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NEW YORK TRACKS LICENSED. Albanv. N. Y.. Mav 1. -Licenses to hoN ran meeting:- and dates assigned, as granted by the State Racing Commission were hied today with the sec rotary of stale as follows: Piping Rook Boeing Association, baenst Valley. June 3 and 8. Westchester Racing Association. park. Mav 20 to June 20. except June .". and 0. Queens County Jockey Club. Aqueduct, June 22 to July IO. Empire Citv Racing Association. Yonks Ta, July 11 to July 30. Saratoga Association for the Improvement of the Breed of Horses. Saratoga Springs, August 1 to 2!l Ihe licenses are signed by J. W. Wadswortli chairman; John Sssford and H. K. Knapp, member. of the commission.