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MORE OF THE BURNS TRAGEDY. New York. November 15. It turns out that Tommy Burns, who met such a tragic death in Brooklyn early Friday morning, had arrived from Europe last Wednesday with his wife, Rosaline; his twelve-year-old daughter. Clarita, and his son. Tommy, seven vears old. He was on his way home from a dinner given bv friends when the accident that ended ids life took place. The theory is that he slipped from the station platform and was stunned before the train that hit him came along. In Burns pockets were found S4.S5 in American eurrencj ,000 in German marks, and seven notes on various German hanks for 1.000 marks each. In the same pocketbook was a letter of credit. No. S 009. from the Dcutscher Bank of Berlin, on the Knickerbocker Trust company, of this city, for sr.oo.