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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The horses which seem best in Fridays races are Churchill Downs Louisville Ky May 13 1 ljuly Moouct Hawthorn Presumption 2 Southern Star Illuminator Onota 3 Watcrhlossoni IAO Kay Ed Crump 4 Bciiahet Wilhite Boots and Saddle 5 Billy Culbcrtson Baby Cal Tobacco Bos 0 Old Ben Buck Kccnun Hocnlr 7 Penalty Marshou Birka BirkaJ J Li Dcmpsoy Pimlico Md May 13 1 Hose Water Besslien Ataka 1 Dcvoter El Bart Bryndor 3 Buzz Around Yodcling Dr Charcot 4 Ada Anne York Lad Reilectiou 5 Top o th Morning Gammon Ben Dale DaleC C Progressive Richurd Laiigdon Carltou G 7 Monty Fox Patience Thesieres ThesieresT T K Lynch