Pimlico Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-04


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PIMLICO FORM CHART FIMLICO MD MONDAY TIAY 3 1915 Second day Maryland Jockey Club Spring Meeting of is days Weather gleaiv Presiding Judge William P Riggs Starter A B Dade Racing Secretary William P Riggs oO p m Chicago time 130 p ni Indicates apprentice allowance OOl K K FIKST RACE 12 Mile 81309 4S 2 110 Purse 500 2yearolds Allowances 1 V JL J J Owned in Maryland Virginia West Virginia Pennsylvania or District of Columbia Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 0 AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Emiiv Odds Strt 20082 GEORGE SMITH w 112 2 1 J0141CASCO w 101 33 23 2 T M Buxton W F 1resei PLUMOSE w 10 12 3J 3 3b E AinbroreJ E Davis i SUN GOD w 107 4 4 444 T Davies E B Cassatt CassattTime Time 23 35 48 J Track fast 2 mutuuls paid George Smith 210 straight 210 place Casco 210 place Equivalent booking odds George Smith 5 to 100 straight 5 to 100 place Casco 5 to 100 place Winner BIk c by Out of Reach Ci isuelo II trained by T J Shannon Ycllt 1 1f f nost nt 7 At IMIS ml lte Start good and slow Won easily second an and third driving hUIUH SMITH took the lead at onie ml setting a fast pace was oiilv cantering Ing at th the end CASCO raced in closest pursuit of the pacemaker ill the way PLUMOSE ran well and was i ridden out StN GOD showed greenness at tlto barrier and fron a tlatfooted start ran like a fairly good colt Scratched 20U9 Golden List 109 JOOS22King Neptune 109 19103Scliool for Scandal 2O156 SECOND RACE 2 Miles 8114 349 8 149 Steeplechase Purse COO 4 year olds and Upward Selling Net value to winner 150 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 S 12 13 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Sir t w 5 149 C 2 3 21 11 I1 I1 F WilliamsL W Garth 140100 140100w 20099 ASTUTE w 5 142 3 3 ln 1 21 21 2s B Haynes C R Fleischmann 170100 170100w 18407s PROMOTER w 5 14G 3 5 23 3s 3 ° C8 Z D Gaddy Mrs J W Dayton 140CO 100 100w 14203 WORSTDALB w 4 135 4 4 uU 4 ° 5 41 43 E Wolke Mrs M E Smith GOOft100 15054 15054BRYXDOWN GOOft10015054BRYXDOWN BRYXDOWN w 5 141 1 7 4l C G G V R Gilbert W F Presgrave 550100 1 18509SENEGAMBIAN 55010018509SENEGAMBIAN 8500 SBXEGAMBIAN w C 140 2 C C 0 = 4 5 C W Murphy J E Davis 7TKKMOO 20017 FOXCRAFT w C 145 7 1 Lost rider W Allen P S P Randolph 1150100 Time 1150100Time 355 Track fast 2 imituels paid Exten 480 straight 310 place 340 show Astute 350 place 310 show Pro ¬ moter 570 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ex ton 140 to 100 straight 55 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Astute 75 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Promoter 185 to 10 show Winner showWinner GarthWent B g by Fatherless Eliza Russell trained by L W Garth Went to post at 255 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving ErON was under restraint until in the last turn of the field then went lo the front when his rider was ready and was cnly cantering at the end ASTUTE was hard ridden throughout the last quarter and fin islicd gamely PROMOTER tired after showing a good ordtr of speed WOUSTDALE was going well at the end FOXCRAFT lost his rider at the fourth fence fenceScratched Scratched 20COSGarter 132 20C99Syosset 149 18022 Old Salt 140 20117 Union Jack 135 OfTj K rr THIRD RACK 34 1 iJ JL O t Allowances Net value to winner 3 Ituex Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Uniilv Odds Strt 18239 RUNES wn 3 lOf M fi fiCi0113ANDnpW 5 5 41 1 J Metcal II Watterson 7030100 Ci0113ANDnpW w 4 113 2 2 2800273PROTECTOn 4 2k 21 J McCaheyQuincy Stable COloo 800273PROTECTOn w 3 102 5 3 1 lh 3 = C Turner 1 S Tvroo 300100 20118 TRUE AS STEEL w 4 112 11 2 3 4k P GoldstnP S P Randolph 1000100 10001003k 20I03POLARIUS wr 3 97 4 5 3k 5h rs p Louder D Gideon 2300100 2300100G 20002 MADGES SISTER ws 4 110 C 4 G fi G T Murphy W W Xepp OSOOO100 Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 muttiels paid Rimes 14300 straight 2240 place 070 show Andrew 280 place r Protector 250 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Runes 7C50 to 100 straight 1023 to 100 place 235 to 100 show Andrew 40 to 100 place 5 to 100 show Protector 25 to 100 show FitzsimiiionsWent Winner showWinner Br c by Voorhecs Chillie tr lined by J Fitzsimiiions Went to post at 328 At ixist 4 mini tes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same RUNES was outrun to the stretch turn but finished with a rush and got up to win in the closing strides ANDREW much the best was u uler a pull and was not well ridden his jockev failing to see RUNES closing up fast until it was too la e PROTECTOR showed the most early speed but was tiring ill the last eighth TRUE AS STEEL ran veil but also tired POLARUIS finished gamely Scratched gamelyScratched 20118 Kleburnc 115 115Overweights Overweights Runes 4 pounds Protector 2 FOURTH RACE 12 Mile 81309 4S 2 110 Purse 500 2yearolds Selling Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 50 Iivlex Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Enuiv Odds Strt 20084PESKY w 114 43 1 1 1 = E Taplln H G Bcclwell 20040 ANITA AVB 100 34 2 2 J Metcalf A B Spreckels 3075100 20048 ROSE WATER w 109 2 2 u 4 = 3 E Ambroses Ross 210100 2003CSEMP 2101002003CSEMP STALWART w 107 5 5 3 = 31 43 H HammerW L Oliver 17CKMCO 191033S 17CKMCO191033S FOR SCANDAL w 105 1 1 47 5 3 L HirtwellLewIson Paul 1300100 Time 1300100Time 23 365 48 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Pesky 330 straight 250 place 210 show Anita 450 place 2 30 show Uoxn Water 210 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odls Pesky 05 to 100 straight 25 to 100 place 5 to 100 show Anita 125 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Ros Water 5 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br f by Br omstick Perverse trained by II J Bedwell BedwellWent Went to post at 359 At iMist 3 minutes Start good anil Mow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing PESKY sprinted int a long lead in tilt lirst quarter and was under restriitif at the end ANITA ran a good race and easily dis KtsiMl of the others in the last quarter ROSE WATKR a slow beginner closed a gap and finished well SEMPER STALWART ran well to the last eighth The winner entered for 800 was bid up to 1400 and sold to A Simons SimonsScratched Scratched 2012I = Trahc 104t Corfu 109 109Overweights Overweights School fo Scandal 2 pounds Q FIFTH RACK34 Mile 95722 112 0 124 Purso 500 3yearolds and upward 4 t Maidens gelling Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 50 AWtPPSt ri Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eqitlv Odds Strt HOLY wn 3 JOT 13 2 2S1H 1 = 1 V M Uuxton C A Quinn 300 100 S1H W JOHNSON wn 4 112 S fi 23 2 ° 2 2 = T Ulce E J Travers Travers7J tl00 100 MISS McGIGGLE w3 93 C 7 7J 3l 3 = 3 = L McAtee W F Presgrav ROYALTY w 3 102 4 11 II1 PresgravII1 10 a 4J E AmbroscQuihcy Stable EGERIA wn 3 95 9 10 10SVWECT Ss StableSs ThornbyU Ci CJ 3J P Louder J R Thornby SVWECT W3J9 5 U 9J 7 = g = j pruycr w H frey 17516 ROSEMARIXE 310012 1 5 71 S 7 D HoffmanE F Whitney 1300100 19990 JACK HAXOVER 3 102 10 S I0 II1 Us 8l 11 HartonA A Dnnlop 3000100 20067 ALllJOXUS 3 10 5 13 1320103ALICE 12 S lli Ui W Doyle W D Babcoclc Babcoclc3l 20103ALICE K s i 4 103 1 1 120012HABERUASH 3l 4 4l 10 A llauovcrll S Kearney 2000100 20012HABERUASH 3 90 3 12 13 13 12 lli J Pitz F Kuitnei 17300100 20133 3IUJJANT1 3 102 7 3 41 yukioi mi j MeCahuyll L Pratt 1200100 20042 BALDER vii C 112 11 1 9 12s 13 13 J Metcalf A B Spreckels t tMutuel Held Time i 23 47 113 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Roly SSOO straight 030 place 430 show Sir William Johnson field 830 place 440 show Miss McGiggle 510 show Equivalent showEquivalent liooking odds Holy 300 to 100 straight 215 to 100 place 115 to 100 show Sir William Johnson Held 315 to ICO place 120 to 100 show Miss McGiggle 155 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c Ity Golden Maxim Lotowanna trained by J V Mayberry Went to post at 429 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ROLY i quick beginner drew away Into a long lead while rounding the far turn and was under re ¬ straint throughout the last eighth Sill WILLIAM JOHNSON began slowly and raced Into second place lull rould not get to the leader and was eased up at the end MISS MeGIGGLE ran well and was ridden out through the homestretch ROYALTY closed a big gap from a bad start EGERIA also made up ground ALICE K and MlXAXTI showed speed but quit The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidScrarched Scrarched 2013 Key Oakwood 105 10549 Valentine 110 Ohlsen 112 Champion 105 105Overweights Overweights Habcrdnsh 4 iwunds Aldonus I SIXTH KACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards 92432 142 5 111 Purse 500 3yearolds alll npward Selling Net value to winner 375 second 75 third 50 J nilcx Horses AAVtPPSt AAAtPPStA Vt i Str Flu Jockevs Owners Enuiv Odds Strt 20072 BUZZ AROUND OUND wn 4 107 3 5 5l f = 4l 31 I1 R Shilling Mrs J Arthur r1 3GO100 3GO100XER 20I083DR DUENXER XER v7114 424 3J 3l 1J 2 J J Dreyer C K Rockw Rockwell 7j 1200100 20120L IXXOCEXCE ws 4 107 C 7 S1 S1 CJ C3 3 L HartwellAV F Gloss Vwj ll 32001 00 0020I28 20I28 L SPIRITUELLE w 3 92 1 3 11 lh I 2 4nt L McAtee S Louis tl900100 20071 TOWTOX FIELD w 7 117 11 1 3 4 o 5J 5 = W Obert A G Blakeley 700100 18442 IlERMIS JR wn C 114 7 4 21 2 2 4l 6t M Euxton J J Korb t t1997lCOL 1997lCOL HOLLOWAY wn C 112 10 9 9 9l ° Si S2 7nt p Louder L J Carey 11500100 11500100JU251 JU251 = AUTUMX wn G 114 S C 7 ° 7 = 73 7 S1 J Metcalf R D Carter t t20I023PATON 20I023PATON wn 7 117 5 11 10l 10 105 9 9 J McCflheyA P Doyle 95100 2013 SADA AXXE wn 4 112 2 8 G1 6l 9 10t510s C Turner R O Egan 900100 90010020J4C 20J4C ROLLIXG STONE w 7 117 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 A SchufgrC C Smithson 1750100 1750100tMutuel tMutuel Held Time 24 48 115 142 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Buzz Around 920 straight 520 place Jf500 show Dr Dnenner 790 place 020 show Lady Innocence 1020 show showEquivalent Equivalent b Mklng odds Buzz Around 00 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Dr iniiiiiier 215 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Lady Innocence 410 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ill f by Cunard Wayward Lass trained by J Arthur ArthurWent Went to post at 505 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BlZZ A1UXD followed the leaders to the stretch turn where she came through on the inside and iinishing fast got up in the last twenty yards to win going away DR DlENNER was a forward con ¬ tender from the start hut tired after disposing of LADY SPIRITUELLE LADY INNOCENCE closed a big gap PATOX became Involved in a jam at the start in which his rider lost his stirrup and the horse was pulled up LADY SPIUITPELLE set a good pace but tired tiredScratched Scratched 20120Myccnai 10 20140 Cockspur 117 20042 Lady Butterfly 07 10045 Mollie S 112 O f l l SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile 02002 1 39 3 112 Purse 000 5yearolds and up JLOJL ward Allowances Xet vrlue to winner 450 second 100 third 50 ses AAAtPPSt4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 18395FLYING FAIRY wn S 107 5 2 1s I2 I 1s 1J T Davies E II Cassatt fXMOO fXMOO20057CELTO 20057CELTO w 3 101 2 3 21 2s 23 25 25 C Turner J S Tyree 200100 2005 WOODEN SHOES wn 4 10 4 4 3l 31 3 43 3 J McCaheyQuIncy Stable 1000100 1000100ISJJm ISJJm TACTICS w C 117 1 1 4 4 4 3 t 4 R Shilling F J Coleman 10000100 17484 SHYNESS WB 3 95 3 5 5 5 f 5 5 L McAtee T Clyde 4000100 4000100Time Time 24 40 115 141 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Flying Fairy 300 straight 240 place 210 show Celto 250 place 210 show AVocden Shoes Jj230 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Flying Fairy 50 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 5 to 100 show Celto 25 to ICO pliMe 5 to 100 show Wooden Shoes 15 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ir in by Aeronaut Millie A trained by J S Healy HealyWent Went to post at 540 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing FLYING FAIRY outran her opponents to the first turn and was rated along in front under restraint j or the remainder of the way CELTO was always closest in pursuEt and llnifhed with great sameness WOODEN SHOES was taken wide all the way but ran a fairly good race TACTICS finished gamely gamelyScratched Scratched 20il2Bnskin 10 201072Montresor 112 201012Box r 100

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915050401/drf1915050401_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1915050401_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800