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CRNEP.AL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Richard A. Cahfield. former gambler, whose gaming houses at Saratoga and New York city were famous places in their day. died at his home, 55 Madison avenue, New York, of a fracture at the base of his skull, received on Thursday in a fall on tlit; stairs of the Fourteenth street subway station. Canfield, who was 55 years old, was generally rated a millionaire. He had a collection of Whistlers paintings which he valued at 00,000 and which Was considered second only to that of Charles L. Freer of Detroit. This collection lie sold last spring to an art company here. His Chippendale furniture, reputed to lie the most valuable private collection in the world, was valued at 150,000. While admitting that the Pacific coast now is without adequate protection in case of war, Secretary Daniels, told the house naval committee that if an emergency arose the Atlautic lieet could be dispatched to the Pacific within eighteen days to deal with any hostile craft that might succeed in running the gauntlet of American submarines from Manila and Honolulu. Moreover, the secretary announced that the day of a small licet in the P.i-citic would end next March, when the Panama canal is to be formally opened with an international naval parade. The stork is scheduled to arrive at the White House at alwut the same time as Santa Claus. The Christmas baby is to be born to Mrs. Francis Bowes Sayre, daughter of President Wilson, who, with her husband, will arrive at the White House early this week. Mrs. Sayres wedding was the thirteenth to take place in the White House, but a baby lmrn to her .there would be only the eight birth there. The first child born in the presidents house was .lames Madison Randolph, grandson of President Jefferson. Wall street came into Its own yesterday. The stock exchange, closed for nearly four and a h.ilf months, except for limited trading in bonds during the last two weeks, was reopened for active trading in stocks. One hundred and ninety-two Issues wera approved by the governors for trading, and though other issues were barred, notably United States Steel, activity on the lloor of the exchange revived memories of big days ten years ago. Prices generally advanced. Thomas Fortune Ryan spent Friday night seated in a big armchair in the library of his home, SOS Fifth avenue. New York, bandaged tightly alwut the bodv. as the result of his horse falling on him. Three ribs were broken and Mr. Ryan could not recline in comfort, but several doctors encouraged him with the assurance that no damage had been done beyond the, fracture of the ribs, and that be would recover with complete rest. Representative Gardners demand for a hearing on his resolution for an investigation into the military, preparedness of the country was voted down yesterday liv the house rules committee by a straight party vote of 5 to :!. All the Democrats voted against it. The heaviest snow of the season fell in northern Missouri, eastern Kansas and over a large part of Iowa and Nebraska Friday night and Saturday, the depth ranging from two inches in central Kansas to four inches in tlu lower .Missouri valley. A total of ,S03,523 has been paid by the federal government in the last live years to more than I t, 000 or Its employes who met with accidents in the course of their employment under the federal compensation act in BIOS. The United States is ten battleships short of an adequate defense, according to the general board of the navy, of which Admiral Dewey is chairman. The navy also is woefully deficient in destroyers submarines, and air crart. The Hobson prohibition resolution will be brought before the house at Washington December 22. and when it has been disused of the woman suffrage issue will be taken up. The value of all live stock and field crops produced in Kansas In 1914 was ,253,200. or 8,000,000 greater than in any other year. Rumors in Vera Cruz are to the effect that General Carranza is preparing to leave Mexico. The French liner Florida is overdue four days at New York from Havre. A new slide is reported in the Culebra cut of the i Panama canal.