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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF TEE DAY An otlicial communication issued by the war office at Paris yesterday afternoon says To the north of Arras the condition of the ground has rendered operations dillicult Our offensive lias however been continued At the southeast of Angres we have attacked from both sides of the road of Aix HoulettesSouclicz and taken to the north of this road a strong German trench extending on a front of one kilometer about twothirds of a mile to the south of the road a forest which has been organized for defense and behind tills forest a trench of the second line We have found on the ground in this vicinity 400 Germans who were killed More to the south we have continued the clearing of the slopes east and south of Notre Dame de Lorvttc We have taken additional houses at Neuvlllc St Vaast According to the testimony of prisoners our artillery has inlllctcd extremely heavy losses on the cuemy The number of olhccrs made prisoners siucy Sunday is about 100 The number of guns captured are twenty including eight heavy guns In addition we liave taken 100 machine guns and bombthrowers The Ger ¬ mans made an attack upon us at the wood of Ailly They obtained a momentary footing in our first Hue but were forced back by a counter at ¬ tack We captured about 100 prisoners prisonersThe The ollicial Austrian version of the latest opera ¬ tions in Galicia issued in Vienna yesterday says The retreat of the Russians in Russian Poland continues influencing also the sectors of the former Pilica front From the east of Piotrkow to tho upper Vistula tho retreating Russians are being pursued by the Teutonic allies under Generals von Woyrich and Daiikl The allied troops have gained a footing in the hilly district northeast of Kielce In mldGalicia the Russians are retreating across the San before the army of Archduke Joseph Ferdinand From the district of Dobromil Stry and Sambor thev are retreating in a northeasterly direction before the vanguards of the army under Generals Porovich and von BoehmErmolli Our troops have reached the heights southwest of Dobromil Stry and Sambor Allied troops under General Linsingeii are advancing across Turku and Skole and joining the general advance The bat ¬ tle in south Galicia continues Strong Russian forces advanced across Obcrtyii to tho north of Sniatyu and Mahala MahalaA A London dispatch of yesterday says A cor ¬ respondent at Pas De Calais France in de ¬ scribing the desperate attempts made by the Ger ¬ mans on Ypres during the past weeks says that they hurled themselves forward in attack after at ¬ tack each more reckless than its predecessor and continues The German infantry displayed great courage fighting bitterly Hill No CO indeed lias proved a stumbling block to the German plans Throughout the terrible days of the last three weeks on no occasion has the army launched a big attack without prefacing it by an attempt to re ¬ cover this hill There are signs that these efforts have considerably exhausted them hut doubtless they will be renewed The plain before Ypres 5s a charnel house of German dead Ypres itself is broken and battered On the other baud the Briti ih line reset and reinforced is stronger than be ¬ fore Each day our infantry astonishes its leaders anew by its achievements and qualities qualitiesThe The United States navy has bought Its first dirigible airship under a contract which calls for its delivery within the next four months Secre ¬ tary Daniels approved the purchase and awarded a contract for the manufacture of the dirigible to the Connecticut Air Craft Company on its bid of 45KJ025 The last naval appropriation bill carried a specific appropriation of 1000000 for aeronautics Since the passage of this act this arm of the service lias received two new hydro ¬ aeroplanes The dirigible ordered is designed to carry eight men four of whom will be the crew making it possible to carry four student observers Tho dirigible will be 175 feet long and 55 feet high It is designed for n speed of twentyfive miles an hour and at any time its radius of action which is about two hours can be about doubled by replacing the weight of the extra men with the same weight of gasoline gasolineA A dispatch from Pctrograd says The Ger ¬ mans in the north have now all been driven to the westward of the River Dnbissa They have a small force still at Lilian where the Russians a month ago cinpticd the grain elevators when Bal ¬ tic grain exports were stopped The Germans have two corps which arc much weakened above east Prussia chiefly on the road to Tauroggen The invasion was permitted because the Russian general staff had determined to continue prepara ¬ tions for an advance in Poland to frustrate Mac kciiseus movement eastward below Cracow General Maekenscns army is now in a difficult position exhausted and without fresh reserves Russian cavalry hold both banks of the Vistula near its junction with the Nida and continue their success ¬ ful flank attacks while Mackensens infantry are engaged in frontal attacks along the Wislok WislokFrom From Berlin yesterday a statement said The following otlicial version of the sinking of the Lusitauia is published by tlio admiralty under the signature of Admiral jBchuckc The German sub ¬ marine sighted the steamer which flew no Hag May 7 at 220 oclock Central European time afternoon on the southeast coast of Ireland in fine clear weather At 310 oclock one torpedo was fired at the Lusitania which hit her starboard side below the captains bridge The detonation of the torpedo was followed immediately by a fur ¬ ther explosion of extremely strong effect The ship began to list by starboard and began to sink The second explosion must be traced back to the ignition of quantities of ammunition inside the ship shipCasualty Casualty lists published in London yesterday which include the names of over 200 ollicers bristle with aristocratic names Among the killed are Lieut W F Rodney of the flying corps a brother of Lord Rodneyr Lord Spencer Douglas Ooiupton a lieutenant in the Horse Guards brother and heir of the Marquis of Northampton Lieut Keith Anthony Stewart of the Black Watch son of the Earl of Galloway Capt Enig Upton Of the Royal Rifles soninlaw of Viscount Temple town Lieut Col Lord R F Cavendish of the Royal Laucastcrs is listed as wounded He is a brother of the Duke of Devonshire Among the wounded also is Lieut G Bruce sou of Lord Bruce BruceThe The Berlin correspondent of Renters Telegram Company states to London that Clemens DelBrueck German minister of the Interior and vice chancellor in addressing the budget committee in the reich stag Friday said Wheat for bread for the current year is not only sufficient but there is a greater reserve than was anticipated Even unforeseen eventualities such as fire or a delay in the harvest would not embarrass us usGeneral General Villas famous Golden Corps repulsed a portion of General Obregons army yesterday in an eighthour battle at the Hacienda de Otate a short distance north of Irapuato Six hundred Carranza dead were found on the field after the battle which lasted eight hours according to a telegram sent by General Villa from Aguascalientes to El Paso Texas TexasWar War preparations in Italy linve reached the final stage Following an urgent council of the govern ¬ ment yesterday orders were telegraphed to all the prefects throughout Italy to hand over their powers to the military authorities if deemed necessary and in most instances it was done This was a virtual declaration of martial law and puts the kingdom in a state of siege siegeThe The application of the Pennsylvania New York Central Lehigh Valley and other railroads to re ¬ tain ownership of and continue operation of boat lines on the great lakes despite the prohibition in the Panama Canal act was denied yesterday by the Interstate Commerce Commission All the railroads applying must give up their boat lines by Dec 1 1115 1115A A dispatch from Warsaw to Paris states that it is learned there from a well informed source that Archduke Karl Franz Josef heir to the Austrian throne was seriously wounded in a recent battle in western Galicia Splinters from exploding bombs entered the archdukes leg causing wounds that made it necessary to rush him to the military hos ¬ pital at Konopltch at once onceA A dispatch from Rome yesterday states that before its downfall the Salandra cabinet concluded a secret treaty with the powers of the triple entente England France and Russia according to the Giornalc dltalla The newspaper states that the cabinet denounced the triple alliance of which Italy is supposed still to lie a member memberYesterdays Yesterdays baseball results National League Xew York 10 Chicago 0 Philadelphia 11 St Louis 2 Brooklyn 7 Cincinnati 1 Pittsburgh 10 Boston 0 American League Washington 3 Chi ¬ cago 1 New York 4 Cleveland 2 Boston 5 De ¬ troit 2 Federal League Chicago 10 Pittsburgh 0 Baltimore 10 Brooklyn C Newark 7 Buf ¬ falo r rSignor Signor Marcora president of the chamber of dep ¬ uties requested by King Victor Emmanuel to form a new cabinet in succession to the Salandra min ¬ istry bas refused the commission It is probable that the king will Insist on Premier Salandra re ¬ maining in power powerA A rtiKirt from Aberdeen Scotland of yesterday says the Danish steamship Martha a vessel of 11S2 tons was torpedoed and sunk In the North Sea by a German submarine The members of her crew were saved The Martha hailed from Copen ¬ hagen hagenIn In New York yesterday the New York Staats Holtuuij announced that CoUmel Tlieodorc Roosevelt had licen dropped as an honorary member front tho roll of the League of Old German Students and of the General German League LeagueTlie Tlie AngloFrench allies have captured the lieights of Krlthla on the Galliiwll peninsula from Its Turkish defenders it is said in a telegram from Tencdos to Athens yesterday yesterdayAmbassador Ambassador Gerard presented the American note to the German foreign ofiice at 1030 a in yes ¬ terday