General News Notes of the Day, Daily Racing Form, 1915-07-13


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. The Pr.n.h ofaeial statement admitted iii v success of iii Hermans near Roaches mill said: "There was great activity during the night upon varhmi port ■ of the front, in the sectm of Arras the i n my. after having launched ■ large Dumber ol asphyxiating projectiles, attempted toward midnight to the -ouih of Soucbes .-in attack, whiek failed. A secoad attack ahoal two la the morning poimitt.d him to occupy the cemetery and -oiiii- sections of the trenches Immediate!] adjacent. A desperate battle with band grenades t«H,i. place in the doselj situated treaehes t" the southeast of Neaville-St. Vaast without appreciable gala hi either aide. tl|mn the plateux to the north of Mae region ol Quenncvicrea and De NoUTron the lmm-bardiaent oa both sides was particularly violent. in the Argoane there was lighting with bomlai and wines in v 1 1 i i i oar artillery Joined. In the Woevre the eaemj violently cannoaded Freanea Ba Woevre with projectiles of ail calibers and attempted several attacks, on. mar Saalx ea Woevre, the others in the fores! of Apremoat :it Vaax Fery aad the Cows Head. They were everywhere repnlaed. In the Foxges the Germans exploded a mine in he proximitj of nor positiona to the aoathwesl "f Al-iertswlller, thea delivered .i strong attack with several rompanies which was throwa back with im-partaat losers. v made aoaae prisoners.* Important aad bloody lighting t ► «ii place in Flanders Sunday night. f this, tlie official account given mil .ii Berlin yesterday, said: "111 the north-era slope of hill 80, to the southwest ..; Vpres, :i pari .1 be English position was blaaa tip. A battle :it close quarters on the aeatern Ismndary «.i Sniii hi 7. i- progressing. The mueh-fought-for cemetery to the sooth of 1 Viae be a, sitaated on the r«.ud In Arras, again is in «iir possession. It was captared last aight by storm after a aeree struggle. At Oombres and la the rarest .r All] the enemy commenced an attack last night after :— 1 1 ■ ■ 1 ■ _i nrttllerj preparations. Near IVuahres the in-iny succeeded In penetrating oar line, but were driven out again, in the forest r Ailly aa enemy in fantrj attack broke down under oar Sre in froat • it cnr positions. In the north hill- in the Ban-de Sapt n srctioo of woods was cleared "i r 1 it caentie At Ammerzweiler, northwest of Altkirch. we made n iwptlse attach nat aa eaemj divlaina in their treaehes. An enemy posit ion u:is captareil over n wiiith of 500 yards. Oar troops anally weal back int" their own Ifaae f trenches in accord :un-i- wiiii nor plaaa, iMkint; ,1 few prlaoaera with tbeaa, anaaoh steel i.. the eneayr." Following evacaathm by the Eapatistas, the Coa-stitatlonalists are in control ..f llexico City. The Kapata tmopa ksfl earlj Hatarday morniag awl ■ rarraaaa force oeeapled the city in the afteraoon. Geaeral Gonaales has sent to Carranaa :i complete uicouiit or the taking of the City of Mexico. He ays the eatire city is in Ins possession. As n re-viilt of the aghl the Zapatistas lost over 3,500 iin-ii in killed aad woaaded, tour c.-intion aad Immense quantities of arms and ammunition. After their defeat tli«. Zapatistas began evaeaating the lily. Seeing toward Cnernavaea, n the sooth. Tliey were followed by a portion of Goasales1 army, while other forcea were dispatched to Baak the ilrehiL: reactionaries aad to -nt their retreat several miles south of the ciiy. Reports stated that Gonaales already Inis reaped several trains of provisbms into the it. to the relief of tboosaads of destitute civilians, aad that the arrival of these trains caused great demoostrations in favor of the constitn-tiotialisi. tflk-ers of ail governmental departments nrc leaving Vera Craa today for Mexico City, where the constitutionalist capital will he maintained. The permanent re-eatablishment of the old capital is expected In a fea days. With the reran to work yesterday or 12.I.0O0 bnilding trades workers who have been Idle since May I, Chicagos biggest building boom in recent history was declared to be aader waj by City Bonding Commissi. .iiei- Charles Bostrom. Fiftj million dollars worth of bnilding eonstraction tor which permits have been issiie.i by the department has been held ap by the strike. Today the bailding .immissioiiei cleared the decks in his offices for a record rush far balMiag permits. Termination of the strike has cleared the way tor city Improvements ,.s well as private coaatmctioa work. Ill--ciiy will paj s2.oho.inhi in coast met ion work doring the -iim r, the largest items on which expenditures are made being the manleipal pier, the bathoaae at the new Clarendea avenae beach, constroctl if n imiiil •■■ of new police ami are stations aathoriaed in the W1SS badge! and the eaalpmeal of ground* adjoining sd I liooses a small parka. Details of the desperate lighting which reealted in the capture of lh. sninmit of Hilgenfirst, more than 3,808 let high, in the Laagenfeldopf region, are given In an account of the struggle written by an official eyewitness with the French army, "la the aghl for the captare of the emmeace," aays the eyewitness, "one company of our sdvaace guard • forced a breach in the German lines a la cat oiv from it- battalion as the resalt ol 1 Gcrmaa roanter attack. This company, nevertheless, succeeded in maintainiiiu the conqnered position font-days until finally rdiVed. iiur men defemling the pofdtioa oamltered 137, mclnding Bve officers. One officer and twenty-seven men were woaaded. The general in command d the army in the Vosges -aid. in complimenting flic men tor their bravery, ii,. com pan j henceforth sboald !»■ called Cominnj sid Ibrahim." Veaterday ih navy department officials at Wash Ingtoa aw. lit., 1 responses from the British steamships How th Head and Baron Napier, laden with mules ioi- the British army and bow oil the sootii Atlantic coast, lo a warning wirelessed to them to watch "in for bombs in their hold-. vessels sailed from Men laly D, the llowth Head t,,:- Dublin and Belfast, ia Norfolk, and the Baron Napier dlrecl for Avooasoeth. The warning waa dashed out ls*oadcast over the sea lr the Arlington wireless station last night following the receipt bj Secretary Daniels of a telegram from a , w Orleans newspaper stating that a letter to that paper lioai 1 perwoa who signed himself as ..|.,..,. -,.,.•• indicated that explosives had hen placed aboard be two vessels. Tin- German submarine which sank the Laaitaaia I :1s he. 11 captared bj the British in one of the Kng lisli channel nets and the idBcers and crew iinpris ,,,,,,1. This iras the statemeal made in New iork resterdaj by lewis chiih Lewis, ifteen-year-old son of a partner In the arm of Lewi* I Lewis, w,.i arrived with bis annl. .Mrs. .1. ffimmonds, who rorohorated the lioys story, oa the American liner vi 1 -. 1 ni. Voting l -.K saM that two a*eeks before the St. Paul leit Rngland his rather, who is closely connected with government -our es of in-tuinia lion, told him ol the capture. A -heal of questions designed to secure a dis u--ioii "f the shell cimrrnversy and the differew between Davfal I ,lo d ■ leorge, the mlnistei of muni lions and riscoitiit Haldane, former minister of war. U1- posed in h- boose of commons yesterday ai!.r mam, 1. in Premier Asiroitfa Brmb ileclloed to satl fj the laqolring memberK. The prim, minister |deailed 1 ti: I : 1 1 1 such discosslon hi the pie-. ait il .11111 . 1. mi- c.iii.i nerve ao good porjsme ami that ii Would be to the nations heat Interests. Lard Kitchener aad Premier A-.piith witnessed 1I1, repulse ol :i German eoonter-attaek agabtsf the Ihilish lines north ol Vpres on July 7. an ,4eye witness" statement declared From Vpres they were divea northward to the Belgian froat and conferred with King Albert. In a two-days tour along the battle front Lord Kitchener Inspected practically the whole British expeditionary force and aoaae French aalta. Fronie Berne. Rwltaetiand, a dispatch "f yesterday- aays: "The laal sixteen Prussian casually li-ts contain the names of U.7I7 officers and men killed ami wounded, making total Prasaiaa wanes to the end of June I.5IM.523. This dH-s not in elude H.i Saxon casualty lists, iiti Bavarian li-i -. 211 iirteml.iii ;: li-l- and thirty si navy li-t-." Sav- a dispatch fr Pari* yesterday: "l.a I.ih- erte -.ns that the Idea Nastoaale of Koine has re-celTed the fallowing uotc vised by the. ceasorNews from Athens nnd SYifin ndvises ns thnt the sultnn ha- been dead several days and that the young Turks are biding the new-, feariag political com- 1 lications. ■ A Constantinofile dispatch of Sunday clalma that a British battleship of the Lord Nelson m*. was heavily shelled by Turkish forts near Gabs lehe Saturday night and forced to withdraw. Several of the Turkish projectiles exploded over the warships deck and are In lie imI to have done considerable damage. Croaaed electric wlr«a caused ■ slight fire in "lie Ol the turret- ot the United State- battleship Ala-Lima at the Philadelphia navy yard Sunday. A number of Sonday visitcra who wen- aboard were hastily -cat ashore and the blase extinguished before any damage was done. ihe Atlantic transport lin.T Minnehaha, which put In at Halifax, N. s.. aftet the explosion and lue .at hoard l.i-t Wednesday lulled tor l-oudon Sunday night. All of the maoMerhkg freight had been renaoved arid the tire • pletely extingnished. A Christiania dispatch to the London Dally Mail aays that twenty foar German steamer-, which took refuge in Norwegian pints since the. beginning of the war. have hi 1 these ports darim; the last fea days for an unknown destination.

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Local Identifier: drf1915071301_3_1
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