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SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR MAY, 1914. S Si 9 9 r- K C-b • o_ c a = !"* B B = c J* a. cj n . o _ % die. : g. ► p : a ■ 5 : * • : • One-Half Mile. Two vear olds sti si SO SS S4 Thre» olds 115 110 112 112 lift 112 110 Four year olds 120 122 122 122 122 124 122 Five year ..his and ap...l2t 125 121 124 125 125 125 Three-Quarters Mile. Two olds M M M Si 80 Three vear olds IIS 1 lO 111 111 110 111 110 Fein vear olds 133 122 122 122 122 127 122 live year olds and up...i:U 124 124 124 124 120 124 One Mile. Two-year-old! 70 so ... to Three-year-old! 108 lot; 107 n s 106 K * lot; Four vear olds 126 122 122 122 122 124 122 Five year olds and up... 120 120 120 120 120 127 120 One and One-Half Miles. Three vear olds 107 101 n»:: 103 101 105 104 Four vear olds 120 122 122 122 122 121 122 Five vear olds 130 127 127 127 127 128 127 SiN yi ar olds and BV....138 12S 12S 12S 12S 12S 12$ Two Miles. TTu J liar ahhl 103 102 00 102 102 102 I ...11 veal olds 124 122 120 121 122 12:: 122 Five vear olds 120 128 125 12s 12S 128 12s Six year olds and up... 120 12-.I 127 120 120 12S 120 Two and One-Half Miles. Three year olds 101 ... 101 101 ... 1 J1 Four vear olds 122 ... 121 122 ... 122 Vive-* 0.11 olds 120 ... 120 120 ... 120 Mx year ..Ids and up ISO ... ISO ISO ... 138 Three Miles. Tin. e vear olds .... 88 100 02 !0 1 »0 as 100 F-. 111 vear ..Ids 120 122 116 lis 122 121 122 Five veai olds 127 1.10 121 130 130 12S 130 Six real olds and ap....l28 131 125 131 131 128 131 Four Miles. Three vear olds 88 ... 88 88 ... 00 I vear olds 122 ... 11s 122 ... 122 I he vear olds 131 ... 130 131 ... 131 Six yeai olds and up F!2 ... 132 132 ... 138 TIIK .IIMKFV CLUB. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance shall be carried. In exclusively for three yeai olds, or ..Ids. the weight shall b 120 pounds, and lor tv v eat olds.. 122 pounds. i:iept in handicap! and in races where the conditions .xpnssly state to the contrary, tiilies two wars ..Id shall be allowed three pounds and mares Hire, rear! oM Bad upward shall lie allowed tvve Hounds before Septearber i and three aoawda there after. fielding- shall be allowed three pound-. Welter weigh ts sliall be 2s pounds added to the weiicht tor ae In heavy aaadlcaaa the top weight shall not be less than 140 im.iiimIs. In all handicap! when the added in y exceed! 8000, the top weight shall not be le-s than 120 pounds. STATK RACING COMMISSION OF KENTUCKY. In laces of inteniiediate hugths. the weights for the shorter distance sliall be carried. in raeea ex.-lusiveiv Ear two year -ol. is. 11s puunds shall be carried. la race! exclusively for tin. .year olds. 122 pounds sliall be cairi.d. In heat raeea there shall !»■ an allowance of five p Is from the scale of weights. Except in handicap*, ttltiea two years old and gelding- of all age* shall be allowed three pound-. Fillies and mares three years old and upward shall I*- allowed tivo pounds before September 1 and tint » pounds thereafter. JOCKF.Y I Mil .11 Alii;/. The Joehey Ctah laarea haa adopted the acahj of weight! "f the Kentucky State Baring. oinuiissiou, referred to in the pre. eding paragraph. IM 11 no JOCKKY CLUB. Ill races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the -li. .iter disiaii.e shall be carried. In a rae. ex. Iiisie.. for I we . .ar olds the weights shall be I IS 1.01111.I-. In a race exclusively for three year ..his the weights shall be 122 ix.umls. Ill heat races there shall be an allowance of Impound:, from the scale of weights. Except in handicaps and in races where flyweights are fixed absolutely in the conditions, tiilies two years old and geldings of all ages shall Ileal lowed three potaada, and fillies and mares three years old and upward shal be allowed live pounds before September 1 and three ixiuuds thereafter. CANADIAN RACING ASSOCIATIONS. In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the shorter distance sliall be tallied. In races exclusively for three v.-ar olds or four year-olds the weigliis shall be 122 pounds, and lor two-year-old! 118 poena*. Fxcopt in handicaps and in all races when- the conditions expressly state to the ci.utraiy. tiilies two years old shall be allowed three pounds, and tiilies and 111. ires three years old and upward sliall be allowed five pounds before the lirst of September and three pounds thereafter. Gelding! allowed three pounds. In all races except ill handicaps 1 where foreign breda arc not penalized as such, boreea foaled In Can ada shall be allowed up to and including three vears. 7 ix.unds: lout rear! and upward. 5 aowade. Welter weight! shall be 2S pounds added to the weigh! for age. In heavyweight handicaps tile top weight shall not lie less than 1 to pounds. No two year-olds shall compete in an all aged race prior to August 1. In all handicaps, when the added money exceeds 1914.sh00, top weight shall not be less than 120 pounds. BTBHPLBCHASI WK 831 ITS. At tl astern tracks all steeplechase races arc run the rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Anaocilttoa, which provides those Weights: For steeplechases less than three miles — From January I to August :;i, inclusive, three years, 135 poanda; four years, 140 pounds: five years. 157 pounds: -i years and over. 102 pounds. From Sep tesahet 1 to December 31. inclusive, for three yeais. 137 pounds: four years. 154 pounds; five years, ion pounds: six years and over. 102 pounds. For steeplechases of three miles and over — From January 1 to August 31, inclusive, lour years. 14:: IKMinil-: tive years, 155 ih.uu.Is: six vears and over. 100 pounds. From September 1 to Deceaaher 31, ia elusive, for four years. 140 pounds: tive years, 158 pounds: six yeais and over. 100 pounds. For hurdle races- From January 1 to August 31, inclusive, three years. 135 pounds; four years. 142 pounds; live years. 152 pounds: six years and over. ISO poaads. From September 1 to Decs saber 31, in elusive, three years, 112 pounds; four years. I.V. pounds: tive year- andtover. 101 pounds. In races exclusively for three yeai -olds, the weight shall be 1 15 pounds. Fxcept in handicaps and in races where the weights are tix.-d absolutely in the conditions, marcs shall be allowed live |m uiiiIs before September I, and three pounds afterward. Oeidings sliall lie allowed three poena*. For races on the Hat under Hunt flub auspices. the scale of weights adopted by the Jockey Club sliall govern and in respect of such races welter weights shaii I..- 28 pounds above the weight for age. la the west the weights specified by the Western Jockey Cub and the American Tint A— ... :a I ion are identical and are as follow-: Jam. April. July. o.t. Age Feb. May. Aug. Nov. March. .lime. Sept. Bee. 8-year-olds 128 128 134 ho 4-year-olds 117 148 151 1-" 1 5-year aids 157 100 103 104 O year -..Ids and up.. 108 17o 172 172 The rules ,f the Canadian Racing Associations governing st,., plechases and hurdle races provide thai no horse sliall be permitted to start in any steeple chase or hurdle race carrying less than 130 pounds. When a scale of areighta or age i- not tixe.l by the regatations ..f any coarse or in the conditions of a meeting or race the following scale shall govern: For steeplechase* and hurdle races less than three miles lloui January 1 to July 31, inclusive, four years. 115 pound-: tive years. 150 pounds; six veal-and oyer, loo pounds. From August 1 to December 31. inclusive, three year-. 138 poaads: lour years. 155 pounds: tive yeais. 163 pound-: six years and over, 108 pounds. For steeplechase, of three miles and over. Janu ary 1 to August 31, inclusive, four years. 138 |*.un|s: tive yeais 1".7 |hiiiim|s: si- years and over. 108 pounds. From September 1 to" December SI. inelu--ic four y.ais. 148 ih.uii.Is: tie rears, 101 pounds: six yeai- and over. 100 | ,iin,|s Fx.epl in handicap- and iu all raeea w heie the conditions express!] state 1,. the contrary, mares shall be allowed live pounds before lie tirsi ,,f Sep tember. and three pounds hereafter. Geldings allowed three pounds.