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I J J • 1 1 OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. DENVER, Colo.. June 15, 1S14.— Second day. Denver Kair and Racing Associations Meeting of 10 da vs. Weather clear. Presiding Judge. P. A. Brady. Starter. E. Tribe. Racing Secretary, Robert F. Leighton. 14924 lirst Race— .*■ I Mile. Purse S200. 4-yenr-ohls and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .SI M ; second, 848; third. *20. ESqniv. odds baft, Horse. Wt. Kin. Joekev. Straight. I 1488 Golf Rail 114 in II Meinpa 830-108 , 18181 l-abold 114 2« L Gentry B-M 14888* John R. Claylll 8* G Warren 13887 *Lady Young 109 4- .1 Groth U «»047 Yahidolid M9 ■"•■ G McClusky B-6 11257 -Lassie Here M8 «-R Fet ney 32 4887 Seagreen 111 7 W Shrtaer 88 Time. 24%, 49%. 1:17%. Track muddy. . mutuehl paid. Golf Ball, 1. 80 straight. 40 ; place. 82.60 sh.w: Laboid, 84J0 place, .00 show: John 11. Clay, 32.80 show. Winner -.1. N. M. .mices b. h. 10. by Plaudit— Cutta Percha trained by W. M. Cain. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. 14925 S.e 1 Roe 3 1 Mile. Purse S2o0. 4 year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 40: second, 0; third, 0. K.piiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wl. Kin. Joekev. Straight. 18843 IMnlant Ho F S Smith S1S0 MS 12457 Canapa 109 2«| J Groth 10-5 12020 Balcliff 111 3-1. R Guy 37-10 , 11841 Osage Chief 112 1" .1 Murphv ti?. ! 11885 Lieut. Bawyrlll B*l H M.mpa 27-10 1 2 1!! "Mono Lake 111 «• C Riddle 165 18788 Sue.,- Sam 111 7 1 Jones 16-5 Time. 24%, 49%, 1:18%. Track muddy. niutuels paid. Pendant. 05.60 straight. 820.80 place. .sio.iHi show: Canapa, .80 place. ::.40 show: Balcliff, 83.80 show. If inner -W. L. Behaefera hr. m. 5. l.y Plaandea — Countess Irni-i trained l.y A. Gibson. Start g.H.d. Won easily: second and Ihird driving. Overweights-Pendant. 1 pound. 14926 Third Staff 1 1 Mile. Purse !ik». Z-year-..Ids. Maidens. Colls and Geldings. Special Weights. Net value to winner 10; second. 844; third, 0. K.piiv. Odda Ind. Horse. ■ Wl. Kin. Jockey, straight. SamBeckhm 112 1 L Gentry 280 wo 11850 Milt Barber 115 2» 11 Caenaaanrh 244 11860 Lnkemae 113 3* I Murphv 11-5 Skinny B. US 4* W Orines 27 5 Mas. Irankn US B* .1 Ilonovan 3B-S 14057 BHlyMcQnd IB 8*1 I- Jackson 2:; Magik.m 115 7" C, Molesworth 31 Bogy .Iohnsnll2 s t; htcMartln 1! Time, 24%, 50%. Track muddy. S2 inuluels paid, Sam Beckham, 87220 straight. . no [dace, .20 show: Milton Barber, . to place. 83.40 -how: I.iikema ■■. . sit sh.w. Wiine 1 s. A. Beckhams eh g. by Preepero — Peroxide trained by 1:. .1. Farria. Start u1 1. Won easily: second and third driving. 14927 lo.uiii Ban — 5 1-2 Kuri.iigs. Pane 8888. 3-year-olds. Selling. Net value to winner 40; second. 848; third, o. K.piiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Joekev. Straight. 1382 7* La K-strella 110 V J ORrien 200-100 12811 Leford 107 2* L Gentry 12-5 12940 110 81 G Molesworth It 18848 Fred Cross 181 4" R Feeney 66 11488*Rara v. 1 102 S* T Deaiv 27 Palleshova 107 8* W Sluiner 72 13567 Santaneca 186 7 G McClusky fifi 18848* A. KennedaylW Wheeled. MM thewa 17-M Time. 25%, 51-,. 1:11. Track muddy. mutuels paid. La Kstrella. *0.00 straight. .20 , place, 83.20 show: Keloid. 84-94 place, $:;.imi ahow; Hester, 83.90 show. Winner Vancouver Slables ch. f. by Electioneer Fluid ll rained hv F. .1. Ratnsevi. Start go.,,1 for all bill Ada Kenne.lay. Won easily: . s. co id and third .Iriving. Orel weights Ada Kenne.lay, 2 pounds; Fred ; Cross. 2; llallesuova, 2. , ; ! , 14928 Fifth Race— 2-4 Mile. Purse 50. I year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 75; second. 0; third. 5. Kipiiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Joekev. Straight. 11606 Jge Gheens 102 l1 R Guv 220-100 14862 ■Dominica 111 2* S Smith 9 12842 Ruvoco 111 3* L Gentry 31-10 14298 Pajaroita 111 42 B Havre ta 57 lo 12778 Little Jane 115 5* H 3 968 1 6 Preen ill ti- W mariner B 12060 No quarter M8 7 It Hooker B| Time. 24. 49%. 1:19. Track muddy. mutuels paid. Judge Gheeaa. 88.40 straight. [dace. .so show: Dominica. .00 place. 85.20 show: Rtiv.H-o. $:;.;: show. Winner— L. M. Morris b. g. 3. bv Marta Santa — Ret ties lleceiver I trained by G. P.. Morris. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. Ovorw igl.ts -Judge Gheeaa, 2 pounds. 14929 Sixth Race -1 Mile. Purse 50. 4 year olds and unwar.l. Selling. Net value to winner 78; second. 888; third, 5. Fxpiiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Kin. Joekev. Straight. 12384 Electric HI l3 D Rau.-r 740-100 l3942-/.inkand 114 2" H Cavanaugh 2 13672 Tahoe 113 3* A Hollister 9 I2l49"-C, 111 44 C Riddle. B E 13698 Larnbertbm 113 5* i» Hill B 11707 Otllo 113 fi« E McKwen 8284*Voltroeae ill 7ia C 21 13824 Sugar Lump 10 ; S F Fuller 11 I 25%, 52. 1:20%, 1*0%. Track muddy. niutuels paid. Electric, 0. si straight. .88 place. .00 show: Zinkan.l. .10 place $.; imi sh » . Tahoe, . 20 show. Winner— W. M. MikeKs b. in. 5. bv Martinet -Perdition trained by A. J. Mik.-l. Start good. W asfly; second and third driving. Overweights — Zinkan.l. 1 pound.