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1 , j 1 i i , 1 i I | t , , I 1 : 1 : , I i | j , i . , :, -, 1 - l • at j| J _ - - I , FORT ERIES HEAVY TRACK DETERS BETTER CLASS OF HORSES FROM FIGURING IN YESTERDAYS CONTESTS. Tar Brush First in a Close Finish of Four — Jim L. Pays a Big- Dividend — Noted Hanover Stallion Abe Frank Killed. Fort Erie, Oat., .Inly 8.— The program at Fort Brie this afternoon waa in Hie main made up t f selling races. the condition of the track was responsible for tin- absence of the better class of horses. The Betas, however, were well aaatcfaed and in a niajnritv of Hie races the finishes were dose nougb to arouse enthusiasm. The lust contest of the afternoon eunae with tin- running of tin- fourth race, the dash of Ive ami a half furlongs, for two-year-olds, in which tour of ihe siv starters passed the judges iii n clone buaeh, with Tar Brash getting up ill the fatat Stride to win by a nose. lie mataeia paid handsome dividends in some Instances, notably when Jim I., win the litlli rat.-. The linituels paid 30.10 ami I rank Shannon. ihe mil know ii bookmaker, was one of ihe fortunate tues who backed him. Bhaanon had u 0 tieket on I lu- horse. The stewards of the Canadhu Baring Aanoeia lion.- in-lil a aseethag at Port Brie this aflen n. the se-simi lasting for several hoars, a number of horsemen were summoned ami many eases were gone over. Tin- following licenses were granted: ii-iimr- r Breswter, C. Hammon, s. M. lien-ilerson, T. Hodge. . I.. LewU. C. B. Mailman. H. Shai i. I. Staton, J. Stockher, it. v.. Wnt- k.ns. J. S. Ward. l. V. Sherman, Howard Oats ami c. r. Gardner. Jockeys— G. Byrae, U Demade, «. Ganz. M. Qer tier, G. Graat, 1. Keegn, I. Lefta , A. Nevion, J. Notter, W. Irak W. Ward, 1 . l:. A. lam-. Jockey D. ConneUy waa given a license to ride for anybody whom In- desires to. Mrs. J. Phillip having purchased tin- hnrana Snip anil Fair Helen, they were restored to good standing. The ruling against trainer L. Minnie was withdrawn. Tin- ruUng paaaed al nmvtom aarrtingn t it- allowed lo stand. ii. s. Newman, win, iv racing Paa Carets on the Canadian circuit, received weed from hit home in fexas yesterday that the great staliimi Abe Prank had been struck by lightning ami killed July 2. Abe Frank, aluongh his opportunities were Uaaited, was a nio-t successful sire. Among others In- sired Un- greet mare Fan Znreta. Terab, winner of several -lak,-; Closer, a fast sprinter; ami CaUsse. winner of the Debutante Stakes at LouisviBe anil Ihe Clin setta Slakes al Latonia. Abe Prank wna sixteen yearn old. He was trained by Henry McDaniel and ran all of his ran- nn the turf in the eolni ; of Heni—e -. Bennett. He was a nrodwcl of nrtrdcial impregnation. His hit start was in the Gaston Until Slakes at Memphis, in which In- -an unplaced. He men v. nn eight straight races, in his two rear nlil foriii Mr. Beanett refused an offer of 0,001 for him ami in- tinned down another offer of the same amount for him as a three year-old. J. J. Timinerman claimed I.en.lel after lie was beaten in the seventh rati- mi Momlav am! turned the home over t,i K. W. Moore lo train. Outty- hunk, winner of the race, was disposed of al private sale after his victory tn Willie Martin for *:,inI. The latter resold the home this morning In Lewis Garth for m. William Walker bought the borne Charleston last winter for 0 ami 00 ml of the tiisf purse, nad ill the short time thai he owned him Cnttjhaak won several races. Jockey Shilling was suspended I v starter Hade Im- three daya for disobedience while at the post. Annum the Kentmkian-, who tame from l.alouia were A. .1. Gorey, who-.- staUioa Traaavaal sired ltlat-kie Haw; l". w. Jobasoa, who developed Sir Bdgar, ami I. Rnebelkamp. .1 , key Garner also arrived and never al other Jockeys are expected here toaaomw.