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RALPH G0LS TO DOUGLAS PARK. George J. Longs Kentucky Derby Candidate Taken to New Training Ground. Louisville. Ky.. April 28. Hodges latest trial for the Kentucky Derhy was performed over a slushy track. He went a mile and a smarter, the Derhy distance, in li:l-l. The first half was traversed in :32%, three quarters in 1:18%, the mile in l:48¥i and the- mile and an eighth in 1:58%. As in all of bis recent work, he did it in Impressive style. He was simply hrecziiig all the way and apparently could have shown sensational racing speed. He is training for the Derhy as perfectly as possible. Other workouts of Derby candidates were: Ralph Quarter mile in 271.;,. Tener -Mile iu 1:53%. Toronto — Three-quarters in 1:22; flrst half in 52%; live-eighths in 1:07. Ralph. George J. Longs Derby candidate, was taken from Churchill Downs to Douglas Park today, to give him a ehaage of scene and to work a Derby tiial over the course on which old Boacbad received his training this spring. He was ridden in the trial by jockey Shilling and went a mile and an eighth over a wet track in 1:58%, pulled up. The fiotionals were :U%, :24%. :■: ;. :IKK. 1:81%, 1:1.".. 1:28%, 1:43%. He ran the last mile in 1:14 and was well within himself. Other Derby trials today were: Al Wormwood Half mile in 51. Belloc -Mile and an eighth in 2. XI: first mile iu 1:45%. Bobiaetta Three-quarters in 1:19%; Brat half in .11. Watermelon Mile ami a smarter in 2:18%; hist mile iu 1 :."V J. All of these work out* took place at Charchlll Downs over a drying-out track. Manager M. J. Winn and his assistant. H. F. Breivogel, arrived today from the east, where the former lias heea for tin- past two weeks on a baal ness trip connected with the New Louisville Jockey Clah and the Laurel track in Maryland, of which he is also manager. Both will remain here until the racing season at the Downs is ever this spring. The following work outs took place iu muddy go-ksg at the Downs yesterday: Almeda Lawrence Half mile in ," 2. Prospect Five-eighths in 148%. Buaanaa Half mile in 52%. I list Degree Three qua iters in 1:21%; Brst half in 51 .-.. fleeting Fashion Three-quarters in 1:-.".. Furlong Fim eluhih- in lio.V1-,. Lady Pam-hita Three-eight ha in 30%. I gw.MMl Half mile in fr!.- Miss Charcot Kentucky Oaks candidate Three quarters in 1—1 . : titst half iu 51%. Rudolf.. Half mile in 57. Sinalee Half mile in 53%. Tom King Half mile in 55%. Wanda Five eighths in 1: iS; mile in 1:54, pulled up. Wat hen Half mile in .".21.-,. Wooilhurn Half mile in 53%. At Dodglas Paik the best workouts were: Adelaide T. Three-eighths in 37%. Buckhoin Five-eighths iu 1:W. David Craig Three eighths in 4. Iroglegs Half mil. in 54%. Helen Barhee Five eighths in 146%. John Furlong Half mile iu 54. I.e.. Skolny Quarter mile ill 26%. Mackhes Three quarters in 1 :23. Melton Street Three-quarters in 1 :ln. Palm Leaf Three .pun tors in 1 :L:.. San Vega —Quarter mile iu 27%. Star Charter Half mMe in 54%. Thomaa II. Byaa, of Wilmington. III., has shlaaed from Douglas Park to Lexington his Kea tacky Han dicap eligible. Roadmastei. to give that horse some preliminary racing before the spring meeting he gins at Churchill Dow ns on Derby day, Saturday. May B. lie took along with him Agnes I, and Defy, owned by J T. Bobbins. The latter turfman has been quite sick since his arrival here from laarea last month, but is now about over his at tack and was aide to go on to Lexington Willi II til. Roadinaslers performances at Lexington will he closely wad lied, as this son of The Roman w.i- unbeaten at Juan/.. Jockey K. Teahaa, who has just recovered from a -evere spell of sickness, has gone to Lexington. He is entirely well and expects to he able to ride freqaeatlj lure and at Latoaia tliis spring and summer. While at Lexington, he will lake low mounts. Inn will ke.|. in constant training so that he will be in the beat of condition when the Downs meeting opens. One of the good races he rode in Kentucky last seas.n was in the Latouia Derby, which he won with QowclL It is eonlideiitlv expected that one of the most remarkable fields of sprinters ever sen in a parse raic at the Downs will face the harrier for the five and a half furlongs scramble, which is to he run as the third race on Derby day. Such fast horses as the great Iron Mask. Hawthorn. Casey Jones. Othello and Helen Barhee are likely to be included among the starters. Othello, a three year old thai display, d marvelous speed at Juarez last winter, is taking his work nicely at the Downs. J. Iiiicn setter, who is looking after Othello in Kentucky for W. S. Heath, has abandoned the notion of taking any of his string to Lexington, as he was unwilling to stable his horses outside the Kentucky A BOOT, la lions ciilosine.