Notes of the Turf., Daily Racing Form, 1914-04-30


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NOTES OF THE TURF. Lawrence Burke has replaced Bob Tucker as super inteiidenl of the Havre de Grace track. The lri Indian Chief run at I.c TremMajr in France yesterday u,i- won by Herman P.. Daryeaa Bo.vne. I. ate arrivals at W lhiiie for the approaching Canadian Reason include •. Percy Kai ami J. G. Gemmas Calumny. Mai J had and Gerald U, The last named is a candidate for the Kinds Plate. Mike Gorman is due in a day or two from Ottawa with Battle Hoag and Voivode. Training operations at the Wooilhino track are still slow In raase the pnic Is not yet normal. It may he ex pected that here will lie distinct progress in this direction within a few days, however. Key el Santa Anita. 22-year-oM stalliui thai was one of the most famous horses in the late K. J. "Lucky" Baldwins stable, was awarded first prise in the breeders class at the reeeat Pasadena horse show. The veteran of the Baldwin stahle defeated a large lot ill entries in the breedlag class as the lust stallion suitable to get poio„pooles. The great Derby winner that brought a fortune to "Lucky" Baldwin nearly twenty years ago pranced about the ring with surprising agility considering his years. In 1804 Bej el Santa Anita won the American Derby at Washington Park. The concern that has heea repeatedly express, d over the noli -announcement of the reasons for the refusal " Hceaaes to jockeys Borei. Small. Beans sad several others in Kentucky scorns unite uiinet esaary. The commlasioaers, no doubt, declined the applications for the sufficient reason that they con Mlcrod th" applicants not deserving d licenses. And the coiiim Mstaoeri were appointed to eerc se their own discretion not that of others. From all that can lie heard the Kentucky authorities only a i lieipated the action of the Canadian Racing Ass,, .it ions iu the caset of several if the riders who an on the gr d is a result of this action. Fran i |* Kelson in Toronto Globe. The good or evil of the possible Introduction of the totalisator iu New South Wales is the subject of a deal of discussion in Australian sporting circles at the present time. With the government badly in need of monev it was thought by many that a hill for its legalization was marh certain to have heea portion of the Ministerial program, bat mem lx-rs of the cahitiot wen- at variance on the point when it was discussed, and evidently the anti total! Hi tor section prevailed. However, it is stated that pressure of the Caucus may hring a In m t the intro dm Hon of a hill favorable to the machine during the August sesjiou of the Assembly.

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