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; : . : . i i ; : i I i . I ; !. 1 ! . 1 i . ; I . i . I - : t i y . t 4 j 1 I ; i- : I IS s. : i t - , r. t s . t f B ". s s II " - to: v . i GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. : Turkey has moved against Russia. The German ; cruiser Breslau, which now flies the Turkish Hag, bombarded Theodosla, Crimea, for an hour. No one 3 was killed and only one soldier was wounded, j There was considerable damage to properly, iiow-i ever before the cruiser withdrew. The Turkisn cruiser Hamldieh demanded the surrender of No- vorossvsk, Caucasia, and the government properties. threatening in case of refusal to bombard the i town. The Turkish consul and officials were ar- rested. The cruiser then withdrew. A dispatch ; from Kertch. a seaport in the Crimea, reports, that -near Takol Lighthouse the Russian steamer alta. : from the Caucasus, was sunk by a torpedo launched by tbe Turkish cruiser Goeben. The crew and passengers were saved. The steamer Kazbek, which went to the rescue, was struck by two torpedoes, $ and sank. Many persons aboard were drowned.-Petrograd announces that Russia has accepted Tur-; t keys, participation in the war in enthusiastic fashion. High government otiicials declare that the czar and his advisors welcome the opportunity to settle for all time the entire Turkish .question. Al- ready steps have been taken to meet the situation., , Orders have been sent to the Black Sea fleet to j search out and destroy the Turkish squadrons oper- ating against Crimean and Caucasian ports. At: the same time the troops which have been held, in readiness for this expected event will move shortly. In anticipation of tbe possible invasion of Egyptian territory, British Ambassador .Mallet has informed the grand vizier that ir the Turks cross the fron- . tier it will menu war with the entente, powers. It is understood that the embassies of the allied powers at Constantinople, fearing a rupture, have already made tbe necessary arrangements for toe departure of the diplomatic representatives. The Russian ambassador at Constantinople has been withdrawn, and in consequence of tbe Turkish attacks on Russian ports, instructions have been sent Russian consuls iu Turkey to leave tho couutry. It was announced officially at Bordeaux that two Turkish torpedo boat destroyers entered the port of Odessa oh the Black sea and sink a Russian gunboat. They also inflicted damage on the French . liner Portugal. Acting Secretary Lansings announced the receipt of a telegram from the American charge daffaires at .Petrograd, saying Odessa has been bombarded and some American, property-destroyed. With heavy German reinforcements com-: ing up. the allies have decided on :t further move to cheek tho advance on Dunkirk and Calais, it is proposed to prevent the onward march of the Germans on the coast by inundating a low lying: tract of land bounded by Nienport, Furnes and Hook-; i stadeloo. The inundation of this tract of land Will, make it impossible to cultivate tbe beet fields for ten years, and the loss entailed is put at S10,OCO,000. The Russians, after beating the Aus-; trians at Bojana, are reported to have occupied Czernowitz, capital of the province of Bukowina. It is reported that between Lepe and Middelkerke. in Belgium the German guns have ceased firing lie-cause their shells would kill German troops as well as the .soldiers of the allies. Consequently, only hand to hand fighting is taking place. The French olticial announcement given out in Paris says that the forces of the enemy, which had passed the river Yser. have been compelled to withdraw by reason of inundations of the low country brought alMint bv the Belgian army. Prince Louis of Rat-tenberg," first sea lord of the British admiralty, has resigned. His resignation, nresented to and accepted by Winston Spencer Churchill, was brouget about by the campaign in some of the newspapers. i against him because of his German parentage ami connections. The trawler Rosella struck a mine on; ; tlie east coast of England and was sunk. Her can-, tain and chief mate are missing. Eight survivors from her crew have been landed at Shields. The Ramsgato fishing boat Ourtom struck a mine and went down immediately. A dispatch from Flushiug. Holland, says: "An examination of the map of the North sea. with known mine areas marked, makes one wonder that any mariner dares sail. The, Germans, English, and Dutch all have been active in mine laying during the last few weeks and as a result the sea is a veritable powder magazine." A dispatch from Capetown, union of Sonth Africa.; i says that Gen. Botha, commander of tbe defense: force, reports that rebel Geii. Beyers commandoes have been scattered and are not likely to reunite. Gen Bevers has fled in an unknown direction. The British destroyer Falcon was hit by the last shell fired Wednesday by the Germans off the i coast of Belgium. Lieutenant Wanton, commander of the vessel, and the members of the gun crew forward were killed. All the German army corps on. . the left bank of the Vistula river In Poland are iu : full retreat, according to reports from Petrograd.; In reporting on the effect of German artillery fire . on the Britisli naval flotilla supporting the allies left, the British admiralty says: "The casualties ; have been slight. One shell, exploding on the ! destroyer Falcon, killed one officer and eight men 1 and wounded one officer and fifteen men. One- killed i and several wounded are also rejiorted from the , light cruiser Brilliant, and eight were wounded on , the Rinaldo." London and Washington agree in 1 saving that the entrance of Turkey into the war: prbbablv will have slight effect on land operation.-", but will manifest itself chiefly on tlie sea and give . th" allied fleets in the Mediterranean and adjacent ; waters a biisv time. What effect Turkeys entrance . into the war, now a conflict of ten nations, will I have on the uncounted millions of Moslems in Africa and Asia is ii subject of conjecture. The: appointment of Baron Fisher, admiral of the Ens-. lish fleet, to succeed Prince Louis of Battenberg as first sea lord of the admiralty, has been an- nounced. It is officially announced at Berlin that - : German attacks south of Nienport and cast of Ypres are being successfully continued. "In the ; : forest of Argonno we have taken several important. positions." says the statement. "Northwest of Verdun tlie French made unsuccessful attacks. In , the rest of the western and also in the eastern thea- ters of war the situation is unchanged." Tlie Mexican minister of foreign relations, Isidro I Fabela, has forwarded to Secretary Bryan a formal I request by tlis Carranza government for the naming of the day for the evacuation .by the American ! troops of Vera Cruz. If the United States complies- the Carranza government will be ready to discuss the representations of Washington concerning guar- antics of customs and tax payments and the nro- - tection of Mexican employes under General Fun stons administration of Vera Cruz. The British government has opened negotiations i to purchase the American copper carried by five steamers seized by- English warships at Gibralter. . but at a price less than the average cost of pro-s: duction, according to a statement Issued by the American Smelting and Refining Company, which ; has joined with three other copper companies in , sending to Secretary of State Bryan a telegram 1 urging him to seek the release of the vessels. The National City bank has concluded with th , French government negotiations whereby 0,000.-: 000 will be placed to the credit of the French government at New York against which it hiay be enabled to purchase commodities and supplies. There: - ;. were well founded reports in Wall street that Ger- man-American bankers here have negotiated loans of similar nature for Germany. Norwegian and 1 Swiss loans are also talked of. Official reports received at Washington said Gen. Carranza had 10,000 troops at Leon, twenty-five ; miles south of Aguas Calientes. ready to block anv 1 southward movement of Villa forces in the event t the Aguas Calientes convention fails to effect a r peacefnl solution of Mexicos difficulties. Zapa- tistas and Constitutionalists are fighting in the ; suburbs of Mexico City. President Zamor of Haiti has been obliged to , leave his capital. Port ail Prince, and seek refuge j on a Dutch vessel. George E. Roberts has resigned as director r.f the United States mint. His " resignation will be u accepted. -