5 f lOS3good 10 110 S Si 331 T Davies S Bringlmrst Surprising DrSamiK 1 IS Belmont 54 f st 106 slop 12 112 1 41 3 T Davies C Sillprising Flittergold Hurakan 9321 Belmont 34 l14fast 10 106 5 5ii 6SJ T Davies 7 Punch Bowl Mater Gainer 9243 Belmont 51 f st l05fast 10 102 4 S S i T Davies S Surprising Executor S and Cap 8291 Pimlico 8 l03hvy 9 110 1 3k 3si T Davies 10 Gallop Corn Broom Beau Pcr X191 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 125 102 1 01 ib T Davies MrSniggs Master Joe Peacock 028 Pimlico 41 f 55 fast 12 107 5 41 43i T Davies 7 W AVaddcll GrazcIIe Cutaway CutawayBy SOSIUS br c 2 98 981051S By Solitaire II Aya J Livingston 1051S Saratoga 51 f lOGJfast 20 107 2 5 36t Borel r Surprising Stromboll ClifTFioId 10 132 Saratoga 78 1 21fast 20 90 3 5 471 J McDond fi Reybourn Itclamour H Prynnu 10258 Saratoga 34 l14 5fast 15 112 21 3 = J J Henry Edith W Naiad Robert Oliver 9403 Laton a 31 l12fast 16 109 6 5h 61 Taplin i Gracilla Ralph Bronzewing Bronzewingfih JffiO Lalon a 34 l13fast 27 10716 fih 6s W Andress 8 Ruffles Pebcco Edith W 9281 Laton a 34113fast 375107 3 41 5B1 Goose 7 BandSaddle Wmelon Mockery 9207 Laton a 51 f l06fast 20 109 8 7 7 Goose 8 Black Toney OHagan Minda 8817 Laton a 51 f 107 fast 3710 1051 4 4FLORIN 3 3 1 Kirschm fi Black Toney Poleco Hodge HodgeBy FLORIN b f 2 105 By Hamburg Ficsole Bevcrwyck Stable 10450 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 20 110 8 92 i Borel 11 Gracilla Uncle Mini FlittcrgoM 10 6 Saratoga 51 f l05fast 12 107 5 9 D SBntwcll a Pennant Stromboli Surprising 10280 Saratoga 51 f 107 fast 4 110 5 2 11 Borel Susan B Salon Charmeuse Charmeuse3l 7961 Pimlico 12 48fast 109 3 3l 34i Troxler 8 Garl Trade Mark Master Joe Joe3iJ 7862 HdeGrace 41 f 54fast 31 IDS 1 3iJ 454 Troxlor 10 Gainer TradeMark PometteBleu 7811 HdeGrace 41 f 54 fast 4 101 4 31 33i Ambrose 7 Envcr Bey Punch Bowl Galaxy 772 lamest wn 41 f 55fast 9 109 2 2 2ni Troxler 0 Wn Shoes ROliver Checkmate 7659 Jamestown 12 49fast 115 109 3 3CUTAWAY I1 I1 Troxler 8 SonnyBoy EdnaLeska MCasca MCascaBy CUTAWAY b f 2 106 106102G3 By Ellisdale Fairy Bird Oak Ridge Stable 102G3 Saratoga 5 f l07fast S5 119 4 410IS1 3 42J McCahey U Crossliun Orotund Hurakan 10IS1 Saratoga 51 f 107 fast 12 116 3 3l 3 McCahey 11 Casuarina Early Rose Anytime 9890 Bclmont 51 f st 106 fast 6 119 2 290S6 U 2h McCahoy S Delft Mater Water Lily 90S6 Belmont 58 st 59fast 10 116 2 8ll 8 1 H HofTmanlO Gainer Mater Golden Chimes 8917 Belmont 58 st 59fast 12 119 4 4 34i R HofTmanlO Flitaway Galaxy Mater 8119 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 95 103 4 I1 1 R Hoffman 7 Mater Executor Mordecal 8028 Pimlico 41 f 55fast 12 107 7 7BLACK 1 31 J Wilson 7 W Waddell Grazelle Spearhead SpearheadBy BLACK TONEY br c 2 113 By Peter Pan Belgravia E R Bradley 10303 Saratoga 34 113 fast 12 122 5 3 331 Loftus lli Roamer Gainer Punch Bowl 10181 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 4S 112 5 41 4 = 1 Loftus 8 L Nephew Roamer Surprising 10020 Hamilton 31 lllfast 2 115 1 2 2 Loftus 5 SouthMald Centuari Perpetual 1073 Hamilton 51 f l06fast 35 118 1 2 I1 Loftus G Emerald Gem Hodge Centauri Centauri1s 9914 Windsor 51 f l07fast 920 121 1 15S 1s I2 Loftus Rust Brass Tattler Perpetual 9727 Windsor 5S l00fast 45 118 4 23 2 Loftus 5 Hodge BWilliams Amazement AmazementI1 9207 Latonia 51 f lOGfast 2J 109 2 I1 I2 Loftus 8 OHugan Minda Old Ben 8908 Latonia 51 f 108 fast 1720 112 1 21 2 ° Ganz 5 Barbara Lane OHagan Toronto UNCLE MUN ch c 2 108 By Uncle Offensive H C Hallenbeck Hallenbeck3l 10150 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 15 110 4 3l 21 Troxler 11 Gracilla Flittergold P Bowl 10151 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 10 107 4 7nk 791 Musgrve 8 LitXuphew Roamer Surprising 9S92 Belmont 5 f stlOSfast 95 108 a 11 It Musgrve 10 El Biod Scrapper Small 696 Belmont 51 f st 106 fast 10 109 1 2 331 J Wilson 10 Flittwgnld Surprising Xerner 532 Belmont 5S st 107 fast 35 110 1 2i 3J Musgrve WaterLilv BlackBroom Andrew 9166 Belmont 51 f st l06fast 3 108 2 2 ° 21 Musgrve 4 Anytime Trnnid Disparity S652 Belmont 58 st 59fast 35 110 4 4MR 31 341 J Glass S GChimes King McDowl Aurora MR SNIGGS br c 2 107 By Oddfellow Naulahka F Johnson 10171 Saratoga 34 l12fast 20 110 2 5 u J Glass r Brhurst LitNephun B Broom 10303 Saratoga 34 113 fast SO 122 11 101 II1 J Glass 12 Roamer Gainer Black Toney 10131 Saratoga 51 f lOSfast 6 112 4 49SI2 12 1 J Glass 11 Figinny K McDowell Fireside 9SI2 Belmont 51 f st l07fast 31 108 2 7t S J J Glass 10 Undo Mini El Biod Scrapper Sa Belmont 58 st 101 fast 2 108 14 14t6 7 11 J Glass 14 May Dora Fireside El Biod Biod6s t6 i Beliiiont 51 f st 106 fast 15 102 10 6s 6 ° 1 J McIntyrclO Flittergold Surprising Un Mini 8191 Pimlico 41 oa fast IS 102 2 lh 2h Ford Spearliead Master Joe Peacock PeacockBy HARRY L ch c 2 105 105101S1 By Sir Huon Watoma G J Long 101S1 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 12 107 6 G 69 J McCabe 8 L Nephew Roamer Surprising 9111 Latonia 34 l12fast 13 111 1 1H350 311 4 W Andress 4 Old Rosebud Pebeco OHagan H350 Latonia 34 l13fast 275 105 3 3S978 7 5s Kirschm 8 Riillles Pebeco Ldith W S978 Latonia 5S l00fast 1 112 7 7S7C 1s 1s Buxton 1 L Skolny Watermelon GLove S7C Douglas 5S l00fast 32 112 3 2 21 C Peak 1 Sosius Toronto Ambition 8355 Churchill 5S 101 fast 1720 113 10 a 5l5iC Peak 10 Boots and Saddle Bandit Sosius 8179 Churchill 12 4Sfast 1720 112 5 2i 21 C Peak li Casuarina Salon Caution CautionBy WATERMELON ch f 2 107 By Watercress Belle of Ashland T C McDowell 9281 Latonia 34 l13fast 115 98 2 23 2l E Martin 7 BandSaddle Mkcry FrancesM 9229 Latonia 34 l13fast 1 100 1 1 1 E Martin S Christophine DrSaml Mesbach 8978 Latonia 58 l00fast 115 109 G 4 3U E Martin 12 Harry L Leo Skolny G Love 8893 Latonia 58 l00fast 2910 103 10 9 9 E Martin 10 Minda BIrdleWilliamsRobinetta 8871 Latonia 58 101fast 75 109 5 31 21 E Martin 11 OHagan Father Rlley Meshach 8496 Douglas 41 f 55Vtfast 65 110 11 52 2 1 E Martin 11 Birka Violet May Hortense 8367 Churchill 5S 101 fast 21 110 10 3 21 Loftus 12 Christophine V May F Cherry 8276 Churchill 41 f 56mud 145 110 4 41 43i Loftus 7 Candy Box Tiktok Birka BirkaBy WATER LADY b f 2 103 By Waterboy Duchess of Towers R F Carman 10129 Saratoga 51 f 1 fast 5 106 6 7 711lNicklaus S Crossliun Edith W Naiad 10078 Belmont 51 f l05fast 115 105 3 3VMi Il I3 Xicklaus 1 Robert Oliver Gallop Francis VMi Belmont 34 l13fast 3 103 4 4D7fiS 6 5 Nicklaus Anytime WoodShoes TheSpIrlt D7fiS Belmont 51 f st 106 fast 4 10 4 4M28 3l 11 Rhtinire Holiday Anytime Suptendent M28 Belmont 51 f st l06fast 135 106 2 2UJi 22 2 ° Rhtmire r Lady Grant Delft Mar Meise UJi Belmont 51 f st 106 fast 8 99 3 11 1 Rhtmire G Gallop W Shoes Mordecai Mordecai3nk 133 Belmont 51 f st l06fast 4 109 5 590SS 3nk 315 Ulitmlre S Superintendent Sehenge Flask 90SS Belmont 5i fstl06fast 45 107 2 2HURAKAN lh 2t McCahfy r R Oliver Miss Waters O Cross CrossBy HURAKAN b f 2 100 By Uncle The Hoyden D 3 Loary 10 15 Saratoga 51 f 1 Xifast 12 106 S1 6 Wolfe 11 Gracilla fnclc Mun llittergold llittergoldI 10263 Saratoga SJ f 1 07fast 85 1W 3 3991S I 3 = B Steele li Irossbnu Orotund Cutaway 991S Belmont 51 f t 106 slop 3 109 6 6S63S 5 l l J Wilson Surprising Flittirgold Sprhead S63S Belmont 5J f st lOIfast 5 109 2 2S66S 31 38 Musgrve li Early Rose Orotund Anytime S66S Belmont 5S Kt l00fast 5 108 6 2 lu McCahey 14 Unfurl El Biod Broomsedge BroomsedgeBy Also eligible to start startROAMER ROAMER b g 2 120 1201056S By Knight Errant Rose Tree II A Miller 1056S Saratoga 34 l12fast 3J 105 3 31 2l Byrne 7 Isirose Sebago Palanquin 10150 Saratoga 51 f lOGfast f 122 3 u s 2 Byrne 11 Gracilla Uncle Mun Fllttorgold Fllttorgoldli 10103 Saratoga 113 fast 7 119 2 li lli Byriif JU Jaiiur Black Tonoy P Bowl Bowl2s 10151 Saratoga Si f l Wttfast 6 107 1 2s 2l Byrne 8 L Nephew Surprising KToncy D697 Belmont 51 f st 107 fast 21 109 C 13 I1 T McTagt S llft Gallop Tin Spirit SpiritC J072 Latonia 51 f 107 good710 112 3 C 5 = E Martin G BriiiKhurst B and Saddle Minda 8S91 Latonia 5S UOOfefast 1120 109 1 1 1 E Martin S CandyBox OReilly JRosenfleld 8744 Douglas 58 5Sfast 21 100 3 3 3 J Callahan 5 ORosebud LNephcwBBrother S300 Churchill 41 r 54 livy B 103 2 2 2 Tapliu 5 ORosebud DCunarder Ilarbard RALPH b c 2 By Scmpronius Bashford Belle G J Long Longf 10150 Saratoga 51 f l06fast f 5 53 J McCabe 11 Gracilla Uncle Mini Flitter 10330 Saratoga 5X f l06sfast 7 41 1 1 E Martin S Flitgold BSadilU KMDwell 9103 Latonia 31 l12fast 245 107 1 2 2i 21 W Andress Gra cilia Bronzewing Mmul BL 9S2I Latonia 0 f 108 fast 45 113 2 1 1 l I5 Loftus 11 SanVega Shtphcrdess Ban Jim 9110 Latonia 51 f l07fast 5 112 4 1 4 51 5 4 Buxton 8 Edith W Old Ben Ambition S9SO Latonia 51 f 108 fast 21 105 1 2 1 55 33i Buxton 7 OHagan BigSpirit Ust Furtiiiic FurtiiiicBy HYPATIA b f 2 102 By Star Shoot My Queen J E Madden 96 Bclmont 51 f st 106 fast 165 110 3 G 5 G2 5 J Butwell 10 Flittergold Surprising U Mun 9591 Belmont 51 f st 108 fast 4 107 1 2 3 ti 2 ° Musgrve G Stromlwli Gold Chimes Holidny 9365 Belmont 58 st 59fast 115 113 2 1 4 31 2 Musgrve 7 Orotund Gnhucy Undaunted 9l43 Bclmont 51 f st l05fast 5 112 7 5 5 5 a7 Brady S Surprising Executor S and Cap 9022 Belmont 51 f st 105 fast 4 108 2 4 3 21 I1 Brady 10 Addle M S and Cap B Broom 8915 Belmont 51 f st l05fast 30 105 7 3 4 4 41 Brady 12 Surpslng Stromboli PAmercan UNDAUNTED b f 2 102 By Star Shoot Lyndall A Miller J 10520 Saratoga 34 115 fast 75 110 1 2 1 1s Byrne 10 Uelft Old Hen Salon 10174 Saratoga 31 l13fast 65 105 1 1 1 I3 1 Byrne 10 Belloc J Nolan Heartbeat 10334 Saratoga 51 f l07fast 31 10S 2 3 3 41 331 Byrne 10 B Choice Iridescence TEnouch 10229 Saratoga 51 f 103 fast 6 107 4 8 8 8l 610lByrne lli KMcDell HaPenn Valkyrie 9365 Belmont 58 st 59fast 10 105 3 3 3 41 41 T Davies 7 Orotund Hypatia Galaxy GalaxyBy PUNCH BOWL ch c 2 112 By Ornament Algie M E F Cooney 10498 Saratoga 34 113 fast 4 119 C 4 4 3l 45J Byrne B Choice Gainer PAmeriian 10450 Saratoga 51 f l06fast 3 118 G 8 r 4l 42 Butwell 11 Gracilla Uncle Mun Flittergold 10303 Saratoga 34 113 fast 8 122 9 6 7 52 41 T McTagtll Roamer Gainer Black Toney 9461 Belmont 34 l14V fast 85 119 3 3 3 4 4k 4 1 T McTagt G Stake Cap Gainer Executor 9321 Belmont 34 l14fast 710 118 3 3 3 3 32 1 Musgrve 7 Mater Gainer Golden Chimes 90S6 Belmont 58 st 59fast 45 125 6 6 6 61 6 McCahey 10 Gainer Mater Golden Chimes S75S Belmont 58 st 59fast 710 112 1 1 1J 1 Butwell 8 El Biod Gainer Garl S623 Belmont 58 st 59fast 1 106 1 1 1 I3 Butwell 10 Surprising Garl Unfurl 7841 HdeGrace 41 f 54 fast 4 101 G 5 4 4 2i C Turner 7 Enver Bey Florin Galaxy