Connaught Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-23


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CONNALGHT PARK FORM CHART OTTAWA ONT TUESDAY JUNE 22 1915 Sixth day Connaiiglit Park Jockey Club Spring Meeting of 7 days 13 books on Weather showery Presiding Steward Joseph A Murphy Presiding J mg Secretary Sheridan Clark 0 1 T l O IIUST KACE 1 Mile 10817 141 5 110 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward l JL A JL l Canadianfoaled Handicap Net value to winner S350 second IH third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt A V Str Fin Jockeys Owners O If C P S 2102 3514209r8 PEPPER SAUCE WJi 3 103 115 5 4 ii I4 J CallahsinC A Crew I 4 1i 3514 209r8 REDDICST w 3 105 23 1A 1A it u j Smyth D Raymond 10 20 1 ii 21020 IIERUMANA w 4 112 3 2 2h l 2 4s 3nt P Gohlstnlnvereck Stable G 7 7 32 1i 20988 LINSIN w 3 111 4 4 311 31 k 41 G Burns C S Campbell t35 45 15 1t out 208G1 out208G1 = LINGAR w 3 100 5 5 3 = 4i 5 5 5 L McAtcc A K Ogilvie 35 45 45 11 out ftoupied outftoupied in betting no separate bettingTime place or show betting goodWinner Time 25 50J l10 i 143 Track good Winner 1 c by Inferno Xew Dance trained by II Rogers Rogersent ent to post at 242 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driv ¬ ing PhPPMl SAUCE trailed to the stretch turn from where be came through on the inside and drew away into a long lead in the last eighth REDDEST showed the most early speed but tired and just lashil loug enough to outstay I1ERRMANA The latter was a close contender all the way LINSIN tired but mushed gamely gamelyOverweights Overweights Linsin 1 pound fci 1 I I O SECOND RACE 58 Mile 15041 101 2 111 Purse 400 2yearolds Selling A J 1 J O Net value to winner 300 second S70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 21053LARKIN t 110 3 1 20919 ROSE WATER 111 78 21006 SMILING MAGGIE 100 22 2082SCINCINNATI 107 S C 21027 MATRIX v 107 4 4 21053RARKA 00 1 3 1521COGL1TTLE 2100GGENTLEWOMAN wu 100 5 5 4 t 4J fi = 7 L McAtee Ottawa Stable 1 G5 G5 12 15 21COGL1TTLE GINK wn 100 G 7 G G = 71 S J Acton II Neustacltcr 12 15 15 5 i Time 24 50 103 Track ood oodAVinncr AVinncr AValkerAVent Cli c by Box Elise trained by W AValker AVent to jK st at 300 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving LARKIN was raved to the stretch turn then wore the tiring leaders down in the last eighth and won going away ROSR WATER beg nn slowly but closed a big gap and finished with a rush SMILING MAGGIE set a good pace and finished gamely but tiring GENTLEWOMAN ran a poor race and quit badly CINCINNATI ran well BARKA showed speed The winner was entered for 5CO no bid bidScratched Scratched 21000sBroomslraw 100 2100G = Will Cash 110 200SO Rulilfax 102 20595 Irvin Arthur loo looOverweights Overweights Barka 2 pounds t I 1 I THIRD RACE 34 Mile 15014 113 t 113 Purse 500 3yearohls and u J L JL JL TC ward Handicap Net value to winner S350 second S100 third S50 index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S SIOOOPAN 5CARETA wu 5 129 41 2i 1J 1s lh F Cooper JFHSNcwman S5 2 8a 12 out 20842 SOUTHERN MAID 4 81 3 4 4 3 = 2l 2 L McAtee ThorncliffeSble fS S 4 55 out 2 1000 = BACK BAY w 7 11G 23 iu 2 3 3 G Burns P Sheridan 752 2J 35 out 20941 = CAUBIDE wn 3 100 15 3 = 42 4J 41 J Acton J S Tyrce 2i 3 3 45 out 10580 MOVING PICTURE v 5 Ul 5 2 5 5 5 5 J CallabanTliorncliffeSble fS S 4 G5 out outiCoupled iCoupled in betting no separate bettingTime place or show betting troodWinner Time 24 48 114 Track trood FouconWent Winner Ch in by Abe Frank Caddie Griliith trained by E Foucon Went to post at 330 At i ost 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same PAN J5ARETA raced on the outside of the leaders to the stretch turn where she easily raced into a long lead but tired and hail to be ridden out to withstand SOUTHERN MAIDS chal ¬ lenge The latter finished fast and gamely and was catching the leader with every stride BACK BAx was used in setting and forcing the pace and tired in the last quarter CARUIDE unit O I K FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 15014 113 4 113 Purse 400 3yearolds and up J JL JL JL ff ward Selling Net value to winner S300 second S70 third 30 JiKlex Horses AWtPPSt 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 21030 = LADY LONDON wu 5 105J 4 4 421058CLARI15EL 3U 2 = 1 = Il L HartwellW Smith 2 2 G 5 12 14 14S 21058CLARI15EL wn 4 101 S 2 2210073LEIALOIIA U l t 23 2i K McDott J Harney S 12 12 4 2 210073LEIALOIIA w G 101 IS 7J GU 4i 31 J Dotld T Dayton 8 15 15 5 2 21029 KING RADFORD wn 5 107 C 1 S1 S S ti J Smyth H Neustadter 12 20 20 5 2J 210541EGMONT w I 102 9 3 GJ on 7 = 5i 1 McAtee Ottawa Stable 21C2S3CICLE15RITY w 3 100 7 1 G 4 = 31 G = J CallahanW Carr 8 12 12 4 2 2S 20991KAYDEROSKROS wsu 5 105 2 G 4h 7i5 k7 F Cooper W Martin S 10 10 4 32 21030 HEARTHSTONE wn G 111 3 5 2A 3 G = S10 AV Obert H G Bedwell 10 15 15 4 2 2G 21030 MARTRE w 0 111 C 7 9 9 9 1 G Burns 11 P Dodson G 7 7 2 710 goodAAinner Time 245J 50 1155 Track good AAinner Br in by Hermis Lida 15 trained by F Farrar Wenf FarrarWenf to post at 355 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing LADY LONDON forced the early pace and moving into an easy lead after entering the homestretch was easing up at the finish CLARIBEL set a good early pace but was tiring through the last quarter LEIALOHA closed a gap and finished gamely CELEIiRITY quit when it came to a drive The winner was entered for S400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 107Overweights 21030s Rosemary 104 20000 = Lady Spirituelle 03 21090slnquieta 104 20010 Kail Inla 107 Overweights Ladv London li Doiinds Mnrtrn f l 1 1 A TH RACE 34 Mile 15014 113 4 113 Purse 4CO 3yearolds and 1 JL JL JL O ward Selling Net value to winner S300 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AAVtPPSt1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 210861 R1SH HEART w 5 100 5 5 3 2 = 1 1s F Cooper D Raymond 122 35 15 2108G 152108G CANNIE JEAN wn 3 00 2 4 2t in za 2 H DonalnC A Crnw 15 15 12 4 2 21031 SYKESIE wu 4 111 G 2 45 4 3J 3s J Smyth H Simpson 8 10 10 3 1 209851 OF CHESTER ws 4 100 1 G C 5 5l = 4s J Clancy S Doyle 20 30 30 10 4 20985DIAMD CLUSTER w 4 104 3 3 iu 3nk 4 5 ° J Acton C A Farr 221 25 out out2108G 2108G MASTER NEKA w 3 101 4 7 7 G 6 G A Collins F Cushinff 30 50 50 15 S 20888 HAVROCK wu 7 114 7 1 G1 Pulled upD McCthyE Emperingham 444112 444112Time Time 25 60 117 Track good goodAAinner AAinner B g by Dublin Sans Coeur trained by J Boden BodenWont Wont to post at 4 ing IRISH HEART forced the pace for the first half then drew away in the last eighth and won easing up CANNIE JEAN raced on the inside for the entire way and look the lead on the last turn but tired in lie stretch SYKESIE ran well and easily disposed of DIAMOND CLUSTER in the last quarter The lat ¬ ter showed the most early speed but quit badly The winner was entered for 400 no bid V l 1 1 T SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 15014 113 i 113 Purse 400 3yearolds and up 1 JL JL JL I ward Selling Not value to winner S300 second S70 third 30 Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 21029 STELLATA wn 4 105 12 5 2l 23 2 = In C Miller Mrs A F DaytonG C 5 2 1 1210103JOSEF 210103JOSEF ZARATE wn 3 03 7 1 I11 11 Il 21 A Collins JFHSNewman 32 21 21 1 12 21010 MEELICKA vftt 3 103 2 4 3J 31 3 3 E Haynes AV P Fine 10 20 20 S 4 20735EUTERPE 5 104 G 12 10 71 5 4h AV AV MenR Hanlcy 20 20 20 8 4 21028SCHNAPPS W 3 98 3 11 12 101 Gl 5 = J Acton Mrs T Francis 444 S5 45 21011 MINDA w 4 105 H 6 5 G 7i Ck F Cooper J U Strode 10 20 20 S 4 21029ANDREW ODAY w 4 105 1 S 91 S1 S k 7 = L HartwellHoKan t Holmanl 4 31 SG 45 20863 TOWER w 3 102 5 7 G1 5 S 5 S1 J Smyth I Striker 20 20 10 4 2 20862 KYLE w 8 105 10 2 7 = 9 10 9J L McAtee AV AValker S 15 15 G 3 21057STANLEY S wn 7 102 49 S1 11 = II3 10 R McDottL Desforges 20 30 30 12 G 21008 INLAN w G 107 S 3 4 = 41 4 II2 G Burns JO Lovell 454 85 13 21057 SORDELLO wsit 4 107 9 10 llh 12 12 12 AV Obert Mrs J L Bryan 20 30 30 10 5 5Time Time 24 49 115 Track good goodWinner Winner DaytonWent Ch f by Star Shoot Auvergnc trained by A F Dayton Went to post at 450 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same STELLATA followed the early pacemaker closely and dropped back when an eighth out but came fast again near the end and got up to win in the final stride JOSEFINA J5ARATE set a gix d pace but tired right at the end MEELICKA ran a good race and was gaining on the leader at the end EUTERPE and SCHNAPPS closed big gaps The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 21030 Perpetual 107 107Overweights Overweights Meelicka 5 pounds Schnapps 5 Andrew ODay 3j Tower 2 O 1 1 1 Q SEVENTH RACE I Mile and 20 Yards 10583 144 1 101 Purse 100 3year l JL JL JL O olds and upward Index Horses AAVtlPStli Str Fin Jockeys Ownen O II C P S 21008IRKIIWOOD W 5 110 G 2 Ih Ink it 1 It p GoldsfnJ Hanlon S5 2 2 7101 f 2103281 1 EPHKRDESS w 4 07 7 7 4 1 4l 2 2 = 23 L McAtee A J Karr 577 2J 55 21091 KAZAN wn 3 103 S 3 2 2 3 31 3 ° k C Miller O J Odell 3 G G 2 1 121057REAU 21057REAU PERE ws 4 100 4 4 5 = 5 u = 5 = 4 F Cooper S Louis 47721 4772121031LIBERTY 21031LIBERTY HALL w 5 100 3 G G C1 71 G 51 H McDottC A Crew S 10 10 4 C5 20964LOVE C520964LOVE DAY wB 0 105 1 1 7h 71 CS 73 GU L HartwllM B Howser 10 12 12 4 2 221028AJAX 21028AJAX wn 4 103 5 5 31 3 41 4l 7 AV AV MunR Hanley 20 30 30 10 5 21057SDURIN w 4 00 2 S S S S S S J Acton Mrs B Freeman 4421 12 12Time Time 243 49 115 143 144 Track good goodWinner Winner B g by Marathon Europa trained by J Robertson RobertsonAVent AVent to post at 515 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving RICHWOOI raced into the lead while going to the first turn and leading under slight re ¬ straint until straightened out in the homestretch drew away and won in a canter SHEPHERDESS made a game effort on the inside but could not got up and was forced to work her way up on the outside KAZ N showed speed but tired badly BEAU PERE finished gamely DUR1N ran an ex treinelv bad race The winner was entered for 500 no bid 21002 Jabot 100

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