Overland Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1914-06-20


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I i I ■ • . 1 1 i . • 1 j 1 1 1 . J I • 1 ! ; 1 5 i 1 -, 1 1 1 " . • 1. .". 0 OVERLAND PARK FORM CHART. DENVER, Col.. June 17, 1914.— Fourth day. Den ver Fair and Racing Associations Meeting Of 10 days. Overland Park. Weather clear. Presiding Judge, P. A. Brady. Starter. Edward Tribe. Racing Secretary, Robert F. Leighton. 14967 Fir-t Ba« 5 12 Furlongs. Purse .10. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 40; second. o: third, 0. ■nalr. odds Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 13575 Frazzle 107 1= E Haynes Jlt;0-lo0 13401 UncJimGray 112 21 L, Gentry I 4 12290 Miss Hksln.; in", h j McClusky 17 13837 Hail Stearnusl07 4-? W Omits 42 1 1814* Wild Hear 109 5= H Mempa 10* 1 3839 :1 Miss Slv 112 «" T Smith 18:5 188*88 Carondolet 114 7" 8 Smith 9 5810 Lodestone 110 8 J Washer 31 Tim.. 24, 481i, 1:09%. Track good. matuels paid. Frazzle. 5.20 straight. 2.40 place, 86.86 show: Lncle .liininie Bray, 82.80 dace, .00 show: Miss Havvkstone. . SO show. Winner J. F. Fergusons blk. 111. 5. by Plaudit -Pleasant Girl trained by A. Tempest. Start goad. Won driving: second and third the same. Of a weights — Lodestone, 1 pound. 14968 Second Raci — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Parse 1280, 4 v.ar-olds and upward. SeUIng. Net value t winner 40: second, 0; third, 0. agfag* Bqulr. 0.hL"*"/ Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 13937 Eliz. Harwd 108 1» E McEwen 7o-1ih1 14925 Swede Sam 109 2J L, Gentry 14 13841 Coinpton 112 3J J OBrien ■ 13572 Mawr Lad 104 4i H Clark ■ 12801 Island Quecnl07 r,« W Shriner i 10343 liogart 109 fh r Bauer 10* 13839 M.Canomann 102 72i R Booker fj 13826 Abe SlupskeylOO S W Ormes 1 13824 Darkey 107 9= J Donovan 37 Hilly Young 109 10 II Huey 47 Time. 23%, 49, 1:08%. Track good. mutuela naW Elisabeth Harwood. 83.40 straight, .0t place. 82.80 show: Swede Sam. .00 pi ice, . si show: Coinpton. .00 show. Winner — C. B. Steiiunaims b. m. 8. by Marta Santa — Proclaim trained by . P. Winfrey. Start good. Won easily: second and third driving. Overweights — Elizabeth Harwood, 1 pound. 14969 Third Raci — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse o0. 4-yeav-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to ■v inner 40: second, 0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds led. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 14882 *Orimar Lad 114 lh E Dominick 40-100 12121 Oblivion 109 2"» G Moles worth l3 13737 Zulu 115 3h G Coburn 22 13842 Cool 114 4=i P Jackson 15 13811 Upland King 107 5=5 J OBrien 33 13935 Anne McGee 112 6-J ,T McBride 37-5 13934 Abihu 109 71 R Feeney 55 14925 Osage Chief 110 8- H Stuart 13 13943 True Step 112 93 S Smith "■ 13873 Beverstein 109 10 M Matthews 41 Time. 23%, 49, 1:09. Track good. mm iiels paid, Orimar Lad. . so straight. .00 place, .40 show: Oblivion. 88.00 place, $.",.4o show; Zulu. $."..2o show. Winner- Mrs. C. I. Crippens ch. g, 5. ky Or.inar —Lulu Marr trained by O. W. Crippen. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. Overweights — Zulu, 1 pound. 14970 Fourth Race— 3 4 Mile. Purse 00. 3 year-, olds and upward. Handicap. Net value to winner 8280; second. : third, 0. Equiv. Odds Did. Horse. Wt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. 14861 Imprint 108 1J E McEwen f-10-100 14386 I.dy Pnchital05 2J E Haynes 37-5 13688 Uarsac 110 3l R Guy 7-5 13844 = Seneca 103 45 L Gentry 33-3 12252- Kate K. 103 51 M Matthews t 14488* Klva 100 C F Stevens 81 10 tCoupled in betting at L D Nelson entry. Time. 23%. 48, 1:13%. Track good. muiueis paid. L D. Nelson entry, 1914.sh.20 straight, 83.60 place. .00 show: Lady Paaehita, 88.40 place. . so show: Itarsac .40 show. Winner — D. fi. Nelsons b. iu. 8, by Knight of the Thistle Affect trained by D. C. Nelson. Starr g... xl. Won driving: s. end and third the Basse. 14971 Fifth Race— I Mile. Purse 8280. tvear-olds and upward. Selling. N,.t value to winner 40; second. 840; third. 0. gtfBjY. Odds Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 13938 Arbutus 114 1 M Matthews Wl 100 1402! Sugar Lamp lit 2* W Orme« 24-5 I »! :•! ZinU.in.l 11G 33 h Cavanaugh 22-5 13942 Cr.x 11C 4»J L Untrv 20 14863 Voyagenr 11C ::- B Durham 9J 13055 Robert HC 0 W Shriner 25 7271 Coppers 116 7i II HUov 5fi 14803 I., high 116 $« J Groth 5i 14929 V.dtrome 114 9 C Snvtler 44 Time. 24 S. 8Mt, 1:15%. 1:44%." Track good. niutiiels paid. Arl.uius. 85.80 straight. 84.20 place. .00 sh..w: Sugar 1 .11111],. gS.00 place. ::.20 show: Zinkand. .00 show. Winner .f. B. Coodmatis ch. 111. 8, by HoKI. in lt.se Mary Kane trained by .1. B. Goodman. start goad. Won handily; second and tbrrd diiv ing. 14972 SiMh Kace-1 Mile. lurse $.ioo. :. year Olds. Allowances. ,.| value to winner 10: sec- -. ond, 880; third. 888. I |iiiv. Odds Did. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. I2876*B1arney 11s m j Murphv i:» 100 14861 Dalaton lis 2 * G Mohtaworth 11-10 13788 Kick 115 3» J Groth 43 5 11728 Mr Mack 113 4 E Barham 16 Time, 24%. 49%, 1:15%. 1:08%. Track good. 82 uiutuels paUL Blarney, 84.00 Btralght, .20: Dalaton, 20 j. lace: no -how uiutuels -old. Winner II. T. Batchlers b. c, by First Chip— Kittle Piatt trained hv L. L. Ma-0111. Star! nod. Won easily: second and third driving. Foregoing races were run over the inside track of seveu eighths of a mile.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914062001/drf1914062001_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1914062001_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800