Good Prospects Of Renos Meeting., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-23


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GOOD PROSPECTS OF RENOS MEETING Denver Colo June 22 The inaugural meeting at Reno Nev which opens July 17 and runs for thirty one days will have the largest aggregation of horses that ever were iu Nevada at a race meeting Man ¬ ager W W Finn has the promise of all the horse ¬ men here to go to that point with the exception of two stables I K Clark and Campbell Gray Both of these owners have quite a band of two yearolds which they are to ship to eastern Canada and try to dispose of them to others There will lie at least 350 horses which will leave here for Reno in two specials that will participate in the opening meeting with legilized inutiiel betting under the auspices of the Reno Fair and Racing Associa ¬ tion tionMr Mr Finn has received word from Secretary J A Schas that they have already completed 350 new stalls for the accommodation of the horses The track has been resoiled with eight inches of dirt This should make a good cushion and put it in a safe condition to race over The stand and adjacent buildings have been thoroughly remodeled making it right np to date The following will act as officials officialsA A judgeC T Dobson presiding judge C 1 Stevens starter he has acted in the same capacity on various tracks in Texas TexasS S J Kothert clerk if the course courseF F McClain paddock judge judgeIt It is expected that the large following of regulars now at Denver will go over to the Reno meeting

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