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RAISE DAILY RACING TAX TO 00. -r,,i..iip ini . inii v Th* Ontario Legislature late yesterdaj dealt with two matters affecting rac-n," in this provino Hon, Mi Cucas. the provm dal tree arer, in hi- bill aLn«udin the corporation; tai act gave notice of an Increase of the fee foi racing licenses 00 to a da.-, tt pjaw Bgure iieiug tio lane - charged f circuses. The raflwaya, the express, telegraph ! ud in:-uran,e com panics and th*» banks were the principal other institutions to have their taves raised. The bill introduced by Mr. Pratt to provide for the establishment of u provincial board of racing supervisors was withdrawn. Mr. Pratt is a government supporter, but Uis hill was a private measure that did not appeal to the cabinet. Hon. Br. Reaunie and Hou. Mr. Lucas, representing the government, told the house that thev saw no necaa sity for such a bill and Mr. Piatt got permission to withdraw It.