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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY Of sharp action taking place in the North Sea Saturday the British admiralty office reports offi ¬ cially During the forenoon II M destroyer Recruit was sunk by a submarine four officers and twentyone men being saved by the trawler Daisy At 3 i in the trawler Colombia was attacked by two German torpedo Itoats which approached it from the westward and began an action without hoisting Ihelr colors The Colombia was sunk by a torpedo only one deckhand being saved bv the other trawlers Seventeen lives were lost A di ¬ vision o British destroyers comprising the Laforey leonidas Lawford and Lark chased the two Ger ¬ man vessels and after a brief running fight of about one hour sunk them both The British de ¬ stroyers sustained no casualties Two German officers and fortyfour men Were rescued from the sea and made prisoners of war warThe The American oil tank steamer Gulllight which sailed from Port Arthur Texas April 10 for Rouen France was torpedoed at noon on Saturday off the Scilly islands according to a dispatch received in London by the Central News AgiMicy In addition lo the Gulfllglit two other vessels were sunk by German submarines They were the French steamer Europe and the British steamer Fulgent Four lives were lost on the three vessels The captain of the Gullllght according to the Central News Agency dispatch died of heart failure as a result of shock Two seamen jutnpcd overboard and were drowned The oilier members of the crew of thirty five were taken off by a patrol Iwat and landed Tlie vessel was towed into Crow Sound and beached beachedBerlin Berlin claims an important Austrian success in Galicin the statement being In the presence of Austrian CommanderinCliief Field Marshal Arch ¬ duke Frederick and under the leadership of Gen Col voii MacUeiisen the allied troops yesterday after bitter fighting pierced everywhere and crushed the entire Russian front in West Galichi from the neighborhood of the Hungarian frontier to the junction of the Dunajee river with the Vis ¬ tula Such of the enemy as succeeded in escaping are in hasty retreat toward the cast closely pur ¬ sued by the rilled troops The trophies of the victory cannot yet even be approximately es ¬ timated timatedA A Mytilene dispatcli of Sunday to the Daily Telegraph says The bombardment of the Dardanelles continued Saturday Refugees say that the Queen Elizabeths gnus did tremendous dam ¬ age1 to the Turkish trenches Tlie town of Darda ¬ nelles was totally destroyed The forts in the narrows were considerably damaged but the action of the fleet was hampered by mines the clearing away of which has been made difficult by the mobile Turkish batteries ashore The possession of Gaba Tcpeh is expected to enable the allies to place guns whiclt will silence these batteries batteriesThere There has been little fighting in Belgium and complete quiet along tlte British front The French have bombarded the intrenched camj of Metz and announce that their tire lias proved efficacious against one of the forts the barracks and the railway nearby The Frenclt occupation of the summit of HartinansWeilerkopf is confirmed in a dispatcli from a correspondent who has just returned to Paris from a visit to the French po ¬ sitions there Tlie entire hill has been devastated as a result of the desperate fighting which has been going on there for weeks weeksGerman German forces are to the southwest of Mitau capital of Courland and their operations in the Baltic provinces seemingly have taken the Russians off their guard This movement according to the German official statement is making satisfactory progress The Russian war oflice admits the oc ¬ cupation by the Germans of the region of Sliavli In the province of Kovno that German patrols have appeared near Lilian an important port in Courland on the Baltic sea and that hostile torpedo boats have visited the Gulf of Riga RigaInformation Information received at Ottawa Can is to the effect that casualties among the Canadian contin ¬ gent in the lighting at Ypres now are reported to have been nearly 0000 Of these 2000 are re ¬ ported missing the missing being chiefly the Thir ¬ teenth and Fourteenth battalions of Montreal High ¬ landers each lOOQ strong It is stated that 700 officers and mei were killed and 3000 wounded The totals thus given would indicate that more titan onefourth of the 21000 men in the division were put out of action actionCharles Charles Edgar Littlelield former congressman from Maine who has lived in New York since he resigned from congress In 1908 died Sunday at the Post Graduate hospital after an operation He was seventyfour years old Llttlefield was elected to congress in 1S99 to fill out the nnexpirid term of Nelson Dingley author of the Dingley tariff who had died In office officeA A total of 142 foreignbuilt vessels of 500705 gross tons have taken advantage of the ship reg ¬ istry law of last August to register as vessels of the United States and engage in foreign trade under an American flag The value of these ves ¬ sels is 32000000 32000000Both Both Russians and Anstrians claim success in the Carpathians while In Poland the lighting that is now in progress has shown no decisive advantage for either side