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The small figure under Str shows the distance the horse was ahead of that next in the race The small figure under Fin unless the horse won shows the number of lengths the horse was behind the winner Weight to be carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races FIRST HACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 12128 111 2 105 index Course DIst TlmeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish LADY MOONET ch f 4 108 By Dick Welles Moonet W E Wai 20237 Churchill 34 l13fast 2 110 2 1112 IU E Pool 8 Cash on Delivery 19348 NOrlns 34 l12fast CC 106 3 3 3 4 4 4i i L Bailey 4 Yenghee Useeit Roscoe Guo ie 19220 NOrlns 34 l12fast 2 10 1 1 1 E Pool 7 Resign Useeit Judge Wright 19155 NOrlns 34 112 last 4 105 2i 2J E Pool S Useeit Richwood Bay Candle 19081 NOrlns 34 l12fast 75 103 2 2 4i4 jF Murphy 5 Bny Candle Useeit DrLarriek 18820 NOrlns Ei f 106 fast 35 100 3 1S32S Latonia 34 112 fast 910 99 3 3 2 22 1 A Mott 7 Presumption Colle Benanet Benanet182C5 182C5 Latonia 34 lllfast 435 9C 1 4 t 72 7J A Mott 8 Bringhst Leochares Casuarins CasuarinsPRESUMPTION PRESUMPTION b g 6 111 By Golden Maxim Proud Duchess 7 KacManus KacManus2009C 2009C Lexgton 34 lllfast 4i 109 4 4 3 3 Sl R Goose 11 Conlower IlieNorman lls elt eltJS34S JS34S Latonia 34 lllfast 9 101 4 4 5 42 4i A Mott G Leochares Bringhrst II Birhee Birhee18T528 18T528 Latonia 34 112 fast 3310 108 1 11 in 2l J McCabe 7 Lady Moonet Colle Bfiianot 18101 Latonia 34 112 fast 90 309 S 22 5 52JV AndresslO Lit Father FPark Morrlstown 17536 Douglas 34 112 fast C 107 3 5 5 f1 5s J Smyth C Kringhurst Leochares L Skolnv ilenaiirt170C2 17285 Lexgton 34 l13fast 7920 106 2 3 3 3 2 J Smyth 4 HelenBarbee Hawthorn ilenaiirt 170C2 Lexgton 34 113 fast 175 112 7 2 2 2h 52JE Martin 8 Leo Skoluv Pcellemils Wilhite Wilhite14C79 14C79 Latonia 34 lllfast 54 1C9 3 1 1 lh 3 F Keogh 4 StarJasmfne Hawthorn Wi 14542 Douglas 34 lllfast 185 106 2 11 I2 I2 D Connelly 5 Great Britain Othello Deposit 14277 Churchl 34 l12fast 26 105 1 12 4l G o L Derondo 7 Hawthorn Vandergrlft Brictley 12422 Latonia 34 l12fast 7 112 1 1 1 2 3J J Henry 5 TberesaGlIl Sebago FloralPark FloralPark123S3 123S3 Latonia 34 113 good 4 105 1 1 1 1 lh j Henry 6 TheresaGHI Swannanoa Sehaeo SehaeoUSSO USSO Churchill 34 112 fast 95 108 1 23 3 4 J J Henry 8 Wllhitc T WMoon H Lander 11853 Douglas 34 lllfast 45 109 G 3 2 2 I2 J Henry 9 ThreeLiuks PaySlreak T R ench 11709 Douglas 34113 fast 910109 1 3 2 21 1 Goose 5 TMGreen Weyanoke FiyToiu FiyToiuHAWTHORN HAWTHORN b g 5 120 By Hastings White Thorn C F BuichemeyVr 20270 Churchill SJ f l06slow 32 118 3 1 1 1s I2 J Butwell 14 Chartier Busv Edith San Veii 20223 Churchill 34 l13ysgood C5 113 7 4 4 3U 3 = 1 E Pool 9 SauVega BobHenslev OHairan 20124 Lexgton 34 l12fast 17 112 4 5 C 7 GJJ R Goose 7 Chalmers Korfhnpe llenanet llenanet200SS 200SS Lexgton 34 l12fast 3GT 114 6 44 C3 Ci J Smyth 8 Chalmers Benanet Brihhnrst 20049 Lexgton CJ f 109 hvy 1720 103 4 21 1J lt J Smyth 4 HoyallL Hel Barbee iWeit 17285 Lexgton S4 llSfast 3920 113 1 2 2 2l 3 J W W Tlor 4 HBarbee Presumption Benanet 17164 Lexgton 34 l12fast 225 115 4 4 4 42 3ei W W Tlor C Helen Barbee GHughes Hocnlr Hocnlr1C983 1C983 Lexgton 34 114 fast 235 114 1 12 2h 3 W W Tlor 0 Bnckhorn Wilhite Benanet Benanet1C321 1C321 lAtonla 34 112 fast 133 125 3 11 1 J l t W W Tlor 5 Heimnet W Witch Roadmnstpr 15211 Latonia 34 l13muil 2710 126 9 C 5 C 7 1F Keogh 9 T WMoon Korfhaue F Yankea Yankea1512G 1512G Latonia 34 111 fast 2120 126 3 1 1 1 32 W W Tlor 4 Win Witch Benanpt ORnllIv n 15008 Latonia 34 lllfast 2 122 3 1 1 I2 I2 F Keogh 8 B Belle Pce Herrnls RovalTea 14951 Latonia 34 113 fast 2320 119 2 11 1J 2 k F Keogh 4 Gipsy Love Benanet PceHermla PceHermlaBOB BOB HENSLEY ch g 4 110 By Kapid Water Mae Erwin J Uvingston 20223 Cliurchill 34 l13good 265 10S 3 3 2 2i 22 F Robson 9 San Vega Hawthorn onVnn 20092 Lexgton 3t l12fast 3 1104 3 3 3X 4 J A Neylon 11 Chartior Mex SaT Vei 18327 Uitonia R4 l12fast 125 104 3 3 3 2l li A Neylon 7 Othello OHagan Glencairn Glencairn1S285 1S285 Latonia 34 lllfast 11J 104 4 3 2 2 2 A Neylon 13 Wilhite LackrW The ormnn 18173 Latonia 34 113 fast 3310 107 5 9 7 4J 5J G Gross in Lackrose Stout Heart CoIP CoIP1S076 1S076 Latonia 34113 fast 95 103 2 42 2i i A Nevlon 11 Wilhite Glint F rfonff 17888 Churchl 34113 mud 8120 106 1 2 2 2 2J A Nevlon 7 Pan Xareta Korfhace Glint 17646 Douglas 34 l12fast 2710 106 3 5 7 35 4 1 J MetValf S GIpsv Love Uocnlr Fw mV 17507 Douglas 34 112 fast 3910 106 10 10 8 Ci 4 J A Noylon It Lady Moonet riIaVan l lonis 17454 Douglas 34 112 fast 12 102 7 86 su 2 A Nevlon 9 II Barbne L MoonVt OlTnCnn 14626 Douglas 1 l39slow 1110 96 5 3 2 1 2 A Neylon 0 GJas cfaxonette TaVolara K 14493 Douglas 34 l13slow 920 102 2 2 2 1 I2 A Noylon 7 Klva Anna Reed Collo 14297 Churchl 34 l12fast 18fi 95 4 3 3 3J 21 A Neylon 0 Back BMV Y 14254 Churchl 34 l12Vtfast 3310 102 3 22 I2 1 A Noylon 7 Back Bay Fl SAN VEGA b c 4 110 By Knight Errant Merdin R J Kapkenziai 20270 Churchill 51 f lOCVRslow 19G ill S 6 6 Gf J JJ J E fool 1411awttirn ChartlT lUfsvFdltli 20223 Churchill 34 I13 I13sgood9710 sgood9710 114 2 11 VJ I2 J Loftus 9 BIIens e Hawthorn OHacan 2014S OHacan2014S Lexgton 34 lWfat 345 109 9 3 4 5i 4J J McTagtlO Altamaha OH an l Ptbov 20126 Lexgton 1 140 fast f 109 443 4 3 3 J McTagt 4 BradCholce TheGrader Chtier 20092 Lexgton 34 l12fast fid 115 6 C 4 42 34J J McTagtll Chartier Mex Pob IlensVeV 18370 Latonia Im70y l434faSt 13 102 6 2 4 3 3f L Hartwell 9 Ho nir Stout Ho rt RnKline 18294 Latonia Im70y l42fust 25 103 7 6 C r G 5i L Hartwell 7 Wilhite FatlilluVv Casu 182fi Latonia 1 l3Sfast 3310 103 846 C 42 4 JW W Tlor BofB n Mawr CbrfsMne LJtlie 18162 Latonia 1 l4iymud 11 103 1 4 G 5 G 5 W W Tlor 8 Prince Hwrnte Lu her HocnbT THE NORMAN ch g 4 114 By Hastings Monarka E B Elkins J0i4i Churchill 34 IrlSfcfast 213 110 7 2 11 W Lilley 9 UHagan Utiiliiiintcil Grasmere 1012 Ixxgton 34 113 fast 1 110 2 21 lt E Pool Soslus Undaunted OHagan 20096 Lexgton 34 l13fast 36 100 8 45 2 K Pool 11 ConTower Presumption Useoit 20063 Lcxgton 34 114 good 5J 111 5 3s 3s E Martin 9 Hocnir Dr Carmen AHanialia 18327 Latonla 34 l12tast 100 104 7 7 651 C Gross 7 Bi Hensley Othello OHajran 1S2S5 Latonla 34 Illfa8t 111 10G 6 4 41 W W Tlorlt AYIlliitc Uob Hcnsky Laekrose 181fi2 Latonla 1 IMUfctnud 9 S6 4 G 750 6 A Mott S Prince Ilcnnis Luther Uocnlr 1S131 Latonla 34 112 fast 12 99J 5 45 45f E Martin 7 Buckliorn GIpsyLijVe Casuarina 17558 Douglas 34 l12fast 1 101 8 4J 4 = 1 F Murphy 9 Othello Thistle Belle Bolala 1746S Douglas 34 112 fast 5 100 3 ink lu B Martin 10 Furlong Gipsy Love Sosius Sosius3J 17001 Lcxgton LcxgtonMAZNIK 34 l13fast 185 103 5 3J 21 B Martin 10 Othello Furlong ycnghcc ycnghccBy MAZNIK b f 3 96 By Mazagan Nikita S M Henderson iOi51 Churchill 34 l13fast 345 loo 1 1 1 W Lilley 11 Maniof Superhuman Sinai 10116 Lcxgton 34 l13fast 175 loo 1 11 1J A Mott 11 Quartermaster Gabrio B First 1SH22 Lexgton 34 113 fast 11 00 9 95i 71 7JA Mott 9 Tlic Norman Sosius Undaunted 10049 Juarez 5i f l03fast 20 33 5 6s 6 3 E Hayes S Imperator K AVorth Kobtcnay 19S71 Juarez 01 f l05fast 2J 95 4 2s 21 M Garner S Lackrose Cecil Marie OBrien 19762 Juarez J4 113 fast 4 110 5 5Gl 4s 41 W Ormea 8 Mex InezCasaha 10721 Juarez Gl f l05fast 4 100 G 6s 611 J Actou 7 Tory Maid Mex Inez 19629 Juarez 78 l30slop 2J 95 3 3BJ 3 415 J Acton G Christophine G Hughes Exntor 19G61 Juarez JuarezCOLLE BJ f lllhvy 5 102 4 1 I1 G W Carll G Lukemae Rex Beach T Maid MaidBy COLLE ch f 4 08 085i By Marta Santa Veracious W Gorst L0270 Churchill 5i f lOGVjslow fia loij c 71 S133F Robsohl4 Hawtliorn Chartier BusyEdith 1950 Havana 34 115 fast li 101 1 4 5 E Lamters 7 Briar Path Cliff Field Kiicore 19530 Havana 31 l14fast C 100 4 4 4 = F Uobinsn 8 Joe Finn Briar Path Encore 19508 Havana 34 l15good 8 06 3 3Z 1s F Robinsn 7 Kneore Cliff Field A N Akin 194S7 Havana 34 11C good S 101 4 51 51 1F Robinsn 9 JoeFinn BriarPath LouisePaul 19378 Havana 34 l20slow 3 103 5 5 5 ° J F Robinson 7 KCunardcr Manassch C Field 10276 Havana 08 lllhvy 4 103 4 2l I1 F Uohinsou 7 JSbadraeb Susan B Kanjo Jim 1S67X Charlen 51 f 108 fast 12 97 2 21 2 W Lilley G Aiicon Wanda Pitzer J Wright 1SG37 Charlen 34 l15mud 8 93 4 51 5 i F Robinsn 7 Harry Suaw Ancon Cliff Field 18576 Charlen 58 l0tfast 8 112 2 2l 21 F Robinsn 9 Useclt Dr Carmen Jim Savage 1S535 Charlen 51 f lOSgQod 6 100 7 6 7l F Robinsn S Luther Dr Carmen Ancon 1S3CT Latonla 34 112 fast 26 00 3 4 5 1 F Robinsnil Othello Coy T M Green 18328 Latonia 34 112 fast 10 90 4 3 3s F Robinsn 7 LMoonet Prcsption Benancl 1S173 Latonia 34 113 fast 40 90 4 3nk s F nobinsnl2 Lackrose Stout Heart Thcsieres1 18120 Latonia 34 T13fast 1910 104 3 11 1J F RoMnsn G Lady London Jessie Louise Coj CojBy BROOKFIELD br g 5 108 108yjlfiG By Yankee Gun Black Tail J H Mead yjlfiG Lexgton 1 l41 Uivy 4S5 304 304L0127 7J8 1C Tiipaillo SGr Hughes St Heart Liuthal L0127 Lexgton Im70yl43fast 11 106 2 33 C Van DnlO First l egree Tctan Brave 19590 Juarez 78 l24fast 10 105 61 74 K LapaillclU Kooteiiay Pan Zarcta Hash J93S2 Juarez 1 138 fast 10 107 1 = 1 32 J McCabe 11 Col Marchmont Rash Mud Sill 19o 19003 3 Juarez 1 l39 fast 5 104 10419U14 41 6 ilC Lapaille G Be Injury Belle of Bryii Mawr 19U14 Juarez 7S 126 fast 75 106 30 3 G Bezansn 4 Injury Belieof BMawr Fathom 18925 Juarez 1 l40fast 7 110 1101S643 V 6i J Metcalt G Be injury Ringlhig Ringlhig1J1 15613 Juarez 7S l25fast 8G 108 1J1 I1 J McCabe 5 Old Ecu B of 11 Mawr Injury InjuryZ 18475 Juarez 34 l22hvy 3 105 1051S335 Z 4 i A Mott 4 Wilhlte Orb Furlong Furlongin 1S335 Latonla Im70y 144 last 61 106 1061S283 in 21 A Neyion 5 Pr Ilermis I eo Skolny Ilocnlr Ilocnlr2l 1S283 Latonia 1 l39 4fast 17 104 2l 2n J Acton G LitIather YenghCe GrUiighis GrUiighisBy CHARTIER blk b 6 114 By Hurst Park Belle Diablo Spict Powers 20VTO Churchill 51 f l06 slow 14 117 4 2l 21 C Burgniell llawtborn Busylidith SanVega 20242 Churchill 34 lUSVfast1 275 IOC 9 71 6s T McTagt 9 TKorman OHagan UndnunttMl 0126 Loxgton 1 140 fast 6 100 1 4 4 T McTagt 1 BradCIioice TheGrader SVcga IWO Loxgton 34 l12fast 2110 112 3 1 = It T McTagt 11 Mex San Vega B lltmsley 1W075 Lcxgton 34 113 fast 75 108 5 56J 31 21 T McTagt 10 Useeit ConTower Ed Dolling 30107 NOrlns 6J f 106 good 10 109 5 1 1 R Goose 8 Vllcy Northerner Linda Puyiie 19364 NOrlns 34 l12fast S 106 6 52 511JW OBrien G Jim Basey Scbago Lather 10324 NOrlns 51 f 107 fast 10 114 8 G1 61 W OBrien 9 Viley OHagan Sehago 19271 NOrlns 51 l06fast 15 114 8 8 8l5iS Davis 8 Jim Basey Sir Dyke Vllcy ROSCOE GOOSE b c 3 By Dick Welles Please W H Baker 1034S NOrlns 34 l12fast 4 103 2 25J 2ii sj p Murphy 4 Venghee Useeit Lady Moouct ISXM NOrlns 5J f l07tegood 65 108 1 1 1 R Goose 7 LindaPayne BillyJoe DrLarcU 30124 NOrlns 58 l01slow G5 100 1 1 I10 R Goose G AKruter MCpbeil MFrances 19037 NOrlns 51 f l09J6hvy 6 110 2 25i 3 4 J R Goose G Billy Joe B Mortar Joe 1 18971 NOrlns 5i f l06fast 15 111 1 410 4M R Goose 5 Dr Larrick Resign BMortar 18440 HdeGce 5 f l08good 10 110 2 25i 92 914JJ Butwell W NinSimplcx Carlone Cl Haven 18422 ILdeGce 5i f 110 hvy 8 112 3 1J 11 F Coleinan 9 Anxiety Deviltry Volant VolantBy MARS CASSIBY blk e 3 102 By Oeden Ivory Bells J W Schorr 20253 Churchill 34 l13fast 9110 103 2 25i 6 6t2JJ Kederis G Band Saddle Benanet Banquet 16043 FortErie 5i f l06Mifast 6 111 5 3 1 33i J McCabe 7 Reliance Sir Edgar Eagle 15050 Hanrton 34 l14fast 2 112 1 1 = I1 J Hanover G Sir Edgar Zin Del Dr Larrick 15648 Windsor 51 f l06fast 75 104 3 1 I2 R Shilling Blacktliorn Izzethey MDuchess 1E536 Windsor 58 l03mud 15 115 5 I4 1b J Hanover 7 L Payne Rcdland Katharine G 15429 FortErie 58 101 fast 6 112 4 2s 451 J Hanover 7 Filigree Linda Payne E Allen 15333 FortErie 58 l00fast 6 107 7 61 S i J Hanover 11 Hcenan Tokay Eagla 14410 Douglas 58 59fast 125 107 4 5 51 A Neyion G Em Cochran Superhuman Izzetbej 14237 Church 1 58 l01fast 5J 107 4 Il I2 A Neyion 9 LInvalldcs JRoberts KariueG KariueGBy HOOS HOO ch g 3 103 By Ormpndale Graziella F J Kelley 20252 Churchill 34 l13fast 9J 10S112 6J 6 W W TlorlO SkilcsKiiob WCroivn Manners J0229 Churchill 1 116 147 fast 105 103 4 8 S20 C Dishmon 8 Brave BuckKeenon Tlitreader 18345 Latonia 34l12fast 49 10G1 4 3J 331 J Metcalf 5 Wblssom One Step Royal 11 18264 Latonia 51 f l07fast 21 106 11 10 ° 10 i J Metcalf 11 Cardigan Sunset Billy Joe Joe4J 18150 Latonia 5S f lOSfast 9 109 4 4JS128 4J 21 J Metcalf 12 Royal II Syrian Mex JS128 Latonia 5J f 107 fast fid 105 3 3 4s J McCabe 12 Cardigan W Crown Chesterton ChestertonLriderE 17286 Lexeton 51 f 108 fast 61 106 7 7SUN LriderE Pool 7 Type B and Mortar JeffRoberts JeffRobertsBy SUN QUEEN blk m G 110 11020W3 By Rock Sand Souriante Gallahcr Bros 20W3 Lexgton 34 114 good 16 109 6 Sl 9U1W Andress 9 Hocnir DrCarmen TheNorman 18286 Latonia 1 116 146 last fid 102 2 1 I2 L HartwelllJ llerinuda Goo StoII LColonisl 18120 Latonia 34 l13fast 165 114 5 57J W Andress G Coile Lady London JessieLouise 17563 Douglas 1 116 l46fast 19 110 2 71 9Z21W Andressl 1 Hcrmuda B Chance Impression 17473 Douglas 1 110 l4SVfcfast 6910 103 1 Ol Se W AndrcsslO PccssCallaway JStein Wandt 17208 Lexgton 34 l13fast 32 110 11 9 9M1W Andress 11 Thesiercs LltBean CMcFerran 16059 FortErie Im70yl43sfast 31 108 3 8 10 4W Andressll Father Riley Penalty La Mode 15700 Windsor 1 l39fefast 115 100 G 41 4J R Shilling 8 Sqtieeler Cliff Edge Colqultt 15474 FortErie Im70yl42fast 85 110 6 1 I1 W Andress 8 UnclcBcn irDeatlwood Lewin 15242 Hamton 78 l27V4fast 8 113 2 I1 I2 W AndresslO WPitzer JHHhton Kerosero 15167 Hamton 1 l42hvy 10 105 8 8BRICK 2 i 1 A Clavcr 11 Zodiac Chad Buford Sir Fretful FretfulBy BRICK AND MORTAR b g 3 90 By Uncle Matterhorn E R Bradley 19347 NOHiis 5J f l06 fast 8 107 7 5 5s O Dishmou 7 Linda Payne F Helen B Joe 10206 NOrlns 6i f l07good 7 110 7 6 Cl C Dishmon 7 RoscGoose LinPavne BilliJoe 10131 NOrlns 31 l13fast G 90 4 GiH Sunlter G Useeit Rlchwood Traiisportatn 10037 NOrlns 5J f l09Mlivy 7C 110 5 25 2 E Pool G Billy Joe Joe D Roscoe Goose 18971 NOrlns 51 f lOCfast 95 111 2 21S920 3 3i E Pool 5 Dr Larrick Resign R Goose 1S920 NOrljis 51 f lOSmud 2 105 2 218S35 1 I5 E Pool G Meelifka An Krutcr Bl Wing 18S35 NOrlns 34 l12fast 15 90 4 1 31 F Murphy 4 Yeiighee Stout Heart OHagan 18365 Latonia 51 f 107 fast 111 9710 G1 610 J Brown 1 Nobleman Cliitra Dundreary 18244 Latonia 34 l13fast 4710 100 8 8372S6 9 0101A Mott 12 Cannonade Nobleman W Crown 372S6 Lcxgton 51 f 108 fast 95 102 2 3 21 W W Tlor 4 Type Jeff Roberts Yallaha 16327 Saratoga 5 f 108 fast 95 103 4 31 2t A Neyloii 7 Feurock Chautcusc Langliorne