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SOLDIERS PREVENT RACING MARTIAL LAW IS DECLARED AT TULSA TRACK BY GOVERNOR S ORDER. Days Card Is Declared Off, but New Program Is Prepared for Today and Management Expresses Confidence of Ultimate Victory. Tulsa. Okas., April 15.— Todays racing card was declared oil because two companies of the Oklahoma State Gajard, from Chandler and Pawnee. arrived early in the day in response to orders from Got. Lee Grace ami took possession al the race track whore the Tulsa Jockey Club is Irying ta conduct its nineteen day meeting. Adjutant lien era! Frank at, Canton, who came here to represeiil Ihe governor in hi- eilorts io prevent betting In connection with the racing, assumed personal coin mam! ot Ihe noons and declared martial law at the track. lb- announced that he would permit no racing ai tin- track today regardless of whether there was gambling or not. "I will obey no man date of any conn, be was ipiotej a.s saying Martial law lias been declared and the matter is oi i of tin- bauds of everybody except Governor Cruee and I shall obey his comananaia.* Later in the day, Jadge i. A. Breekenridge of the Superior Cunt, upon petition of the officials of the racing association, granted a temporary injunction restraining the stale militia from interfering with the race meeting. By 2:30 oclock spectators to the number of I.imh were congregated within the racing enclosure. Adjutant -General Carlton ordered them to leave the grounds. Few obeyed the order and everybody aeesaed to be in sympathy with tlw» racing association. The adjutant general then ordered several of his men to the gales with instructions to allow-no more to enter. Shortly afterwards President R. J. Allison of the Tulsa Jockey Club arrived at the track and forced his way past Ihe militia guard amid loud applause from the large crowd on the outside eager to gain admission. At thrive oclock President Allison ordered the racing officials to take their accustomed places. bursas were brought to the paddock and a special i ice wis started without betting in any form. Jen eral anion protested against the running of the race and. just after the horses entered the stretch, a sipiail of militiamen lined up on the track and, at the order of their captain, raised their guns, and tired a volley of Bve shots over the heads of the jockeys. No further attempt to race was made. n is reported that Adjutant-General Canton warned the management that if the attempt to rare was persisted in. he would order the militiamen to kill the horses in their tracks. Three arrests of spectators were made for disobeying orders from the soldiers, but all were later released. A new card was prepared for tomorrow. What will then transpire no one seems to know, Bnt President Allison is still confident and is awaiting in-sb actions for his attorntv at Oklahoma City, to wham I report of todays proceedings was phoned.