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NOTES OF THE TURF. Harry Mack will race Buss and Gimli at Juarez. Hay. the brother to Truly aud Meadow, is among the most admired yearlings at Juarez. The close of the English flat racing season yesterday found "Danny" Maher again at the head of the list of winning jockeys with a total of 115 firsts. His nearest competitor is Frank Wootton, who won ninety-one races. Butter Ball is reported as none the worse for his experience in having been a member of the stable of one of Villas soldiers for a few hours last Sunday. Trainer Quinlan expects to send him to the post during the first ft w days of the Juarez meeting. Acumen, in the same barn, is also reported In good shape. Both have had a long "respite from racing. The Jockey Club has notitU.i Harry Giddlngs that the name Harry Rassett II. Xta been allotted the yearling colt by Bussetlaw -My Honey and he is now registered as such. The registrar would not allow the name Harry Rassett, although the horse bearing that name has been dead over twenty-five years. II. J. P. Good suggested the name for the colt and Harry Bassett II. is expected to win the important Canadian-bred two-year-old races next year, and the Kings Plate of 19J5 at Vywdbine,