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EL PASO FILLING UP WITH RACE-GOERS. El Paso, Tex., November 22. The quiet little city of Juarez was crowded today with visitors from the American side and the cars running to the race track were packed to their capacity. All were eager and anxious to see the many horses at work in early trials over a course that was not only safe, but lightning fast. The city of El Paso is now tilling up rapidly, as all trains entering here are bringing new arrivals for the racing. Manager M. .1. Winn received word today from Norfolk, Va., that two cars would leave there tonight for the Juarez triick. One contains horses and the other is a Pullman sleeper filled with patrons of racing. On Saturday. November 29, when the Jamestown races close, two more cars will leave there for Juarez. A carload of horses belonging to W. M. Baird arrived today from Vancouver. Included in the shipment are Sidney Peters. Dutch Kock, Mazurka, Meralight and Katty Connor. Jockey K. Carter was an arrival today and will ride for C. Mulholiand during the Juarez meeting. P. J. Miles also arrived. His horses have been Iiere for some time, having come on the Latonia special. J. J. Ferguson has arrived at the Juarez track with twelve horses from Woodland, Cal. He now has Kootenay, Enlield, Colonel McDougall and among . his others are seven two-year-olds, all bv the young sire. Saline. C. F. Price, presiding steward, W. II. Shelley, presiding judge, George Lindenberger, otlicial timer and "apt. James Jacobs, chief of the track police, an due to arrive here Tuesday. Starter Mars Cas-sldy is exix-cted here from Washington on the smite day. Manager Winn paid his first visit to the Juarez track today and was agreeably surprised witli the condition of the course and the improvements that Superintendent Frank Keegan had completed since the close of tin: meeting last spring. Further improvements will lie made before the end of the present racing season.