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1 1 . , 1 I t . I I j t, t , e v I „ ,1 ,. t [ e „ ;, a I. g ,. , ,1 I] . e to 1 ; e !_ j. . ,". TRACK CONDITIONS CHANGE IN CANADA. Rain Falls at Ottawa and Mud Runners Have an Inning — Days Results Formful. Ottawa, Oat., June 10. — Racing at Coiinatight Park this afternoon was conducted under disagree able conditions. Dark, heavy clouds which hung over Ottawa all morning fairly unloaded a deluge, which gave most of the ladies a drenching in the hug walk from the ears to the stand. In view of the unpleasant weather the attendance was surprisingly large, but the fact that it was ladies day. with a free gate for the fair sex, was responsible for the big throng that turned out. The rain was welcomed iu this section and the track needed tlie water badly. Interesting contests attended the running of several of the races, the finishes in the fourth and sixth races being so close that it was impossible to pick the winner until the official placing was displayed. Dnsjaeanes margin over Dick Beadwood was the sborteat of heads and in the "sixth Cordon just failed to get up in time. The latter was undoubtedly best, but Murphy appeared unable to keep him straight in the stretch run and the colt twice swerved behind tlie leader in the last sixteenth. When he finally came to the outside he finished going fast and in another stride or two would have beaten the fast tiring Vorkville. The results were formful, six of seven favorites being Brat at the finish. Inder the circumstances the layers again suffered heavy losses. The Campbell stable, which is being handled by Capt. W. 1*. Presgrave, added another to the list of races it has won on the Canadian circuit this spring when Corn Broom ami Lindesta finished first and second in the Windsor Hotel Cup Handicap, a dash of one mile for Canadian-foaled horses. Corn Broom led from start to finish and won by four lengths after being eased up throughout the last sixteenth. Lewis Garth saddled two winners during the altera 1. He sent Energetic to the jxist in the oMiier. a dash of live furlongs for maiden two-year-olds, and Gun Cotton in the steeplechase. Both horses won in little more than a canter. Energetic led all the way. while Gun Cotton, after nailing her company for the first mile, assumed an easy lead and cantered home eight lengths in ad-1 ranee of Bigot. The stewards yesterday ordered that the entries of Martin Foley be refused until he satisfies them that he is the so],, owner of the horses racing iu his name. In regard to the ruling in the Ben Watson Baaivcs ca.-e, a further ruling was mad this afternoon which barn d A. Bailey ami E. J. Delsney from tlie turf. It developed that Bailey, the rubber of the horses, accompanied Detaney to the sec re-,| tarys office and introduced the latter as the owner. Detaney, s- the onVjais claim, got the badge for t uting purposes. In the meantime Watson is re-, stored to full privileges and as soon as he trans firs the none to proper hands, his entry will again be accepted. A match race will be run over the two mile steeplechase course next Tuesday morning between Baguaa and Tom Horn. Lewis Garth has wagered 00 against 00 with William Walker that his lil 1 y- will bait Tom Horn. Several of tin- horsemen racing here contemplate shipping direct to Fort Lrie at the conclusion of the meeting. Among others are II. . Ilallenbeck. O. W. Set; and J. I". Newman. William R. Bngstrom goes from here to Butt". Mont. He will book on the western circuit until fall, when he will return to Canada.