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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. - The British governments bill to amend the Irish 1 home rule bill will be Introduced next week. The American singer. Mint . Alma Cluck, ami the Russian violinist. Kfrcui Zinibalist. were married ; in London. The rig of the Shamrock IV. is to he altered from | a sloops to that of a cutter, and is to he given t a longer bowsprit with jib ami foresail. j William P.utler Ilornblower, associate judge of the New York Court of Appeals ami once nominated to i the United States Supreme Court, died of myo- carditis at Luclihcld. Conn. Henry finwffr. confessed and convicted murderer of Mrs. Mildred Allison Kexroat. will be hanged , tui July 31, following the action of the Illinois Su preuie Court in affirming the decision of the lower | court. The London Daily Mail asserts that a suffragette i plot has been disclosed to the authorities to blow ] up the reservoirs at Woolwich, which supply a huge 1 section of eastern London with water. A strong i force of police has been detailed to protect them. ; Diplomatic negotiations are actively on foot be • tweeu the governments of Holland. Switzerland. Denmark and Sweden for the formation of a ■"union • of the small nations of Eh rone*1 to resist the encroachments of the greater nations. The Prince of Wales will l e twenty years old ] next Tuesday, and a year later he will become the richest heir apparent in Luropo. with the possible exception of the czarevitch. His annual income will be about ,000,000. Capt. William Dennis of the cup yacht Vanitie • tendered Ids resignation as sailing master ol the I Cochran sloop. Differences over the handling of the Vanitie in recent races is said to be the cause • I of his retirement. It la said Capt. Harry Uatf will succeed him. Yesterdays baseball results — National League: Boston 7. Chicago 5; New York .".. Pittsburgh 0; St. Louis 4. Philadelphia 3; Cincinnati 7. Brooklyn 4. American League: Cleveland 2. Washington 1: Detroit :;. New York 0. Federal League: Pittsburgh 4. Chicago 3; Kansas City 14. Baltimore 1 first game. President Wilson has sent to the Senate the nom- i inations of W. P. Q. Harding of Birmingham. Charles S. Hamlin of Boston, Thomas D. Jones of Chit ago. Paul M. Walling of New York, and A. C. Miller of San Francisco as members of the federal reserve board in accordance with the provisions of i the new currency law. The plural voting bill punned its third reading ■ in the British li Of commons by a vote of 320 | to 242. This bill was rejected once in the house of lords. It embodies the principle of "one man j one vote" and provides that before a general elec ti"ii a plural voter must Beted which of his votea he wishes to register. Twenty persons killed, a great number injured. and heavy damage to property which may run Into millions of dollars, resulted from a thunder and rata storm of phenomena] violence which raged over Paris. Several streets caved In, engulfing passen by. and immense pits replace some of the Bnesl boulevards in the city. All up and down the Pacific coast plans are said to be ripening In the oriental colonies for another revolution in China. The campaign is said to be under the general drecthn of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. who was ijrst provisional president of the present republic and was mainly responsible for the revolution which overthrew the Manchus. Sun is In exile in Japan, anil President Yuan Shi-kai is reported to have osTered ,000,000 for hi- bead. Three features of the Mexican situation are giving concern to the Washington administration, ih ■ lir-t i- a notification by the mediators at Niagara Falls that unless an agreement is reached before tin- end of the coming week they will cease their efforts to make peace. The second and corrolary i" i in- above is the doubted-barreled deadlock between the American ami Huerta delegate-.. The third report i- a report received from a fairly reliable source that General Villa has resigned his command under General Carraauu. The three Booth American mediators have formally advised General Carranaa by telegraph that they will not admit bis representatives to the conference unless an armistice is declared ami Internal as well as international phases "f the Mexican problem are accepted as the scope of mediation.