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ARRANGING FOR AMATEUR MEETINGS. No v York, February 3!. The Hunts Committer ,i:is i-pproved dates for amateur racing as follows: Kot kaway Hunt Club, Ilewletts Ray Iark, L. 1., Sat unlay. Anrll 25. Ito.M Tree Fox Hunting Club. Sledia. Pa., Thurs-dav Slav 14. Saturday, Slay Id. iiplng Rock Racing Association, Locust Valley, 1 I, Wednosdav. June .", Saturday, June 0. The Country Club, Rrookline, Slass., Saturday, June IS. Wednesday, June 17, Saturday, June 20. The Sleatlow Rrook Steeplechase Association and the I nited Hunts Racing Association will hold their meetings in Slay at Belmont Park Terminal, the dates to be assigned shortly. Frank J. Bryan lias been apjiointed handicapper for all meetings under the jurisdiction of the hunts committee. From Boston conies word that the race conimit-ee of the Country Club, at Brookline, lias started mi the work of preparation for the coming race sneotlug there. This meeting is annually one of the most popular of the whole amateur circuit. This year there will he a renewal of the Country Club Grand Annual, the Chamhlet Sleuiorial, the National Hunt Cup, the Slassasoit Plate, the Jliddlesex Cup, the Slyopia Cup, the Challenge Cup, and, in fact, all of the famous old races. Then there will be a number of new races on the program. A partial rebuilding of the course is under consideration. The idea is to put in growing brush that will mean natural jumps in the course of a couple of years. The water jump will also probably lie moved so that it will be brought within plain view of those In Jhe grandstand. The old jump on the hill, back of the grandstand, is another that will be moved according to the nlnns that are tinder consideration. It will still be on the grade, but placed in a position where a better view will be tiossible. Another change that has already been decided upon for the xjice program Is the framing of a number of events for locally-owned horses. They will be ridden by gentlemen who arc members of recognized New England Hunts. Several of the young men of Boston ami the surronnding country are ardent horsemen, but in other seasons they have had little chance when asked to compete with the best amateur riders in tlie country. These local races will afford them an opportunity, and already a number of purchases .of horses have been made for these races. Applications for licenses to ride, made by the following gentlemen have been approved: E. A. Russell. Jr.. SVnrrentou, Va. Thomas Wright, Rider, Sid. Bavard Tuckerinan. Jr., Boston, Slass. Lieut. L SI. Whiting, 1. S. A. Lieut. George S. Patten, Jr., U. S. A. Harry N. Tucker, New York. James G. Leiper. Jr., Philadelphia, Pa. B. B. Lewis, Slillbrook, N. Y. Alfred Borden. New York. James Park. Wcstbury, L. I. Harry W. Smith. Worcester, Slass. F. B. llussey. Pittsburg, Pa. B. L. Tone. Portland, Ore. John Bosloy, Jr., Baltimore. Sid. J. Schuyler Casey, New York. Donald Demarest, Brooklyn. N. Y. Bowling W. Haxall, Jr., Slidilleburg, Va. G. Bernard Fenwick, Baltimore, Sid. Evans Tucker, New York. Charles L. Appleton, New York. Lieut. Charles K. Rockwell, U. S. A. David Dows, New York. Philip Stevenson, New York. Coniptoii Smith, Worcester, .Mass. -Luwrwii B. Fliiinliold,. N J. The membership of tile Hunts Committee is made up as follows: diaries K. Harrison. Jr., representing Maryland. James W. Graves, representing Virginia. William SI. Kerr, representing Pennsylvania. Charles Pfizer, representing New Jersey. .1. Watson Webb, representing New England. J. K. Davis, representing New York. II. S. Pago, representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association. A. Henry Iliggiuson, representing the National Sleoplechasc and Hunt Association. Henry W. Bull, representing tlie National Steeplechase and Hunt Association. Charles K. Harrison. Jr.. has been re-elected chairman and William SI. Kerr vice-chairman. The following Hunts have been granted recognition for the year: Albemarle County Hunt, Charlottesville. Va., S. Holloway, master. Brandywino Hounds, West Chester, Pa., Charles E. Slather, master. Casuiov.i Hunt, Casanova, Va., Harry L. Edmonds, master. Che; hire Foxhounds. Coatsvillo, Pa.. .Martin Plunk-et Stewart, master. Chester Valley Hunt, Stratford, Pa.. W. C. Wilson, master. Chagrin Valley Hunt, Gales .Mills, ., Windsor T. Wiiite. master. Elkritlgo Fox Hunting Club, Woodbrook, P. O., Mil.. YV. W. I-anahaii, master. Grafton Hounds, North Grafton, .Mass., Harry W. Smith, master. Grosse Point Hunt Club. Crosse Point, Slich., Burns Henry, master. Keswick Hunt Club, Keswick, Va., E. II. Joslin, and S. J. Holloway. joint masters. Slidilleburg Hunt, Stiddleburg, Va., D. C. Sands, Jr.. master. Slilbrook Hunt, Slilbrook, N. Y., Oakleigh Thorne, master. , . Sir. Riddles Hounds, Glen Riddle, Pa., Samuel 1. Kiddle, master. Sir. Shavers Hounds, Fairmont, W. Va., C. L. Shaver, master. .Mr. Winstons Hounds. Midlothian, Va., Ihomas S. Winston, master. Sir. Hitchcocks Hounds, Aiken, S. C, Ihomas Hitchcock, master. Norfolk Hunt, Sledfield, Slass., Henry G. Vaughan, master. Orange Countv Hunt, The Plains, Va., Robert L. Gerry and William Skinker, joint masters. Pickering Hunt, Phoenixville, Pa., William J. Clothier, ii.aster. , Shelburne Hounds, fehelburne, St., J. atson Webb, master. Suffc!k Hunt, Southampton, L. I., Richard Newton. Jr., master. Tomahawk Hunt, Somerset, n., James H. Andrews, master. White Marsh Valley Hunt, Flourtown, Pa., James G. Leiper, Jr., master. Warrenton Hunt, Warrenton, Va.. W. I. Wilbur, master. . ,. , SVatchung Hunt Club, Plainheld, N. J., Rufus C. Finch, master.