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Havre de Grace Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday April 27 WEATHEE CLEAR TRACK FAST Th figures under the heading Rec m the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished In cashes where record wai made on other than fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 XRuns well in mud Superior mud runner M maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Fillies Mares and Geldings yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 7840 111 3 91 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan200U7 200U7 Fair Helen 88 113 90 725 20043 The Busybody Ill 113 7 112X720 J003S Joe Finn 112 113 Ms 5107X720 198311 Dr R L Swarengerl02 112 i 112 715 20038 Anavri 115112 8112X715 20060 Mamie K 102 114 3 101X710 101X710184SO 184SO Ella Bryson 102112 7110X710 19532 Change 10 113 3 105X700 20030 Schnapps IOC 113 3 SS090 SS090Second Second Race About 2 Miles MilesTrack Track record 17340 357 1 142 1424yearolds 4yearolds and upward Steeplechase Handicap 20007 Astute 148X725 18449 Sypssot 3 153X720 153X72020032V 20032V Rhomb 5 150 715 20041 = Wooltex 133 715 71520U6S 20U6S Little Hugh 5 140X713 140X713Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Handicap Track record 7840 111 3 91 20069 Bclamour 1MJ 112 200C9 Miramkhi Miramkhi2002S 110 112 2002S Star Gift 108 112 20W92 Glint 10S 113 20026s Marjnrie A 100112 20017 Plantagonet 20039 Jesse Jr 108 114 3 12 12200tiO 20059 Crossbun 109 112 4 100 100Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Newark Selling Stakes Value 1000 10003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Track record 4979 142 1 107 18493 AMALFI 104 144 7 113 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 20041 = Elwah 99 143 t 107V 20046 Boxer 102146 2003 Abbotsford 107 143 20060 Carlone 3 97X711 97X711Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Miles4yearolds SellingTrack 4yearolds and upward Selling Track record 3040 145 6 111 11120072s 20072s 110X7220035s Al Bloch Ill 14714 5 110X72 20035s Paton 113140 7103X72 20053 Gordon Russell 5 103X721 200723 Cogs 107146 5 110 721 20003 = Yodeling 4 107X72 20039 El Oro 115152 9110X71 1991 Delegate 90 l49sy 4 lOj 1 20033 Hermuda 107 146 5 107 715 20047 Veiieta Strome 111 149 9 1000715 2005 = Chas F Grainger 103 146 S 107X710 20033 Abbotsford 112 147 5 102X710 20055 Roger Gordon 4 102X710 19991 Mycemie 95 147 107X705 20055 Sepulvedii 108 145 8 105X705 20004 Heartbeat 99 147 4 1 K705 20072 Gerrard 107145 5107X700 5107X700200S3 200S3 Myrtle Marion 110 151 7 95X700 19897 Soldier 105 143 5 102 700 20047 Perth Rock 95 147 4 105X700 105X700Sixth Sixth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maidens Special Weights Track record 5158 105 3 105 20057 Polarius 112 107 3 102 700 20079 Shrewsbury 108 108 3 103X095 20042 Jeiterson 104 107 3 102X690 19Kl Star of the Sea 109U10 3 102X690 20017 Half Rock 110109 3 105 090 090i i Nourcddin 107 108 3 102 685 685le le 3 100 685 685jicW jicW Little Neoskaleeta105 l33h 4 107 685 18411 Vaza 110 110109 109 3 103 68 683 19862 Ken worthy 3 102 68 20057 Singsong 95 1 07 3 105 US 10060 Danish Girl 100108 7 107X 6S 20060 Ventura 103 108 o 107 6S 20042 Alice K 10910 4107W 20085 Veilchen 102 110 4 107X67 107X67Mnzanti Mnzanti br g by Duke of Ormonde Ladv Marion 3102