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* •i ►r |, , ■ j I ;i a - j ] ; : | . I [ . . i i i l . I " :i ,, in a :i ■• il »• " ,f i. • | U n T. i ►r ] WHAT McCHESNEYS GREAT RIVAL ACCOMPLISHED IN RACING LONG AGO — " in the second decade hack Hernia was one of the mosl popular horses of hi- day and rightly so. la l-i three-year-old foraa he ilevehtped Into a truly great race horse, although nothing more than anefahnna r u.:s |iioi!ii-,.,i by in- career in racing when a two-yeai old. At that age he started in thirteen races, t which be won roar. They nm- all parse races, nt which the m-t waa mm at Hawthorn ami the other three al the Latonia fail ateetlag of 1901. Hope ol fatare I roveatenl was hi hi oat hj the fact that be waa ni easy winner of his last two races of the year, a hope amply reaUaed in tiui -. It was as a tin ■ -■ yeai niii ih.-it he i. luminal into recognitioa and fame. This was not brought about .-it ..nee, for the colt only captured one of his tii-si live races. Then be pal aa the high pressure with a vea- . geance ami won i Is lasi sine races t 1002 la a brillianl aeaneace of hhrh-cbua performances. His tii-r J star! nt the .Mar via at Uravesead, May 28, In a dash of a mUe and a sixteenth, for three-year-otais, la x which be ran second to Hyphea in 1:441%, with Bessie McCarthy third and I aura Loring unplaced. Two i lays biter, at Ihe sann- distance, be debated Himself, Oom 1aul. Iivi- N.itinn- ami Tried Krupp, winning i limn the four-year-old llinisell hy a length in 1:486 and carrying ins poands. June 2 be carried 114 l IMHinds in I Hi on Highlander and 8B no t . I..m I Bill, in a handicap al Ihe same distance, and ran third, Highlander winning In 1:40%, wiiii Colonel Bill second. June ii he main ran third, mis time at a aaUe and i half, iu u race won b] T. C. McDowells gisid man-. Monsrks. in -:•:.: -.-,. with Watercure iifroanl la.- I gMMl racers ran anplaced. In .t way. all of these races were a pari ol his preparation for the American i Ihrbj and after bis good race wiih Monarka and Watercnre be was brought oat to Chicago to take pari In I ihe big Washington Iark event. The race was run Saturday, June 21, over a heavy track, with Wyctta, l.ui-on Appleby, Maddin, Otis, lleim. Prowl, Belles Commoner, fentecost, Corrlgan, Lord Qnex, Arsenal and llermis as starters. All carried IL"J pounds • i-|d hi is. which had up 127 pounds and Lord Jnex S . iis being penalized for winning the St. Louis Derby ami Lord Quex for winning the I rescenl City l ,-ii. . I dermis was a consistent last throughout Ihe race ami was reported nave fa Ilea lame, bni the truth was i thai his i-idi-r was so intoxicated that it was a w h-r be did not tall nut ol h,- saddle. It i- a matter of tuii history that Wyeth wmi thai particular American Derby, with Lacien Appleby second and Aladdin third, the :; in 1 favorite, Heao, running liiih. After his American Derby Basco Hermls was not started again until July 17. nl Brfarhtoa Beach, when, in a dash of a mile ami a sixteenth. In- inaugurated his long series f victories. He carried i 1 • - pounds , ami. running Ihe dlstam-e in 1:40, wmi easilj by I oir lengths, with Lady Sterling second and Par Kxeel l-in-e third, iwn mill.- being unplaced. Thai it was well known thai be bad been doing well In training since returning from lliicago was attested by the facl thai be wen! lo the post a 7 to in favorite. July 21, , over a heavy track and only the two starting, hi- lmi- lair Rnigbt an easj beating and eight pound over Ihe -ai listance In 1:51. In a sprint of seven-eighths ., a mile, al Saratoga, August !. be had up 110 niinds and. after stumbling early in the race, recovered his Inst ground and won in 1 28. with Monograph | secoad and Maud tnuiiu- third and eleven more fast ones unplaced. August ■ brought about hi- arsi tii nmpfa in a stake race, the event ln-ini; tin. long-established Travers Stakes of SKKOuO, al a mile and an . eighth. Having wen nothing bat parse I u • ap to Dial date, be was entitled to allowances that gave aim a big pall ,n the weights and he was a !i lo Hi favorite. The starters, weights and order of the lini-h were Heruiis, ill pounds; Hold Care, llii: Cunard, 111: Hyphen, 120; Whi kej King, 111; Highlander, 120, and Arsenal, 120. He was unlucky and badly placed In the race, bat, in an exciting finish, got ap in time lo win from Hold Cure by a head, with Canard only a nose farther hark, the race being run iu 1:54%. lh-i-iilidly better was hi- ni-t race, lhi- wa- in the Handicap, for three-year-olds, at a mile and an | eighth. On ihis occasion be was himself the high weigh! with 122 initials and ran a grand race. The , other starters and weights were Whiskey King, Id pounds; Cunard, 115: Caughnawaga, 111: rfranceseo. a Hit: Stuart Set. 1-iJ: Heao. 117: Arsenal, 108; Cay Boy, I i:i, and Hold Care, 110. Altogether it was i iii-hi of exceedingly good three-j ear . .Ins. Whiskey King, aa excessively fast colt by Kanaka, teak the , lead al once and set a scorching pace nearly all the way. but Hermls came at him in the stretch an 1. hard driven Aaallj won from hin by a bead ii- 1:51 .-. Qaaard was third three length! away. That was his last Saratoga race nf the year. Iii- next atari was hi the First Special at Gravesead, S ptetaber 15. Being at w Ight tor au.- ever a mile and a quarter, the four-year-olds Blues and Articulate and 1 lit- five-year-obi Advance Guard carried l-« pounds; the Ihree-year-oM mils llermis and Sombrero, 117 pounds, and Ihe three-year-oM til l.y Gunflre, 111 pounds. Blues was the favorite at 2% to 1. while Hermin wa second choice at :: to 1, but Rims had nothing bo do with the lini-h. although be led around n the homestretch. Here Hermls passed him and. drawing away, aaally won by two lengths in 2:00%, with .i!-iii-ula ii- second and Juiitin- third. Then- wa- no getting away from the high class of this performance, so when iii-iniis n.-xi appeared In public it was made manifest thai the oehcial bamllcapper of the Jockey Club had taken notice and waa deeply Impressed. This was in the Deeanview Handicap, at a mile and a sixteenth. Given 1-d i nils, he ran tin- distance la 1:48 and won easily from Iluntressa. .is pounds; Igniter, 110, and Andy William-. 1H7. Al Morris Iaik. October 7. he won the Jerome Handh-ap, at a mile . and a quarter in 2:OOV4, and. carrying l- ; pounds agabi, defeated Hunter Kalne, 1k» pounds; .mi Paul, i in. ami Numeral, 03. Ills la-t race ol that year was over the same track, October 13, in the Mamaroneck Handicap, i,.r all ages al a mile and a quarter. He had a crack hand of older opponents d vanquish, but .:;.! ii in lim- style while giving all of tlu-m weight, the starters, weights ami order of finish being Hermls, 120 i Is: Warranted, 87: Advance Guard, 1-1: Herbert, 110; Carbuncle, hmi. and Royal. HHt. As a four-year-old Hermis did ant ripen parly and was beaten in his first seven races. II was a year . c.f smashing good horses, with sucta aa Watertsiy, Irish Africander. McCbesney, The Iieki 1 and others . of fame taking pari In Ihe great handicaps ..l the year. Hi- first win was in a parse race at Saratoga. August l.k al sevea-eighths .r a mile. In which, carrying ls poands, be wmi from Molly Brant, 103 . pound : Kigodon, 114. and Ingold, 102, in l:2K%. tugusl 15 be ran a good race when be Gnished second to | Irish in the Saratoga Champion Slakes, at a mile ami a quarter in 2:05. and ran a better one Angus! IS. when, with 124 pounds up, be won the Merchants and Citixens Handicap, at a mile and aa eighth in j 1:51%. defeating Irisli 120; Blg Mlon, in::, and Masterman, 111. Iiish I a. I was ihe favorite al evens . ami llermis was 8 to 5. Continuing his good work, be nexl woo Ihe Ocean Handicap, al Sheepsbead r.av. | September IL. and in doing si. ran a mih- in 1:30% with lJ7 p. muds up, defeating Mollie Brant, Doaro ami : hve other fasl ones. In the Century Stakes, at a mih- and a half, be ran f ih in Water boy, The Plckel and I term in 2:31%, and i n September 7 ran second to the western crack, McCbesney, in a tremendous ran- for the Twin Ity Handhrap, at a mile and a quarter. Bach of the two great racers carried H.:.i poands and Mi-riii-m-v wn bj Ivmi lengths iu 2:04%. Hi- Knilnence. carrying 101 pourols, was third and nine more ; ■ Mi-ilini handicap horses ran naptaccd. Hermls then won tivi I of l-i- sis remaining races of I.m:; tiii-i were a parse at Uravesend, a parse al Morris Park, the Cup Preliminary and the Brhthton Cup -it r.i,-! Beach and the Kdgemere Stakes al Aqueduct. He was beaten al Morris Park bj Mamip Worth 1 in a parse rai-p. In tin-cup Preliminary, at a mile ami a hall, all carrying l:M pounds, be defeated Major Djingerfieui and Igniter In "J::".-".-.. Bat when it raaae to the rnnning ol the Brighton Pop, al t.n miles i m ! a quarter. Major Daingerneld was made the larorite uader the impression thai In- irouitl stay the long | route 1 -. ■ I ; • -i- than Hermls. Imi good horse that he was. Hermis waa bis master and won a great race by eight length In 3:53%. Igniter was third and Allan anplaced. Iu ItsM Hermls was still a high-class race horse. He won his lirst race, a parse at MerrM Park, la i which be carried I2S I ids and ran :i mile in I :-..• ,, defeating roboggan. Hello ami lour more, but in liis i nexl race, the Brooklyn Handicap, at Gravesend, May Jii. he ra iplaced lo The Picket. Irish lad and 1 1-i-i.|iii- bat, with 1-7 |» I- ti| .. finished fourth ami ran a greal race, hi- old rival, Met In mey, being one i.l tin- twelve which finished i-.-himl him. In Ihe Standard Stakes, al the » • meeting, be was lieaten b Mafor IhtingerOeld and Africander, but had better link iu the Brookdale Handicap, which he won from i Ha ni. Alii, ami. r and two more, rnnning iis mile and an eighth In 1:52% and carrying i: pounds Nexl I he lidl in for one .•!" the Iul-. handicaps himself wlien. al Sheepsiiead r-ay. June Ifi, be won Ihe t2t nun i Hnlj six started, but they w,n- giants, being Hermis, 1.!, pounds; Tl»e Picket, 124; n-i-h I ad _ 127; Proper, 110; Major Daingerneld, 122, and Africander, Vl . Irish Lad was rls ravorlte al :» lo 10 but i llermis led all Ihe way and won by three lengths In 2:05. .ilh The Picket second am! Irish third Hi- next race was for Hie 0,000 Worlds Pair Handicap, at St. Louis. Jane 25. iu which, mi a heavy , track with 130 pounds on his hack, he ran second to Ihe light! weighted Colonial t!irl. which carried OT r ivmn.1-. Mobarili ran third ami nine more were unplaced. Time l.i Its mile and a quarter, Liih.. His , , ,,l, other ran- thai ir was in the Test Hamlicap ol a mile nl Brighton Beacb. July l». in which he cai r | l ;:; | its and. iiinuin. Ihe distance in l:3 lefeated Beldame, Dainty, Wild Thyme and Dick Bern ard |n the best races ever run al the distaas ■. Hi- ia-i year of racing was 1905, in which he ran l-nl three races, all al Brighton Beach Then- h.-wmi a purse and the i-lin Handicap and wa- luiplncod in the Il-t Hamlicap. In the Klip, al a mile and 1 n eighth, be ran Ihe distance in 1 "•_ with I"--: I ..mid- up. defeating Buttling. IfS i ml : Bad Mews. 114 ,. ,i even more. So far as i- known be i now in the stod In liam-. M i:,i M | Blaue having bought him ■ 1 after Ihe death of Plyiag Fox, ami mated him with a greal hand of hi- broodmares. Bat for the war his s lu | ,i,,p ni i w. i ..ear i. Ids there would ran- this year. Hi- record and pedigree n. 1 ,.,,-. Age. Bts 1st 2nd. 3rd. I ep. Won. looi * 5 -; s $ i. -Jin „ » 1" I !!».-j 2 I 24 36. lui: 4. 18 9 4 1 4 24005 r.mi r I 4 1 1 1 3L235 fi " " . I«j05 J J2 •:-■•"r• " Total toi K •" 8 C 13 4,210 r „ , Oxford jltih Blrdcatcber StertlBg 1 ,ii ,„ j |,,.,, J v hisper . j rial, al her f iMOoaaj- ] , Silence i 1 , , , ,, »04 kwill j The Bare* I** h «« j I Poeabonl is -- ****** i Bthetttert „ j n"niHn f «« iimi | fi C » w min-1, -r ""list f Henall I Bees lag "1 I I s,- -lii-imi i radium- , , t .„, * a Thehala. ....... M|.s s.i|..n »*2 I l .-I.-kw. si... kw.ii n • Baron rf| LDm ■ j |W:|1 a- S and Alnsiii j Touchstone « * Sacrifice W . , / I vi "I- -i I v,, ll-ll i, llllll. i; ,, . J. Melbourne ,. ■ ,- Mowei ,..,.:,,., ma f n hralian 1 I rasradthrif. j Ib-hu jr:;i:;:,,ri"ili"s 5 . j Bosh i , ai I I i-.lili- lLexiagtaa Ali,„ ,..„.,„.., , olKatyafthe J C ri.-rine V. . . [u!HTt , | J I Melody r ,.,,.., , J t Stockwell ll.lairA hoi B i-i;„i i,„„,,r *"""* • fPrlace Charlie. . I i I / Casti-rn Priacess... j undin- l Il-niiM.. j _ ltm _ % JToeayrta | I Plan, t j Revenue i_ Perala * -N ":t « Louisa Vmk liir- Mare l . Ain.lMipse