D. Maher Back from South Africa, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-07


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D. MAHF.R BACK 1R0M SOUTH AFRICA. Iiniiny Maker K back in Ragland, ami of this t«- iiiini , LmiiiiM Snorting l.iie of Jane -■, said: "Danny Maner, the well-known Jockey, landed at , tenlay. II,- has been in S nth Africa I l-hiimiiih I,,, ,|,e lieiiehi of hi- health, ami has spent the last seven months al Colestierg on the lai t Sir Abe . Bailey, wliose guest h,- "a-. Maker said in- fell pretty II """• hnt his future plans depende l entirely npOB liis health. He mav riile again, lull if f prevented by health he will probably go in for training. Still, I hope tn ii,l,- again, he added. ••Tin- famnii- horseman went on to talk of the war I-- ,|v have conscription, be said, ami then l„,r, could - as usual." He had heard with ■ :i great deal of pleasure of the nnmher of Jockeys ami racing men who hail Joined the colors, and -ml ,l ii :,s n niy hi- health thai prevented him offering "Mr. and Mrs. Maker travelled to Lendea by the ,• neat train. Danny declared that his -lay in South b Africa h:nl been really uneventful, but springbok k si tins had proved a meat exeJtkac nad enjoyable fe|Hirt."

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915070701/drf1915070701_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1915070701_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800