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GENERAL NEWS ; and0TES . OF THE DAY. Fifteen dead; seven missing and unaccounted for: forty-five . survivors In . a pitiable condition due to the terrible suffering . and exposure in a rough sea. and a ship reduced to Splinters, tells the story, of the fate of the coasting steam schooner Ilanalel. ; which dajhed herself to pieces today after going ashore Monday on the treacherous Duxbury Reef. "The Gravevard of the Pacific," nine miles north of the Golden Gate, San Francisco. Thirty-three persons were dragged ashore, either by life Hues or through sheer force of strength in a battle with the high waves, and thirteen were carried aboatd the revenue cutter McCulloch, which stood by throughout a night marked by heroism and suffering. The McCulloch reached Snn Francisco yester- dav, bringing the thirteen survivors aud fifteen bodies. The Ilanalel had sixty-two persons aboard, passengers aud crew. Of this number four are still unaccounted for. The death list includes five men of the Fort Point Life life saving crew, who were swamped in a thrilling effort to aid in tne rescue. British orders aggregating . more than 5,000,000 worth of automobiles, . wagons, sleds, harness and other equipment of a- similar character .were re cently brought back from England by Frederick S. Fish, president Of the Studehaker Corporation. In addition to this order, an .order for 500 automobile trucks lias been let by England to the Thomas B. Jeffery Automobile Company, of Kenosha, Wis. The -Jackson Automobile Company, of Jackson. Mich.. :has beeu awarded a contract for ,000,000 worth or automobiles bv the French government. Another big British order, let to the Cudahey Packing Company, of South Omahn,. calls for 5.000.000 one-pound tins of corned beef. As a result of this contract the Cudahey company has re-opened its big canning plant in South Omaha, . .which has been closed for several years. General Candido Aguilar, who succeeded Brig. Gen. Frederick Fmistdn as iiiillfrtry governor of Vera Cruz, did not mince words when, through his chief of police. Theodore Frezieres, be told the residents of that Mexican city that any disturbance of the peace, whether it be picking pockets or any of the graver crimes, such as sacking, would result in the execution of the offending individuals. The proclamation containing tills declaration provides that all arms must be turned in to the authorities within twenty-four hours, on penalty of death.- Americans are not exempt from the order, but in cases where the authorities are convinced that their standing warrants it, they will be given perm.ts to retain their arms. The state of New York cares nothing that Harry K. Thaw has escaped from Matteawan and is outside its territorial limits, but it cares much "that the orderly administration of its laws should not be perverted or obstructed by criminal means or the cor-rupt u?e of money." according to a brief sent to the United Staes Supreme Court by attorney -General Parsons seeking the return of Thaw In the custody of this state. The brief supports a motion to be argued early in December, asking for a reversal of the order of the United States District Court, which refused to permit the extradition of Thaw from New Hampshire. Henry Siege was found guilty of a msdemeanor in obtaining a loan from the National Bank of Commerce of New York City on a false credit state-ment. John B. Stanlield. his counsel, waived th two days grace allowable before sentence and Siegel was sentenced to pay a fine of ,000 and to be confined in jail for ten months. The prison sentence was stayed untl the second Monday of next June. Siegel gave 5,000 bail to appear in Genesee. N. Y. where the trial took place, jit that time, and if bis creditors have been substantially provided for, further action on the prison sentence may not lie taken. The largest single item of cargo passing through the Panama Canal thus far has been shipments of grain for Europe from the United States Pacific ports, according to the Canal Record. In the two nionths and a half ending November 1 seventeen east-bound vessels passed through the canal carrying 1.S25. 002 bushels of wheat and 3.354.872 buMiels of barlev. The distance saved by the vessels from the United States by the use of the ivinsil instead of the Magellan route is estimated at 5.550 miles. Including portions of three states within the area of their ravages, forest fires continue their destructive sween through the lumber regions of the Southwest. There was no indication of the checking of the fires at anv point, and reports from towns in Arkansas, southeastern Oklahoma and northwestern Louisiana, tell of great devastion of standing timber. Thousands of farmers have lost fences and outbuildings. The relief work of the Rockefeller foundation in Austria, Servia, France and some sections of Rus-sa will be undertaken actively at once. Dr. Wick-11 He Rose, head of the Rockefeller commission, announced that he and his associates vould soon visit these countries, where the needs of the people were perhaps as great as in Belgium, although less has bfeh. heard of ,hc". Conditions there. . General Carranza is expected to establish his capital at Vera Cruz Thursday. State Department advices were that he has sent word to General Aguilar. now holding the city, that he will join him as soon as iKiftsibli4. In the meanwhile news that Villa lias entered Mexico City unopposed is looked for soon. Preliminary arrangements for the celebration of , the three hundredth anniversary of the founding of Albany. N. Y.. are being made by the board of directors of the chamber of commerce. Albany was i I . first settled in 1015. but the ceremonies incident to the ter-centenary observance will be held, it Is saJfl. not in 1915, but in early 1911. Generals Eduardo Ray. Antonio Villareal and Alvaro Ohregon are reported to have been imprisoned In Mexico City by General Blanco for violating their oatli at the Aguas Calientes convention to support Gutierrez. The three are Carranza leaders. Blauco is expected to surrender Mexico City to A bomb thrown from a German airship fell In front of the American consulate at Warsaw Poland, yesterday, breaking a number of windows, but Injuring mini: in the consulate, according to a report from Minister Mnrye. Several persons in the street were killed, but no Americans. President Wilson has consented to see a delegation of Democratic women who want to urge hini to snp-wrt a constitutional amendment for women suffrage. He will receive them early in December. The President has told other suffragists that he believes the question is one for the states. President Wilson does not consider that enfrch ships have taken out American registry since the beginning of the war to interfere with ids plan for a government-owned merchant marine. His reports show that foreign orders for cotton greatly exceed the number of ships available for carrying the cargoes. Attorneys for Leo M. Frank, under sentence of death for the murder of Mary Phagan. a factory girl in .Mlanta, Ga.. in 1913. will carry to other rmemhers of the Supreme Court of the United States an application for a writ or error in Franks liehalf, which was refused yesterday by Justice Lamrfr. President Wilson has disapproved sales nf discarded United States army rifles to persons suspected of being agents of European belligerents. In one instance it was represented the arms were wanted for a Central American republic and in another that they were for China. General Funston will now be assigned as commander of iho central department, witli headquarters at Chicago. Tile New York exchange will, reopen on Saturday -for restricted dealings in bonds for cash;