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TRIBUTE, TO THE LATE JUDGE BURKE. The dealh of Judge J. .T. Burke at his New York home this week has brought out in a striking manner the universal esteem in which he was held. The metropolitan press teeiiis with tributes to his memory, and Francis Nelson, with whom lie was intimately associated in his otticial capacity on the Canadian race tracks, writes as follows in the Toronto Globe: "The announcement late Tueseday night of the death of Mr. Joseph J. Burke came as a great shock to the numerous friends who parted witli him at the close of the Canadian racing season a few weeks ago with the evidence before their eyes of his renewed health and strength. Judge Burke had been a racing official for many years before taking up any duties n Canadian courses. He hud served in New York anil Saratoga, Chicago. St. Louis. Kentnck- and California and brought here a high reputation which he more than maintained with the Canadian public. Like mai..r other racing ollicials. Mr. Burke was a newspaper man. and could go back to an experience on the old Spirit of the Times, which he left to found the long defunct New York SKrts-man. a weekly devoted to turf affairs. His writing .since has been chietly for the New York Herald, though he contributed much valuable and interesting matter also to specialist journals. .Mr. Burke was the judge for the original Fort Erie Jockey Club, and first came to Toronto for the autumn meetings at Woodbine that were conducted by the Toronto Hunt Club. On the retirement of Judge Post be became a regular at the Ontario Jockey Club meetings. Hamilton. Blue Bonnets, Conuaught. Park and Dorval also had the benefit of his services since racing was soundly established here. No person had a wider acquaintance among racing people and their esteem is the best monument to Ills zeal, his clliclenev and his impartiality. A skillful and conscientious handlea-mer. he produced results that were due to great labor and careful thought in that part of his work. "It was Judge Burkes conviction that his duty was to the public first, and that by so doing he conserved the best interests of the particular racing clubs, as well as of the great sport .which lie so keenly enjoyed. The sentimental side of racing .appealed most to him and he fought against any and every movement that did not give this factor primary consideration. A racing judge Ins much mure to do than simply to place the horses, and the high principle, consideration for others, prudence, thorough knowledge of his business, justice and kindness which he brought to bear ou the many important affairs lie had to adjust bore fruit in the high regard in which lie was everywhere held. "To those more closely associated with him there will always remain the memory of his fidelity to principle, his whole-lieartedness, his unfailing courtesy and good temper, his absolute freedom from partiality and his active mind, ever seeking ways and means for the continual betterment of the business in which lie was engaged. Another will take his place, for so the world goes on, but the tilling of the place as he filled it is quite another matter."