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B . I ,■ j , c. R ; - r * LICENSING GERMAN BOOKMAKERS Much discussed as the ea of graating lieeaaaa to bookmakers in Qciauay lias been. II will, ac-, cording to The Beatoeher Sport, be laid by the delegate of the German Treasury befon Parlia-nienf. Should it be adopted by that lw»lv it will bo seal to the Upper Cham bar. which uses on Mag 28. Others say that efforts will be made to elahor -tie the bill according to the suggestions which may he made M a- t, swi- time tor the different public affairs pending, and onl.i Invite discussion after the Bister holiday,-. o doubt the many tr y:iiiiieuis which may be adduced against the pw posed l iil will protract tiic dehn necessary lor its adoption. The idea will be opposed by more than . ■e race society. It did not germinate in the orains of sportsmen, bnt In those of the police, who dto- covered thar among the middle classes betting and gambling have increased iii ratio with the prohibl- ions of the Isvyi