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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Serious disorder occurred at Mexico City Tuesday night when a mob gathered in front of the national paia.ce. Later they marched to stores where arms and ammunition were kept, battered down the doors and sacked the places of their contents. There was much shooting, but, according to reports, the casualties are few. The police- were powerless, aS the few who remained to guard the ctiy were .stripped of their arms by the mob. Later in the evening a- mob, which had been, constantly growing, broke up into smaller bodies and the looting of pawnshops and other establishments in various sections was begun. Gen. Blanco left Mexico City at .! a. m. Tuesday, and the. forces of Zapata immediately took possession of the city. Blanco withdrew after repeated assurances to the diplomatic corps that he would not evacuate the city. These facts were reported in otliciat telegrams received by the state department at Washington. Gen. Villas troops are reported a few miles north of Mexico City, and Washington ollieials think a joint occupation of the capital with the Zapata forces is. likely, as there is a complete understanding bes tween the two factions. "The state department has called for a report from Consul Hostetter at Ilermosillo, Mexico, on private information that T. W- Carraway of Memphis is threatened witli execution there. Carraway. with C. J. Wilson and J. R. Mcliiery, was arrested more than a mouth ago. charged with complicity in dynamiting bridges in Souora. When the Americans were arrested the state department took the matter up with Gen. Villa, who ordered the au-: thoritics at Ilermosillo to releaser them if they were: innocent of the charges, which was the report made by the American consul at Npgales; who investigated the case. The Crocker Land expedition, after a long trip of 1,200 miles from Etah to the point where Rear Admiral Robert E. Peary said lie sighted the great unexplored continent supposed to exist iti the north polar regions, found that Crocker Land was not there. The expedition made Its final dash of 125 miles over the ice from Capo Thomas Hub bard only. to Jind that Crocker Land, if Peary located it rightly, had either melted or moved frcm the position it was supposed to occupy. Heavy purchases within the past few days of onions for exiort to England, France and Norway have sent the price up from 25 to 40 per cent, or from a bag of 100 pounds to .25 and .40. The demand is chielly for yellow onions. A general strike of seamen,- affecting all lines sailing from British ports, was called yesterday. The liner Lapland, which was scheduled to sail for New York, was held up at Liverpool by the strike. Many Americans had taken passage. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, by a decision handed; down by the appellate division third department, has won his fight to: have the trial of the action brought against him by.. William Barnes, Jr., for libel transferred to another county. The British government has impressed a number of vessels to be used as horse transports and Will begin frequent sailings from New Orleans to a port on the French coast near the battle front. The Christmas ship Jason, loaded witli toys for children in the belligerent countries from children in the United Stages, arrived yesterday at an English port. Governor Cole Blease of South Carolina, announced that he would give seventy-five state convicts par-dous or panjTes as Thanksgiving Day presents. Cardinal Arlstides Cavallari, patriarch of Venice is dead. .