untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1914-10-31


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STRANG NOW AT LATONIA I have been on the ground for the past 15 days and have a line on several good horses that have been under cover and will be cut loose this coming week at gocd prices. Fnnf Sed. Thursdays Specials: BONNE CHANCE S9.70 fcr WON JESTER SECOND .00 FOR BALANCE OF LATONlA MEETING. .C0 FOR 6 DAYS SERVICE on PIMLICO Mooting. Have some long shots 011 tap for you at this meeting that havi been trained here at Latonia for a killing. BETTER GET IN. GEO. L. STRANG and CO., . 1742 BAYMILLER ST.. CINCINNATI. OHIO. The Monthly Form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of OCTOBER, will be on sale Monday noon, November 2. PRICE 51.00. Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten rents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular malL DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court j; Chicago. IllinnU. SKIRTS MADE OF your own material WILSON, 166 N. State St, Chicago m COFFEE Did you ever try Jevnes MOCHA and JAVA Coffee? If you are not already one of Jevnes Coffee Customers try a pound at once and you will never use any other. The pound, 42 cents. a JEVNE and CO. 30-32 South Wabash Ave., Chicago THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE, CHICAGO Yesterdays Form Special lost. SATURDAYS FORM SPECIAL: Octoher-Apple-54-52-33-57. Dailv and New Service lost. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW Yesterdays Wire and Special lost. TODAYS SPECIAL: Texas, Mountain, Mate, Sparrow. Room 446. 321 South La Salle Street. Chicago. 111. THE TURF REPORTER. Room 509, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. Yesterdays Komi Special ran second. SATURDAYS: Black-Friday-Van-Bot-Ran-Let. 25 CENTS A WEEK. MONTH at all news-stands where Racing Form is sold. DG3 LG2 Q42 R28 F26 R72 E42 H60 D42 C23 M63 F25 M30 H26 Q10 M45 K4 S3 F26 Q63 V63 P34 E43 G42 N40 DG G16 155 F35 L17 ZG7 CCS C32 L48 K12 SG3 118 ZG9 CIS. Book 173. AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED. RaHimnrn Building. ?f Chicago. HI. VOLUME I. of ANNUAL RACING FORM is now cn sale at Daily Racing Form office, 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago. I AND J MAGNOLIA SPRINGS r aaseA Baldwin Gcunfy :: Alabama I On the Magnolia River, one of the best I fishing streams in the South, sn the sea f I air and pines between Mobile Bay and 8 the Quit of Mexico. Good hunting in v, the vicinity. An ample supply of boats. I QPEH FRQfi DECEMBEPt 1 TO APRIL 1 RATES: I 1 315 and 8 Weekly. No extras. I There are four well furnished cottages with gas, hot and cold water, baths and opea fireplaces. Only linen, table silver I and fuel are not supplied. These are for 1 small families, 0 the single month, I 0 a month for three months or more. E Two are already rented. I Two brand new living houses with jijj eleven nevly furnished, steam heated bedrooms, two fine living rooms with S large, open fireplaces and steam heat, fi Hot and cold water in all bedrooms and l S plenty of bach and toilet facilities. I The living house rooms, porches and t 1 grounds arc lighted by gas. f The food will be of a superior stand- I ard, with expert northern cooking and jj I service. Fish and oysters of the finest S 1 quality in abundance. Plenty of high 1 grade Jersey mill:. I The Magnolia Springs water is highly 8 I climinative and a certain remedy for kid- ney, throat and nervous diseases. The 1 I climate is distinctly bad for tuberculosis. S I For eeservation3 nnd any 1 I further information enquire uf 1 1 MAGNOLIA CLUB 1 I 441 Plymouth Gouri :: Ghicago, Illinois J Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. HI Plymouth Court. :: :: Chicago, IlUnoii.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1914103101/drf1914103101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1914103101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800