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RACES TO EARLY PROMISE EMERSON COCHRAN WINS CALHOUN SELLING STAKES AT CHARLESTON. Before Juvenile Racing Began at Palmetto Park. Son of Jim GafFncy and Viola B. Was Accounted Best of Juveniles in Training There. Charleston. S. ".. February 7. I. A. Binm-his strapping colt. Emerson Cochran, by .Mm GatTucv tola 1!.. considered tin- best in tin-so parts before iho youngsters were- given their opportunity to nice, i .- t-. his early rt-iitation this afternoon when he scored an imiiressive victory in the Calhoun Selling stakes, half a mile, liliola. the favorite, was see nil and Electrician was third. F.incrsou Cochran i in today like a pood one, and he was staunchlv b.iek-d. Outpaced to the stretch turn, he saved -nund by staying close to the inner rail, but win-n illy straightened out for the stretch drive he dis-nosil of the leaders in race horse fashion and was w. U in limid at tin- end. ldiola might have giva iiim a stonier argument but for being forced to go wide on lie stretcli turn by Norma 1.. V sudden change to cool weather failed to reduce the attendance, which was again of largo proportions. Itecause of rain which fell heavily during the night, the cour.-c was favorable In mud performers. The players had a good line on the winners, as aii Hie purses went to favorites or secmd choices, witii ilie exception of the handicap, which Ianlncr won. The Talbot! connections are reported lo have made a handsoine winning on Feather Duster, which woii H e second race, chielly because of the good handling he receiveil from Kiirliiigaine. After the finish .1. V. Iledrick bid the horse up from an entered price S!0 Jo ,100 and bought him. Another run-up f M-rtved the tiflh race. when Volthorpe. ridden ly .ny Burns, won in a sharp drive with Coreopsis! and was advanced from an entered price of $.100 to SiM3. His owner protected him. ISookmaker Al llauf did the bidding. F. E". Drown claimed Coreopsis for 23. .1. Wirth purchased from I. Ileresford at private sale the four-year-old Sunguido. He is intended for radng over the half-mile tracks in Canada. F. .1. Coleman left for Juarez tonight to take over Emerald Com. Ceueral Villa and Anna Kose. whii-h uri being raced by E. .1. OCoiinell. They will be diippcd to Charleston and transferred to Edward MF.ride. who will look afler them in the future. Former Police Inspector Grant was an arrival and wll remain for a couple, of weeks. lie is stopping al Sliininerville. Foxhall Daiugertiold. son of Algernon Daingerlield, vl. i Is a member of Mrs. Fisks company, was a visitor at Palmetto Park this afternoon. At a sale of horses in training which was held in Uie paddock previous to the races this afternoon, the f lowing were disjioscd of: Corncrackcr, .1. Todd, SrhMt: Laird u Kirkcaldy. M. I.urns. .105: Fort Monroe. .1. S. Ward. ,000: Grazelle, F. .1. Pons. ; I ;idy Trinity, li. Westmoreland. $.175: Allen Cold, V . Perkins. it: Southern Shore. A. Pearlstein, S73: Miss Reselling. A. Pearlstein. .SCO: Flood. M. Itnrus. ,; Snip, M. Durus. 15: Virginia Fell. M. Hums. 10: Fiei. .1. Todd. 50; Question .Mark. A Pearlstein, 5. The track at Palmetto Park this morning was muddy, but many horses worked, including the following: Hugh Cray -Half mile in rlTr.. Inferno Queen Three-quarters in J:t,0. Knight or Fncas Three-quarters in 1:20. Lady Lightning Three-quarters in 1:1S. Progressive Three-quarters in 1:21. l!od and Gun Three-quarters in 1 Serena t a Half mile in 52. Snowllakcs Three-iiiarters in 1 :20. Surpassing--Three-quarters in 1:22V.. The Parson Three-quarter in