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BOWIE MEETING COMES TO AN END. Baltimore, Md., October 12. With the running or the closing dash of a six-race card, the curtain was today rung dowu on the inaugural meeting at the new-Bowie track. From every standpoint the meeting was highly successful. Summerlike weather prevailed throughout and the track was in good condition. Large and well-balanced fields faced the starter and goodly crowds were generally on hand. The card offered this afternoon, although devoid of a carded feature, brought together well-balanced fields and stirring racing was the rule. Ji.K-key P. Goldstein was taken sick at Bowie this morning and was forced to cancel his engagements for the day. The exodus of horses to other points began tills morning. Five carloads were shipped to Hagers-town, several to Kentucky and a few to Havre de Grace to rest. Fred Auerbach arrived today from Jacksonville in the interest of tho Charleston meeting. Joseph McLennan today accepted the position of racing secretary. Tlie departures for other points Included Harry OBrien for Iaris, Ky.: Harry Miller and Hen Crouch for Florida, and II. L. Shaw for his home In New Orleans. Charles J. Odell was noticed about the paddock this afternoon for the first time during th. meeting. The announcement was made this afternoon that the ring at Charleston during the coming winter would be an open one. Mortimer M. Malioney, ringmaster at several or the Canadian tracks, will again 1 be in charge and will welcome any reputable layer.