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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. It cost New York State ,2.~..000 to oust William Bauer as governor. Hereafter the second Sunday of May will he national Mothers day. The King and Queen of Denmark arrived in London on a four days visit to King George. Los Angeles has voted to spend fOLawOvOOd for I municipal electric light and power plant. There is a movement for the redistricting of the country for banking purposes under the currency act. The three yachts built to defend the Americas cup will have their first meeting off Newport, July 7. Refugees arriving at Vera Cruz declare that Huerta will se.- his capital in ashes before he Bees or givi s up. famous orchestral leader and rates trainer, who numbered Csmso and Calve among his pupils, is dead at Florence, Federal army officers have begun to receive arms and ammunition from all residents of the Trinidad districts iu the Colorado strike zone. The I nileil Mine Workers of America, in session at Indianapolis, have rated not to call a general siiilie of sympathy with Colorado conditions.