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OWNERS AND HORSES FOR RENO RACING. Denver, Colo., July 12 sine, the dosing of the Mmmcf meeting ;• t Overland Park oti Jul] 5 more tliaii 200 horses have becu shipped from here to Reno, Nev . for the racing to be held -Inly 17 to August 21. Inclusive, under the direction of tin; Nevada Sti t Racing Commission. following is the red id ol -I .iptii. nts to date: R G Brown. 2: Henry Butler, .;: W. R Button, 2; C. W Chappell, 1: J. N. Mounce, 10: W. Covins ton. 2: W. P Bolt, I; T. A. Buries, 2: E. . Domp aey, 3; W. Fisher, 2: v. Fittler, 1: J. U. Ferguson, 8; R. Greene, 3; T. I!. Hatfield, 8; Cal !!• nry, 2: II. W. rioag, 6; .v James, :;: C. Lawless, l : Al Morgan, 0; Fred Mallory, 4: J. W. Murphy, 2: W. rtii lip* 2: E. M. l,hilli|»s, 2: 1!. S. plu kett. 1: A. U. Aadei n. 2; J. W. Parker, I: .1. .1 iiuinlau. ::: E. J Ramtsev, 9; Iran!. Rhlnehart 11: J. F. Strife, 3; V. . Met lintoek. 2: D. McClinturk. 1: James MrCarty, ::: Jolin M Uulre, I; A. C. Niehaus, 2; Nevada Stock Farm, 12; A. N.:,l. »; James Neil, 1: c. W. Parks. 2; J. Pteiter, 1: L. Stone, 2: W Singlet, n. II; F. T. H * l U". Scnltl . 1 ; Smith, 1 : I. flgue, -: It. Tulle 1 1 2: O. I". Ri uiigb. 10; halite and Co.. I: G rg Van Gordo; I: W. . W sal 0, and W. II Tuliey, B. The sit pels include the loll. .win,- well !. horses: Carom •! i. Frank Patterson, Sheffield. Loan Shark Ml Tel it. Lescar. Fela. Black in.. ■. Light Knight, us torn House, Ur. ■ J. uir I Bus ter, Cal ;•• t Auuu-i as I !• iuz k. t. I..i.i cm. ■■ i B. Flossie, 1 i.t//, SI Avano, Toad I Vnt Jak • ter, l:.i :.. I no. Orbo Smili N n l . Blue Racer, una. u Obll i -c I ••. t .1 i ..- m !-..! . Stauliehl Cal Ll i:1-. 1 1. a an, Cecil Csnteui. Eel Davis, Ben** Brol hi I . A . Favorite. Can ipa, !;■ •. . A i :■. •■ Butter Ball. Judse 1 11 Yul«, Dowuland. GImll. The 1 i II . Z. ; D ii kej , Ml i lark, Jol n houw. Met- ropol tan, Pont rraet, su er Faei . Waal B ll Star Shooter. Celesta, Fai C tha r, Nebraska I a . I nstina, Ed Cndilioe. Ztnkand, Phil Mohr. London Girl, Mary Emily. Ida Cummhigs, Wap. Jenny iaw ford, Bvanis Stafford. Robert Mantell, Eontenay, Old Bob, Hardy, Seneca. Be, HeUry Valbank. Executor Ida Pinack. M . tn - . Chas. Roeta, Clint Tucker La Envj C ostei irl Itol lis. Miss Marios, Bi Van Tillj and others. Hard Ball and Wild Bear, owned i, j. . Mounce, arc en route from Kentucky. The following officials have been eh sen: A. I. Do. son. pp tiding Judpi : W W. F mi, m inager and ■asoclate Judge; J. j. Qoltasaa, stcvrard; c. D. BtertMWi siurter,