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DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHED TjAILY. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. A Dally Ueilection of the American Turf by Telegraph. Editor and Proprietor. 1 IT. Itrunell. Associate Editor, Clinton C. ltiley. Secretary, Mrs. F. H. Brunell. Entered as second-class matter. April 2, 1800, at the post-otlice at Chicago. Illinois, uuder the Act of Alarch ::. 1S79. TELEPHONE 20S7 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection with the news -r editorial departments and cannot he used to communicate with them. T he considered and answered, all queries to Dally Racing Form must lie sent over the full name and with the address of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign directory test. HACK NUMBERS 5 CENTS EACH. If sent by mail lirst-class only six cents. TERMS: Per Week $ .50 Per Month l.r.O Half Year !-00 One Year 17.01 The- above rates are for single copies as sealed lettersfirst-class mall. Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. prefers to send single copies as lirst-class mail in all cases. lcal subscriptions outside the down-town district will be declined at other than lirst-class mail matter rates. Subscriptions must be paid in advance. ST. l.OITIS, MO., OFFICE, 112 X. IIKOADWAY. Win. Laser, General Agent. Telephone P.ell Olive 4055. Rack numlers and monthlies supplied. - - CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, FEBRUARY 20, 1914.