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PEN PICTURE OF THE WHITNEY HORSES. K-c-.ntly Daily Itacing Form published the list of horses comprising the Whitney stable now at l.alaton House. Newmarket, Filmland. ViiltuK" f the Loudon Sportsman has inspected these horses nl in its issue of January 24 gives the following Iiit resting account of the stable and its horses: "Mr. II. I". Whitney, whose colors have become so popular on this side of the Atlantic, and whose trainer. A. J. .loyn.-r. is held in such high esteem. wiM this season have a reduced string r horses in training by comparision with recent years, the number stopping short at seventeen. This decrease in not due lo any dimunition in his interest in. anil admiration of. I-.uglish racing: indeed, were the truth known, the fact would probably be i-ev -alcd that, as far as the. turf is concerned, his ambition is limited only by the desire to win the Derby with an American horse of his own breeding, and there Is no doubt that, of his many successes in this country, that which afforded him the most gratification was Borrcws in the Middle Park Plnt No. tht real reason for cutting down the Newmarket string is that, as a leader of the American turf. M Whitney considers it incumbent on him to do all in his power towards the resuscitation of racing, which shows distinct signs of recovering from a bad slump consentient on faddist legal restrictions, and , hi- will therefore have to draw more liberally on th resources of his Brookdalc Stud to support the sport at home. At this enormous farm are a huge number of broodmares, and it may be interesting to nule, by the way. that raot of them are in foil to Jlanibiir., All Cold, and l.ui iromaster. As proof of his unabated interest in racing and breeding in this country I may mention that Mr. Whitney has formed a stud under the supervision of .loyner at Newmarket, at which are already located some of his choicest mares, covered by Sear-liiint, Desmond. William the Third. Cicero. John o Oanut. Cylgad. Lcmben:. Willonyx. St. Frusiiuiii. and St. Auiant. A perusal of the above sires shows that no money has been spared in fees, and the scliiino of illations for the current season is. I believe, to be still more ambitious. In addition to the foreiroing, there are a half dozen mares located in France. One of the best horses ever raced m this country bv .Mr. Whitney was Whisk lSrouni, which only lust missed classic honors when close un third to 1 Neil Sow and Leniberg for the Two Thousand Cuin-cas, and he had acquitted himself of other fun- ami consistent performances before he returned to merica to convince the natives or his prowess and having broken down in his last race the inagniticent chestnut sou of Ilroomstiek was relegated forthwith to lie Krookdale Stud, where lie can hardly rail to VI prove a success. Of last years winners Borrow. Cross .Mv Palm. Cabaret, Cherokee Rose. I Ionic Itrew. Meeting House. Pandean. Stickpin. Two and 1 six anil Tears and Smiles have disappeared from the Halutoli string, and fresh iiarters have been found tin- others, including .Miramichi. Flanders. Fly by Mailt. Bit of Rve. Klvboots and Nightstick: indeed, onlv eight of the l!i:t contingent remain, and to these have been added nine two-year-olds. Of the survivors the lirst to claim notice is Harinonicon. four vears, which has imnroved immensely in np-jeataiiee nml is an exceptionally handsome horse. Combined with lovely quality are great length and power, wliile in general appearance he favors his gramlsire Amphion. and. like him. is possessed of tremendous speed, which should carry him promi- neutly among the topsawyers of the sprinting class his autumn form when he gave nineteen pounds a:id a beating to Diaduuienos at Newmarket was something to remember with more than ordinary i cs; eel. l!ruh By. four years, may not lie of much account .is a nice horse, but will be well worth his keep as schoolmaster for the youngsters, with the possibility of a bracket thrown in. Bellefon-tai ie 1im inherited the huge proportions of her sire, and if mi g-eat beauty to look at. lias shown her-reif possessed of the gift of ghillg;, She hits already .tit the marl: twice, and having done remarkably well should be more than ordinarily benefited by extra time and corresponding development. Iana-sin:. four years, was botli unlucky iind disappointing last year, for although she won twice she had to put up with second place on a half dozen other t i-casions. seeming always to die away at the moment when success seemed fairly within reach. She is. however, wintering most satisfactorily, and with increased strength to back up her tine speed should do well during the early part of the season. Handicapped by weak knees, the colt by Broomstick out of Jinks is a good-looking, powerful three-year-old that may reasonably be expected to improve on anything lie accomplished last year, and Sandman, a big. upstanding bay colt, should be placed to win races unless confidence fails him, as appeared to be the case more than once last year. Crinoline, a wiry-looking hard bay. failed to run tip to home estimate as a two-year-old. and the bay gelding by Hamburg out of Forget, if no; qu:te as tall, is stronger of build than his brother. Borrow, and shows as much quality, being, in fact, very much like him. Provided the knee troubles which kept him in the background last year have been surmounted. I expect much of him. "Of the two-year-olds, the brown colt by Fowling Piece out of Lady IL-inburg. which is liberally ticked, and has two white legs, is a first foal of promise, having good size and power, and showing line quality, to be expected from his Jd. Simon descent. He will certainly belie hi appearance should he not race, and may be early on the warpath. A big. backward horse that will want a lot of time is the bay gelding by Burgomaster out of Leaynora. which is owned in partnership with Mr. L. S. Thompson, and another giant, already standing 10 hands, and of distinct promise, is the chestnut gelding by Burgomaster out of Tanya. The chestnut colt by Burgomaster out of Fiesnle. except for being a triile long in the back, is a really good-looking horse, and may be one of the best of the lot. having plenty of quality and line action. Also there are two charming tillies by Broomstick, the one from Petticoat, and the other from Queen oT Hearts, both of which look like going fast and coming early to hand. "Owing to the reduction of Mr. Whitneys string. .Toyner. who hitherto has trained privately for him. has opened his stable to the public ami the fust to take advantage of the opportunity is Lord Ixins-dale. who has entrusted seven to his care. Of these the Cesarewith winner. Warliiighaiu. is no Adonis in appearance, but there- is no getting away from the fact that he is a useful stayer and, furthermore, no horse in the stable has done better, for he has thickened considerably and now tills the eye to a far greater extent than formerly. Santa Bellis looks" more attractive by comparison, being big and good-looking enough for anything, but he lias yet to make his mark, and his lirst mission will probably be to lead Warliiighaiu. Of the live two-year-olds St. Maur. by Santoi. bred in Ireland by Mrs. W. W. Bailev. cost l.t.Wi guineas as a yearling and is a black-legged, hard bay colt, 1"..2. with the best of shoulders, a short, stroma back, well ribbed up and powerful quarters, racing-like all through from his intelligent head to his heels, and well furnished as to legs and feet, lie strikes one immediately as destiued to make a horse of high class, having lost ail that cumbersome appearance which characterized him as a yearling. It will be surprising if he does not turn out well worth the money he realized ct Doncaster and do a good turn for his noble owner, who is one of the best and most liberal all-round sportsmen in the country. He has not enjoyed his Lair share of smiles from the tickle jade as Tar as the turf is concerned. Alfoua. bv Bavardo. is a lightish bay. half-Jirothcr to Giant, favoring his sire, with tine shoulders and deep girth, but perhaps not quite as good to follow, and hocks a little away from him: still, a colt of beautiful quality, witli perfect action and promising well for the future. A race horse of high quality and plenty of power in the right, places, but disligurcd by a big splint on her near foreleg, so placed as possibly not to interfere materially with her action, is DenuMer. a sister to Storiioway--which. however, she in no way resein- hies .".i!0 guineas was her price at the sale of the Sledniere yearlings, and it is nothing against her that she looks like coming to concert pitch without any undue amount of hard training. A lovely tillv in every sense but for the one blemish referred to."