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MARYLAND MAY BE SAFE ! I OPINION GROWING IN WELL-INFORMED CIRCLES THERE WILL BE NO LEGISLATION. Multitude of Bills on Subject of Racing Leads to Confusion and Legislature May Adjourn Without Any of Thorn Coming to Final Vote. Baltimore. Mil., March 21. -After a week of skirmishing over race track legislation in the legislature ;il Annapolis the general uiinim loila.v is that the iitroduclioii of a variety of hills on the suhjeet has so befogged the issue that no drastic change will he made in tin- Maryland laws on the suhjeet. Thomas Clyde, one of the owners of the linilii- rack, put a crimp in the I I:tll-Will i;i ms bU yesterday, when before the Senate Judiciary Committee he said that its passage would close Pimiico, lu;t ,llow the smaller i racks to operate even mere opeiiij ihau now. His was the must forceful argument against impending race traek legislation that has en itl"ered. Mr. Clyde showed that the Ilaii- illiams hill would knock out legalized pari-muiuci iKitin at Pimtico and encourage itoolroom betting ti ale;- cover. Iris arguments evidenllv had great .w ight with the legislators. When the light is resumed on Monday night, prob-ahly in bolh the House ami Senate an attempt will lie made to offer amendments to the existing hill-; hat will change I heir whole complexion. The HaI-A illiatns measure, which prohibits open gaiuhlitu. probably will be superseded hy hills creating a statewide racing commission to regulate racing at all Maryland tracks. It is doubtful if this can he passed. The general opinion today is that because no eglsliitor will take the responsibility of leading a ! t linlned light against the tracks, adverse legislation will not materialize. The remaining life of the legislature is short and :t is so busy with other im;Kirlaut work that it is cl likely that the race track bills will be brought to a vote. Vtogelhi-r. conditions now are more favorable io lit- racing interests than at any time since the scs- it began. Followers of the sport say that it is sate in Maryland for two years more at least.