General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-07


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, . , I I GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The liin-ii war eAce yesterday ■fteraooa pare out a statement who li road ;is followa: "Laal alRhl Rbuwed mueb aciivity at sereta! points alouc the lion;. In Belglnm the British troojis, aupporte«j hj our artillery, ..ok nosaeaxion of «ome lerman tronehes .-n a point to the southwest of Pill ..a the oast bank of the c noil. There was a i.iiii.l ongagemenl ar untl the railroad station of Bourne*. The Btatlon, however, remained ia our bauds in unite "i the repeated efforts of the enemy to take It, The town of Arras uv.s bombarded all i Ighl loiU. Iii the ArBonne there waa ineeaaanl CRhtini; with ii".n!is and band neiiailea »ur artillery on several dUfcrenl occasions waa sueeeaaful in «-!•■ !. las the attacks f the enemy. On the belaihts of the M.usc tli" Caimans attacked on t o dilferenl oc easions our iswltlons on the south aide of the ravlae of Sonvanx, which is to the cast of the trench of Cnlonne. They were completely repulsed. Ia the i«-i : i i i of l.i- Petre forest the eaeaay also assumed ii. - i BTen Ive. Two attaeka were mad.-. One spread little by little from the western .-id - of t!:.- foresl bs far as R*ey-ea Hay. while the other was dh-ed d partlcnlarlj airalnsl thai portion of the forest whlcb is r and to the west of Crolx-des-Caraes. Both wen- cheeked by the tin- of nor artillery and our infantry, which inflicted heavy loaaes oa the enemy." A dispatch from Queenatown. Iretaad, of yesterday says: "With nine dead sailors stretched on the deck, eljrht men lying wounded below, and it- »l«le riddled with sliot ami stndl. the British steamship Anxlo-Califiirnlan steamed into Queenstown harbor after bavins withstood the attack af ■ German submarine for four boars. The dilpi . -ape from destruction was accomplished with ii" other means of ilefease than the Indomltabh sj.irit of its cap! tin and crow, eoaihltted with masterly Reamanship, which enabled ii to frustrate the eff rts of in assailant to torpedo it. The story of how Cant. Parslou stood aa the bridge of the Anjrlo-Califor-ina.i ami.l a rain of shoi ami calmly directed ilo-no m nis r his ship unlil be was killed by a shell, ami of h«w his place was taken by his sen until British destroyers appeared ami the Rnbmarlne waa compelled to flee, were toW by the survivor . The vessel was loaded with horses and mules lo the charge of American caretakers." The Petrograd correspondents of the London morning paper- are optimistic regarding the situation on the fighting front. The correspondent of the losi says: "It was only on 1ril.u i lal the Russians began offering i al resistance to the Carman forward movemenl northward from Cali-iia. The whole ar. a which Russia will hold as a Brohilisnagian re«loubl against the encircling ; •;•-manic forces centers oa the Warsaw system ol fortifications. The outer works are of sm-ii rast extent, having a diameter of marl. 100 miles thai the Hermans have before them iln- hardest task yet met in the war. "After Thursday next nobody will he allowed to enter .•:• to leave Warsaw without a liecial pass. Similar measures of military prepu ration are being taken at other important points in I his vast :" a." Dr. B. B. Ward, of New Uav.ii. Conn., who ar rived in Neu Vork j •sterday oi the steamship i ailed Slates from Copenhagen, after passing a year in Russia, -aid that the Russians were making extensh preparatious in arms and monitions: f. •:• hi ol-. oii n-ie agalast the Ocrmans In laliria. The Vologda and Archangel railway, with newlj constructed lines reaehlne from Vologda toward the battle line, bad been taken over in its entiretj bj the government for the transportation ol munitions at war. sin.-.. Archangel was opened to navigation. Br. Ward asserted, ammimition laden ships I i la. -laud ami an. i. l.i liave ! • • a arriving alnio I ■ i.-iiiy. Japanese ooVers are engaged in drilling Russian troops, asserts Br. Ward. called to the door of his home by the knocking of a mysterious nocturnal visitor, Charles II. Johnston, -•_* :o Kenllworth nvenue, doanclal leeretar] i: surer n the hrtckmai i - anion, wai -ha twice and proliablj fatally wonmled early j-estenlay. The mystery which surrounded the shooting deepened when Johnston rallied at St. *raacis hospital, Rvan-ston. ami rein-... I lo mat..- a definite tateutent regarding the attack. "I couldnt see who shot me," he said. "I have bad bo trouble a th anyone." The Overseas Mbws agency at Berlin yesterday gave out for publication a dhwatch ■ f m stantinople dat di taring that the Italian consuls in Turkey were slowl leaving the country, and that they probably would l»- followed by the Italian amhassailor. American representatives u ill take care of Italian interests when the Italian- leave. An exception to ihis ia Paleattae, where Spain will prot i Italian lnt ret i-. The battleship Wisconsia of the naval academy practice cruiae aqaadroa sailed yesterday from Anna aatia for Baa Francisco via the Paaaaai canal. The other two ships, the Missouri and the Ohio, will have Wednesday. Only those cadets al the naval academy specifically accused of misconduct in con mi Men with the pending cribbing an. I basing iu-quiriea will not make the trip-Berlin advice* by wireleaa say that "the prelhai-nary draft af the Coin, an note in reuiv lo the American note regarding Ibe sinking of the I.u i tania and Germanys submarine warfare has been prepared. The draft now must be anbmitted to the several German departments, after which it will be forwarded to Washington." V dispatch from the Island of Corfu to the Oar-ri.ii d Italia says that the Italian minister at Dtirasso, an Albanian seaport, is reported to have left tat Borne to confer with his government on the situation in Albania. Durasao having been » ■ ipied by two Serbian regiments. An alarming outbreak of cholera has attar red in the prhvoaera camp at Ddirecxen, Huugarj ■. •eord-in to a Budapest correspondent. "During a dngle week." sa.-. the •oriopoinleiii. •there were 1.400 . a- s and over 300 deaths in a camp in which there wen- 17.000 Russians." The German submarine !-.". . which was sunk off the mouth of the Kins through aa accident, has been raised ami oaly man of the crew, who for Ibirty-sii hoars were oa the sea bottom, is .lead. according io dlspatchea to the Amsterdam Telegraaf. Three accompHcea of Ueuteaant-Colonel Mias s.e. e.ioiv. an Interpreter oa the start of the Russian tenth army, who some time ago was banged as a spy, have bee* eoavlcted after a trial br coarl martial and also haagefl.

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