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LAUREL ENTRIES. o . : o Tho figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries bdlow ehow the best time of each, horse at the distance, sinco January 1,-1911, no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbro-viatiens show track conditions. o : o Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time, 1:30. XRuns well in mud. Superior mud runner. M maidens. Apprentice allowance. First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 17595 1:00 21 17. V Ihd. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han.. 17420 Uncle Jlmmie 3 109.. 725 17773s J. J. Lillis 103 1:00 3 101X720 17804 Joe Finn 107 1:07 4 10SX715 17S04 Laura 105 1:0S 3 105X715 17770 Americus 10S 1:00 0 111X710 IBIS Corneracker 110 1:08 4 111.. 710 10915 Crossbun ..114 1:07 3 110X710 17739 Dr. It. L. SwarengerlOO 1:07 5 111. .705 17S7S Progressive 108 1:07 4 114X705 14039 Buzz Around 103 1:0S 3 108x705 17709 Miss Eleanor 10011 :0S 4 103.. 705 17774 Galaxv 104 1:07 3 103X700 10103 Skeets 112 1:08 4 10SX700 17774 Stellata 100 1:09 3 105 X 700 Second Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidelis. Special Weights. Track record: 17593 1:00 2 117. 17770s .Marvelous 107.. 723 17415 Uncle Bryu .100 1:10 110.. 720 17S473 Peg 107 1:0S 107X715 17880s Carlone 113 1:09 110.. 715 17S47 Royalty 105 1 :0S 110.. 715 17770 River King 10O 1:09 107.. 710 17770 Meelicka 101 1:11 107. .710 17770 Volant . 105 1:11 107. .710 17770 Merry Twinkle 10011:09 " 107X705 17S47 High Tide 110, .705 17052 Jack of Clubs ilO l:12s. 110.. 700 14255 May Queen 107.. 700 14S77 Sir L. Joe 107.. 700 Leoimine, b. g, by B a r goinaster Leayounra .. 107 Bevelry James, eh. c, bv Star Ruby -Lady Lindsey.. 107 Third Rac3 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and -upward. Selling. Track record: 17595 1:00 2 117. 10007 Granite 112 107 0 112X725 17728 Lohengrin 4 110X720 17554 Ilonev Bee 95 1:00 4 105X720 17773 Kewessa 107 1:00 4 10S. .720 17594s Blue Thistla 102 1:07 5 113 X 715 17024 Besom 122 1:00 9 108x715 17878s Water Lily 112 1:00 3 110.. 715 17S99 Water Welles 120 1:00 I 105x710 17551 F.arlv Rose 110 1:07 3 10SX71O 1787S Jim Rase.v 115 1:00 0 114 705 17032s Lmlv Lightning ..112 1:00 5 108705 14214 Belamour 121 1:07 5 111.. 705 17849 Chuckles 10S llOO- 4 110X700 173S9 Yoikville 10 1 1:00 4 113700 Fourth Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. Blue Point .Stakes. ,000 Added. 2-year-olds. Selling. Track record: 17595 1:00 2117. 17297sfMontrosa 10! 1:00 95.. 725 17874s Broom Flower 109 1:07 93.. 720 10405 Distant Shore 112 1:00 104X715 17258 Hydroplane 98.. 715 175.5 Headmast 109 1:07 103X715 170541 Gloaming 108 1:07 104X710 17730s Stalwart Helen ...105 1:08 93x705 15959 .Tim Savage 108 1:09 100X700 17051s Disillusion 112 1:07 107.. 70 17S47S Key Mar M 103 1:09 104.. 090 fMontpeller Stable entry. Fifth Race 1 Mile. .All Ages. Handicap. Track record: 5704 1:::S 3105. 17S0G1 MONTRESOR 9S 1:3S 4 10SX750 Ind: norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. J.70SS Thornhill 100 1:37 3 103X740 -17050- Pandean 105 1:40 4 111. .740 17840 f AVorklng Lad 100 1:39 5 104 X 740 17555 Tactics 102 1:38 5 99X735 17771 Bamegat 113 1:39 4 95X735 175541 Azylade 105 1:3S 5 99 X 730 til. C. llallenbeck entry. Sixth Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Track record: 17553 1:43 3117. 17557 Bushy Head 1041:40 3 102X725 17879 Pa ton 115"l:40 0 110X720 17300s Gu.m Fisher US 1:45 8 10SX720 17S4S Holton 107 1:45 3 102720 17879- Goldy 103 1:47 4 105715 17840 King Box 105 1:40 4 105X715 17733s Gerrard ..107 1:45 4 102X715 17543 Rolling Stone 108 1:10 0 108X715 17879 Centanri 100 1:47 3 102X710 17S01i Confido .;;. ..10S 1:48 4 105X710 17732 Dr. Duennei . ..107 1:45 0 105.. 705 17S081 Dangerous March.. 110 1:40 7 105X705 1717S Petelus 113 1:48 5 105X700 17732 Tow ton Field 110 l:475 0 108X700