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j . . I , : : I ■ 1 : R0AMER IS CARTER HANDICAP WINNER. 1 Andrew Millers Crack Three-Year-Old Reduces Aqueduct Record for Seven Furlongs. New York. June 27. — Joins into the lead right aft -r the start and maintaining a fast paee to the ..nish. Andrew Millers goi d three-year old. Itoanier. won the sixteenth running of the Carter Handicap j today in decisive fashion and established a new track record of 1:34% for the seven furlongs. At ; 1.1 ataga of the Joaiaey wa« the fast son t»f Knight Errant ami Hose Tree II. in serious trouble. Buck- j ban was the lirst lo show in front when the bar- , rier went tt|i. but it was only luomentarlly. for j K-.amer. breaking from an outside position, almost immediately aaaamed the lead, which In- increased 1. five lengths in rounding the far turn with Plying Fairy la pursuit. In turning for home Barrow made his bitl ami somewhat tilt dowh the lead the . winner had established, but Roamer hail something iu reserve, for when P.uxlon called on him for the Dual effort he drew away again ami er.issed the finish line with a two-lengths margin. Borrow iiulabed second and Flylag Fairy was third. Tea Point, the favorite, was up among the leaders for , tin- lirst eighth of a mile, then dropped back. The • ra.-e demonstrated that Koanier is one of the best three-year-olds in training, as his time of 1:24%. which greatly reduced the old mark for the distance, was accomplished in lommsndlni fashion and he was will in hand al the end. The inimlaled history of the Carter Handicap Is as follows: Year. Winner. A.Wt. Jockey. Yal. Time. 1895 Charade • 109 Daggett $ 999 2:11% 1898 Decmlayer ...4 110 Doggett 575 1:."..". 1897 Premier 4 114 Coyne 649 1:1! 1808 The Manxman.! 114 Lewis 1,350 1 :2.ln-. 1899 D.of Mklburg.3 100 Sullivan 1,470 1:28% laOO Box 6 12." Mulier 1.580 1:20 P.iol .Motley 4 110 Shaw 1,570 1 :-S I:mi2 Kthics 4 BKJ II. Cochran. 1.046 1:28% 1003 ....:: 101 J. Martin .. 2,735 1:33 l.xi4 Beldame .! lo: P. O.Neill.. 7.710 1:27 1906 Orm. itiht ..4 110 V. Havis .. 7.14o 1:28 1906 Boceben ,r liSI l.vne 7,860 1:26% 1:10, Glorifier 5 119 Mountain ... 7.s."i 1 :2s -. 1908 Jack Atkin ..4 122 Mnsgrave .. 8,850 1:27% 1910 Gretna Greea.O 10-1 u. Burns .. 1,926 1:27 1914 Itnnmrr :: Mff M. Buxton.. I.!i2."i 1:24% No racinj; In Pill and 1912. Not run in 1999 and 1913. instance. 1 1-4 miles in Is.!."".: 1 1 s 11 ii.s in 1898; 1 1-19 miles iu 1S!i7: about 7S mile from 1898 to P.I02. inclusive, and in other yearn 7-s of a mile. Pive other interest he: races wire decided, link hie, up o.,c of the b-st programs run oil in tin-east this season. Water Welles, in winning the firsi. took the measure of good opposition. Had MeCabe employed waiting tactics with Impression that home might have won. Batlna. overlooked by the public, won the second. She was daiag her best at the lalsh 10 withstand Trillers challenge. Am.illi. favored by the weights, took the third, over Coldy ami Lohengrin. Paton. the second choice, evidently finding the somewhat eonpy track no; i- his liking, dnlshed unplaced. Monacacy, at odds 0,1. took the liltli easily over Boiling Stone and Progressive in 1:40. The Talhott horse was in a sqfl sptd after the withdrawal of Doaahl Mae-Donald, ant made every post a winning one. Al Beeves, I Well-backed choice, defeated the favorite. Luxury, in the closing dash. Al ft en Tea has been noted as a front runner heretofore, but today he came from behind gamely. After the victory of Anialli. his owner was farced t st ami a *. i runup by J. P. Sherman. Walter II. Congdon, formerly trainer for the Beverwyck Stable, was an arrival from At lam it-City on the lookout lor some useful racers he would like lo parchaae. The Beverwyck Stables Bin;;linc has developed a severe quarter track, which was the reason for her being a non-starter in the Brooklyn Handicap. Over ill.- Sands, from tin- same stable, has been tamed over to Silas Veitch with the Idea of mal tug a piniper out of him. Todays attendance wis fully equal in that of the opening day, when over 10.900 passed through the ".nfes. Everything progressed in an orderly manner, as the layers of odds conformed strictly to the rules that have been laid down for their observance.