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KENTUCKY ASSOCIATION ELECTS OFFICERS. Lexington. Ky.. December 12. The Kentucky Association u stockholders, at their annual meeting here today, selected Messrs. Catesby Woodford. O. II. i Cbe-nault, G. D. Wilson. Johnson N. Camden, Hal ,,J Price Headley, It. L. Baxer. T. C. McDowell. Matt ,i J. Winn and Allan B. Gallaher as directors, all having been re-elected with the exception, of Mr. ..: Qallalier, who takes the place of Judge David Gray . Falconer. The directors in turn re-elected Catesbv Woooiirord president, 0. II. Chenault. vice-president, and I. Wilson, secretary. President Woodford iinmiunced that he will name his committees next week. Secretary W Uson reported to the stockholders that 1,000 had been expended in itnprovemens tis year, making a total of 10,000 in improve-fuents since the purchase of the plant from Captain S. Browns estate. It was voted to double the Xtoek, If it can legally be done, inasmuch as it is " Considered that the improvements belong to the stockholders and that they were made instead of declaring dividends. The dividend this year was ten per cent, but there were several years in which mi dividends were declared and the stockholders Went Ino their pockets to make up deficiencies. H wad suggested by one of the stockholders that the directors should increase the salaril-s or the seer -tarj. triik superintendent, and others who have been working for nominal sums. The directors will take up the matter of stakes for the uext spring meeting at au early date.