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JAMAICA FORM CHART NEW YORK TUESDAY JUNE 22 1915 Eleventh day Metropolitan Jockey Club Summer Meeting of 14 days Weather cloudy Presiding Judge C II Pettinglll Starter Mars Cassldy ICacing Secretary W 0 Edwards Chicago time 130 p in Indicates apprentice allowance O l l O fc FIRST RACK 34 Mile r rS079 S079 l12Vf 3 92 Purse 400 4yearolds and upward A JL A J Selling Net value to winner S300 second 70 third 30 imiex Horses AWtPPSt v Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S Dugan A Pinkerton 9101 01014 out outIKNKAII IKNKAII W G 110 3 3 2i 3 2i 2l M Buxton W Gurth 8 10 10 3 G5 20102 PKRTII POCK w 4 110 11 4i 4 4 3 J McTugrtV M Sheetly 8 10 10 3 75 2 1 01 3 3a a PATRICK S WB 7 107 G 4 3 2l 3 4 = C Fbther Mrs P J Fox 3 3J 3 710out 710outJ095G J095G SEPULVI3DA wisSHO 4 C G G G5 5 ° H LaffertyB K Bryson 20 20 20 7 3 21050 MIC SNICGS w 4 107 C 5 5U ft COO StcwardC 1C Hoekwell 10 12 12 4 85 20517 = PHEV w 5 1CS 7 Left at the post J OBrien V C Daly 20 30 30 10 4 4Time Time 13 24 36 48 101 114 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br c by Contestor Hide and Seek trained by A C Hlume HlumeWent Went to post at 23 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow for all but PHEW Won ridden out second and third driving ANDES was hard ridden throughout and racing into a good lend after entering the stretch wus hard urged to the finish SIR DKNHAII was prominent all the way and responded gamely to punishment PKKTH ROCK was outpaced in the early running but closed up with great speed iu the filial eighth and outstayed PATRICK S In the liual drive The latter had no mishaps and quit when put to a drive The winner was entered for 500 no bid Scratched bidScratched 21102 Kattcry 107 107Overweights Overweights Andes 2 pounds Phew 3 f t 1 f rj SECOND HACK 34 Mile 5S079 1 12Vf 3 92 Purse 400 4yearolds and up 1 JL JL I ward Selling Net value io winner 300 second S70 third S30 L Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C P 20753 PRESUMPTION WB C 107 21 21w 1 = 1 = 1 M Buxton J MacManus 3J 4 2 71013 206S8 3 HU RAKAN w 4 105 G 2 2WB 3i 31 2i J McCaheyD J Leary 207U3 OROTUND WB 4 101 C 0 0WD f 4 = 31 W Lilley 1C O Miller 20192 COY WD 5 108 3 3 3W 2 = 4 C Fbther A J Reinhardt 31 0 4S 32 35 355s 20780 DUYAD W 4 110 7 5 5WB 5s r ° C Bgame C W Gasser 15 20 10 4 2 2C 20914 HOFFMAN WB 0 112 4 7 7WB C 6 = U Troxler Mrs N B Davis 10 12 12 5 2 21007 GALLOP WB 4 110 1 4 7 7 J OBrien Marrone Stable 10 20 20 7 3 fastWinner Time 12 24 35 48 lCO i 113 Track fast CunninghamWent Winner K g by Golden Maxim Proud Duchess trained by K Cunningham Went to jxist at O01 At post minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing P1CKSUMPTION showing the most speed was ridden into a safe lead in the early running and waa cased up through the final eighth IH71CAKAN raced forwardly throughout and closed up resolutely in the stretch hut tired and just lasted long enough to withstand OROTITNDS challenge The latter moved up rapidly on the far turn and was forced wide when entering the stretch COY showed speed but quit badly in file bidScratched filial eighth DRYAD also showed Sliced The winner was entered for 500 no bid Scratched 20992 Ella Krysou 110 110Overweights Overweights Cor pounds O I fcl O Til IRD RACK 1 116 Miles 45457 145 1 105 Florida Handicap COO Added j l JL JL J O yearolds and upward Net value to winner 495 second S100 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 209753rCUNES WB 3 105 4 3 21 2l 21 2 1 J McTagrtH Watterson 65 85 131013out 210 U PLYING FAIICY wsu G 112 3 4 I2 1 = 1 1 2 T Davies EB Cassatt 4431 out outOP OP HAT W 5 10S 224 Sb 31 3 3nt M Buxton A Belmont C 7 7 05 out outCAZZANO CAZZANO 710outTime WB 3 100 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 J McCaheyll L Pratt 3 3J 3 710out Time 12 25 37 50 l15i 141 147 Track fast Winner Hr e by Voorhees Chiflie trained by J Kdwards KdwardsWent Went to iwst at H29 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ICUNKS was closer up than usual iu the early running and coming fast and gamely In the stretch drive outstayed FLYING FAIICY in the closing strides FLYING FAIRY set the pace under restraint in the early running and hung on gamely at the finish TOP HAT ran well and outstayed RAZZANO in tiiu final drive The latter was close up all the way J T T O O Founri1 HACK 58 Mile 74572 100 2 109 Ninth Running Rosedale Stakes i JL JL l J Value 2000 2yearolds Fillies Allowance Nqt value to winner 1475 sec ¬ ond S 0 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt lk Str Fin Jockeys Owners OH C P S 20799fCELANDUIA w 102 7 a aW 42 21 2 ll M Buxton KIkwoodPkSble 2J 2J 11C91013 20997 BONNIE TESS W 99 G 2 2w 31 1J GI 2ii J McCaheyQuincy Stable 20 30 15 5 2J 208772GICASP w 104 1 3 3w 1 1 1 3i D StewartlJ Butler J2 11511545 13 20G94 MALACHITE w 107 2 1 1WB 2i 31 3J 4s H CavanhA Belmont 5 8 G 2 1 20997MISS PUZZLE WB 109 G 4 4WB C ° 5 = G GJ C Borel J Butler J2 2 11311545 13 132101DPLEIONE 2101DPLEIONE 2101DPLEIONECARDAMINE WB 117 3 C Cw GU G 4 C9 W Lilley G A Cochran 443 65 6512 6512CARDAMINE 12 CARDAMINE w 99 4 7 7 7 7 7 P Lowder Greentree Stable aG G 10 G 2 1 1fDisqualilied fDisqualilied for foul t Coupled bettingTime iu betting no separate place or show betting Time 13 24 3G 48 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Star Shoot Last Cherry trained by J Fitzsimmons FitzsimmonsWent Went to post at 400 At post 9 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same CKLANDRIA ran in close pursuit of the pacemakers and responding gamely when called on in the stretch outstayed BONNIE TKSS iu tho final drive but she bored over to the inside in the last sixteenth for which she was disqualified BONNIE TESS came wide when entering the stretch and finished with a beiated rush GRASP showed superior speed ami set a fast pace but swerved out in the final eighth MALACHITE was in close quarters at the liniMi PLEIONE tired under her weight Overweights Celandria 5 itonnds Malachite I Aliss Puzzle 5 Q OA FIFTH RACK 1 116 Miles 45457 1 14i 4i 1 105 500 Added 3yearolds and up j J JL JL O J ward Selling Handicap Net value to winner 415 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 2097GCLIPF FIELD 4 102 3 2 3l 2h h 1J 1 = M Buxton L J Carey 20995 WATEUTOWN w I 3 9S 5 4 4s 3 22 2 22 J McTagrtA J Stafford 5 G G SG 12 209333WOODEN SHOES w i 4 104 2 1 2s 4J 5 4 3 = J McCaheyQuincy Stable 95 2 11535 out 20757 SARATOGA v 3 100 1 5 5 5 31 3J 4s P Lowder D J Leary 3J 4 1G51 out 20995 DARTWOICTH Wi7 97 4 3 I1 I2 4 5 5 W Lilley Marrone Stable 10 la 12 4 C3 Time 12 24 35 48 101 114 140 14G Track fast fastWinner Winner I5r c by Clifford Richfield trained by G Zeigler ZeiglerWent Went to post at 45 At ixst 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ing CLIFF FIKLD close up from the start raced Into the lead after rounding the last turn and won with speed ill reserve WATKICTOWN moved up resolutely after entering the stretcn but tired iu the final eighth WOODEN SHOES showed speed for 1 half mile and dropped back on the turn but came again and easily disposed of SARATOGA Tin latter began slowly DARTWORTII set the early pace but quit The winner was entered for 1500 no bid bidScratched Scratched 210422AmaIfi 113 21131 ward Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt M u Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H G P S 3 CAMELLIA wn G 10r 3 3 4 3h 3J 3 = H W Lilley Airs J L Paul 1101351157lOout 1101351157lOout20957VALENTINE 20957VALENTINE w 4 110 2 2 23 2i 1 I3 2i C Bganie J E Widener 95 2 11G35 out out108183GOLDEN 108183GOLDEN PRIME w 4 110 4 4 5 45 2 3 J McTagrtJ P Carlisle S 15 15 5 2 22I017 2I017 NEPHTI1YS WB 3100 G G 3 4 G 5 4 J McCalieyT J Moran 21 4 13391013 20992 SIR W JOHNSONwB 4 112 1 1 I2 1 21 1J 5 H Troxler E J Travers G G 4 G5 920 920Time Time 11 23 36 49 102 115 143 149 Track fast fastWinner Winner B in by Stalwart La Mnjor trained by J L Paul PaulWent Went to post at 458 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ing CAMELLIA after being saved in the early running closed up iu the stretch and outstayed VALEN ¬ TINE The hitter easilv shook off SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON but tired when it came to a hard drive GOLDEN PRIME raced wide all the way SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON made a fast pace but tired and quit In the stretch The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20 2 Ella Hryson 110 21130 Dnrtworth 112 21042 Lady Raiikin 105