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NOTES OF THE TURF. i red I ..% ban arrived at Woodbine fmm Betndl w:U the si.-.-jii .-" Bight and the tajo-year-oW ommenciug. a l...iidon cable sn- thai Lloyds, the mawrance lead pen lei-, beavil.i through t In scratching ..; lie- Tetranrfa fitini the Derby. Many who b i I w eked the hois, early went to Uoyds to Insure bis starting, and paid SO per cent, premium, tie-eompanies making what would be called a fifty per rent, boot In racing parlance, or laying even money on the proposition that the coll would be ■ starter in the raee. Ii is pleasant news to learn thai Karl Grey will, i- well .is Iis royal successor in the othec ol grovel u h jeii, . i!. be iii Toronto for the coming meeting of il -..I- Jockei ciuii. and it is not to be ., noted that b will enjoj revisiting the beautiful Woodbine course. There ia much in the saying o oin- oi Britains prominent figures thai coonei ; 14 with the turf is an element of great Influenci ,i achieving popularitj for public nun. and it is ■iguiflcanl thai the governors who bare moat ei ileared tbeamelves to Canadians have been tlms,. w no bare bene niosi closet] In touch with the sports that interest o man people. One of the rhroniclers .,i the life ol Km. Edward VII. declares, with ■ -jreai deal ol ruth, that II is doubtful if be ever w.ii- so in. ii- and 6 ar ra the hearts ol the greal ma - of li- people as arhen be cai b*wn Into Hie wlldlj entbuslastb- croud at Epsom to lead in Ins Derby m Inns i —Toronto Globe.