Money Winners for the Master of Hamburg Place, Daily Racing Form, 1914-11-25

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t 1 J j I j , ; : MONEY WINNERS FOR THE MASTER OF HAMBURG PLACE . For a number of years past it has not been John E. Maddons custom to engage heavily in racing, although lie has usually raced a few horses of his own raising, mainly with a view to selling them. But. this year lie went in for the sport to such an extent that at one time and another twenty-two young horse!? laced in his colors, with a fair measure of success. All but five of these were two-year-olds and since some of these such speedy ones as Charter Maid, Grecian, The Finn and Paris, among others, were still in his possession at the end of the Kentucky racing season, It Is a fair Inference that he intends to try for honors in the stakes for three-year-olds of 1915. Two good. ones, Polish and Vanltie, he sold to his steady customer, Louis AVinans. and if they win in England next year no one will be more sincerely gratified than the master of Hamburg Place. It might be said that on some of their racing The Finn and Paris are entitled to rank as Kentucky Derby eMglbles and, if entered for that event next spring, are by no means to he overlooked. Following is the record of the achievements of the Madden horses, this year: Horse. Col. and Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. AAon. Charter Maid f. 2 By Star Snoot Charter Queen .5 4 1 $ 2,325 Grecian ch. f. 2 By Ogden Ilithyia 3 5 3 2,284 Disparity L 3 By Singleton Dissembler 3 2 2 1,904 Outlook ch. f. 2 By Yankee Origin- 3 3 4 1,854 The Finn blk. c. 2 By Ogden Livonia ; 3 3 1 1,425- Paris br. c. 2 By Ogden Golden Drop 1 1 2 1,405 Amazon ...blk. f. 2 By Yankee Bold Girl 1 2 1 884 Polish ch. c. 2 By. Ogden Lucy Glitters 2 0 O 810 Torv Maid ch. f. 2 iiiy Yankee Lady Bedford 1 1 2 754 Dismiss f. 2 By Ogden Dorothy Gray I 0 1 470 Stars and Stripes b. g. 3 By Yankee Miss Angie 1 0 0 390 Vanitie b. f. 2 By Glorifier AreronIque 1 0 0 3G0 Iron Duke ch. c. 2 By Ogden Saratoga Belle 1 0 0 340 Planetarv br. f. 2 By Star Shoot Cherry Bounce 0 1 3 244 Chivalrr b. c. 2 By Sir AVllfred Marjoram 0 2 0 140 Sam McMeekin b. c. 2 By M c G ce G tin rod 0 1 0 100 Distance b. f. 2 By Rock Sand Dissembler O 1 0 70 Astrologv f. 2 By Star Shoot Elsie B. 0 0 2 . 00 Joe Rosentield ..blk. g. 3 By Planudes Fads and Fancies 0 0 1 30 Mallard ch. f. 2 Bv Star Shoot Lizzie Dixon 0 0 1 30 AVatermelon ch. f. 3 By AAatercress Belle of Ashland . . 0 0 0 Darbishire blk. g. 3 By Plaudit Peuinah 0 0 0 Totals 22 24 2G 24 5,939

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